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Does anyone have a name for this Ambassador?

In GDW's "Supplement 09 - Fighting Ships"
An entry read:
"Imperial Ambassador to Chronor (0304 Spinward Marches) assassinated; "Pantheress" (a "Tigress" class dreadnought) dispatched to receive the body of the Imperial Ambassador to Chronor upon her death by assassination in 1104. Given the circumstances of her death, it was difficult for the Consulate to object."

Does anyone have any information on the Ambassador's name?
No. It's mentioned in GT: Starships, but no further information is available. I checked the TNS archive on the wiki, so there's no information.
No. It's mentioned in GT: Starships, but no further information is available. I checked the TNS archive on the wiki, so there's no information.

Thank you for checking but it looks as though I will have to use my own made up name as currently in the item I am planning. As the game I will use this in approaches, I will polish it more

So far, the news item I plan to use is:

1) where Prince Lucan has been sent to Regina/Spinward Marches to officiate over the Official designation of Norris as Arch-Duke and his True-daughter as Duchess of Regina....

Regina ( A788899-C A Ri Cp 703 Im F7V M6V M8D ) Date: 330 - 1113

In a surprise release Prince Lucan instructed the Admiral Kaskel Umkhegshii, Commander of the Tigress-Class Dreadnaught INS Laakiir Marka, to publicilly open his sealed orders. Received from the hand of the Prince himself as the ship left her slips on her maiden launch, after he'd received those orders from his father the Emperor, the words had been secret since departure from Capital itself. Before the hall and those gathered, including the Zhodani Ambassador, the officer stood and read his orders to all present.

Unto Admiral Umkhegshii, command the Laakiir Marka to assume the role of
Ambassador's Flag for Lady Shishana Elalaash, newly appointed Ambassador
to the High Council of Chronor in that system

Observers in the hall noted a hush from all who had a memory for the history of the Fifth Frontier War. For, in 1104, even as the Zhodani Consulate prepared for war, then Ambassador Lady Laakiir Marka was assassinated in the Chronor system. Very few present could miss the fact the present dreadnought was named for the fallen Ambassador. This reporter will admit to a good amount of surprise how calmly the Zhodani Ambassador and his party received the information. It was as if they had precognition of the event because there was no chance to read the mind of anyone having advanced knowledge of the orders. For, no one present had that knowledge.
In a surprise release Prince Lucan instructed the Admiral Kaskel Umkhegshii, Commander of the Tigress-Class Dreadnaught INS Laakiir Marka, to publicilly open his sealed orders. Received from the hand of the Prince himself as the ship left her slips on her maiden launch, after he'd received those orders from his father the Emperor ...
For the record, Varian and Lucan are maternal nephews of Emperor Strephon (and also his cousins through their father's line -- probably 4th cousins, but also anywhere from third to sixth, depending on generational or birth order differences down the line from Margaret II to the OTU 'present day').

Strephon only has one known issue: Princess Ciencia Iphegenia.
You're discounting or ignoring Avery, who, while not confirmed by the moot as Strephon's legal issue (due to no more moot), is Strephon and (posthumously) Iolanthe's child.
Ah, erm, urgh. That's right ... him. :rolleyes:

You hit me right square where my knowledge of the OTU drops off precipitously: TNE. Or, more specifically: post Hard Times.

It's not for there being anything I dislike about what I know of The New Era (although I am not a particular fan of Virus), it's just that I had already taken my TU off into a 'wounded colossus' variant by the time that stuff got published, and I liked what I came up with better.

Although, interestingly (to me, anyways), both MTU and TNE are set several decades after the Rebellion/Hard Times, and Deneb turned into a 'Regency' in both cases as well. My Usdiki Strephon had it an awful lot rougher though, and the Ziru Sirkaa and its Shangariim are a much more going concern ...

Back to the point: I have heard of Avery, but I always forget about him. And, to be fair, he only exists because Ciencia Iphegenia is dead.* I mean, if Strephon had been determined to have an additional heir, he could have come up with one the usual way while Iolanthe was still alive, instead of having to raid the posthumous fridge to get one. And for that matter, how far outside of Regency or Usdiki space is Strephon even acknowledged to be the actual Emperor?

But, still, you're right. He is canonically Strephon's son, and an heir.

*Which would have been a wise move, considering what might happen if someone were t -- oh, wait. There it goes now ...
You're discounting or ignoring Avery, who, while not confirmed by the moot as Strephon's legal issue (due to no more moot), is Strephon and (posthumously) Iolanthe's child.

Hmmm, so Marc is a descendent of Strephon. interesting, Or maybe a Strephon is a descendent of Marc? Much removed of course.
My Usdiki Strephon had it an awful lot rougher though
My own ATU's Rebellion has Lucan dither for a little while (trying to find out / decide if "Strephon" is really Strephon) then launch an Extermination Campaign straight at him, instead of the meatgrinder offensives against Dulinor. He does this for reasons of legitimacy, not of sound strategy. The breathing room is employed by Dulinor in building up his Coronation Fleet.