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General Don't call them a Dog?

Spinward Scout

SOC-14 5K
Vargr Astrogator: "Stop calling me a Dog."
Human Pilot: "Why?"
Vargr Astrogator: "Because it's demeaning."
Human Pilot: "What do you mean?"
Vargr Astrogator: "My people are descended from Terran Wolves."
Human Pilot: "So are Dogs."

So, what happens in your games if someone calls a Vargr a Dog?

Have Terrans given up Dogs as pets, guard dogs, drug dogs, or hunting dogs?

Does 'Dog' have a bad translation in Vargrowl or other versions of Vargr language?
Probably depends on the local jurisdiction, though android pets would likely be the easiest solution to sentient rights if you want one.

Plus, don't have to worry about the litter box.

So, what happens in your games if someone calls a Vargr a Dog?

I'd guess depending on the tone, but likely answer is for the Varg to call him primate or Austrolopithecus

Have Terrans given up Dogs as pets, guard dogs, drug dogs, or hunting dogs?

I don't expect so... (and don't forge guides for blind people)
I'd suggest people to read (if you have access to it) the article about Julian Protectorate in Challenge issue 49 (pages 18-37) about the interacions about Humans and Vargr. Special interest, IMHO, is the part named Julian Society: life in Asimikigir.

It described, among other things, a relation called "panet", which is a special friend of the other race on equal terms, with bonds not unlice those among a person and his pet, but where you could not tell who has each role.

One key sentence of it is:

The Julians have apparently discovered something largely overlooked for centuries: simply put, Vargr and Humans like one another

As it happens all too often, most inter-races misstrust and hating come from ignorance, and when they know one another, mostof it uses to desapear.
So, what happens in your games if someone calls a Vargr a Dog?
When used, it's almost always as an insult.

As with such words today, it may be reclaimed by the targeted group -- but only generally for use within the targeted group. Outsiders should tread very carefully when doing so.

Still, the idiom "you lucky dog" probably will be ok...
Have Terrans given up Dogs as pets, guard dogs, drug dogs, or hunting dogs?
No. But Vargr see them in the same context as we'd see primates as pets.
Does 'Dog' have a bad translation in Vargrowl or other versions of Vargr language?
Depends on context. "Wolf" generally gets translated with a more positive connotation.
Vargr reactions to being called ‘dog’ in any context will vary across the Vargr ethnicities from Aekhu to Suedzuk. Being called a ‘wolf’ when the the vast majority of Vargr have seen neither a dog or a wolf is little better. This is an interstellar species that never evolved beside canines on their homeworld of Lair. Thus, one has to put themselves in the shoes of the Vargr who is then compared to an animal they’ve never seen, seen image-captures or read zoology reports on the species they resemble. Next is to ask if the Vargr being called ‘dog’ or ‘wolf’ is familiar with and/or accepts the Solomani Hypothesis or not. Finally, consider the time-frame in which Vargr may have yet to visit Terra System to have a look at dogs and/or wolves to decide for themselves if the Ancients knew what they were doing Chosing to uplift the Vargr.

Opinions will vary widely depending on the listener and the speaker. Are the terms being used in a positive context or as pejorative? Will an Irilitok say, “Okay, you got me there. I’m just another ‘cutesy-pie’ Vargr dog that Humaniti is responsible for breeding to be servile pets and slaves during the Long Night. Nice of you.” Will a hard-boiled Suedzuk bare fangs and demand an instant apology or expect a Charisma duel even though the speaker may or may not be Human? Can we expect a huge Urzaeng to simply say nothing and throw down on the speaker, even if they are a towering Aslan or Virushii? Have the integrated Aekhu of the Imperium just integrated, or have they been in Deneb Sector for some time and become inured to the terms? Does the speaker even know what a ‘dog’ or a ‘wolf’ is, or are they using the words ignorantly second-hand since they have only heard them used before by others?

Ask your Vargr aboard your ship if he has ever called Humans monkeys, apes, flat-faces, tail-less bastards, crystal ego, or other racist term. Has that Vargr ever compared an Aslan to a cat? Does he or she even know what a cat is aside from a Ship’s Cat, (look it up)? You will find a spectrum of answers and reactions.

“Why do you Humans call it a hotdog?”

The variables in the speaker’s intent and the reactions of the listener will be wide and colorful to add vibrant interactions between the Vargr and the speaker. If you feel safe enough to call a fanged, clawed, canine Ancients uplift a racial slur, are you ready to have one fired back at you?

Just some things to consider while my Vargr files his claws just before Claw Art class at the dojo.
1. The Solomani almost certainly going to be taking along cats and dogs into space, and since they'll spread into the Sinward Marches, the Aslan and the Vargr have a very good idea what they are being compared to.

2. I don't recall if the Vargr kidnap humans during their raids, and then breed them as slaves.
In my universe "after centuries of conflict Imperial attitudes toward Vargr are hardened: they are lawless, cruel "dogs.""

Consequently, they dont really talk to each other, and if they do, dog and naked ape are par for the course
A Vargr that doesn't know what a dog is might be confused.
A Vargr that doesn't know what a dog is, but understands that it's some kind of insult, might ignore it or reply with an insult.
A Vargr might not care what a dog is, but considers fighting as a good reply to an insult.
A Vargr who is smart or quick witted and knows what a dog is could turn the tables on the human.
A Vargr's Human friend teaches the insulting Human a quick lesson in manners...
An Uplifted Ape Bartender pulls out a shotgun and tells the Human & Vargr to take it outside...
A Military CO decides to have both do some boring/grueling activity for a long enough period of time together that not only will this incident not happen again but is also a deterrent to others who think the same way.
And many others.
By the Far Future, I would figure dog translators and possibly surgery or genetic engineering would have allowed for talking dogs.
Oh great, now I'll be picturing a dog talking every time I see one, like I expect a Raccoon standing up and talking now after a certain movie.

though android pets would likely be the easiest
That robot dog is creepy when they put the long neck on it.

Just some things to consider while my Vargr files his claws just before Claw Art class at the dojo.
Funny, I pictured that while I was reading.

it may be reclaimed by the targeted group -- but only generally for use within the targeted group. Outsiders should tread very carefully when doing so.
So, we could expect to see a Vargr Corsair or Vargr Mercenary Unit Commander calling their team "The Dogs of War" as a middle finger to Humans?
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If I had 1MCr, well I'd buy you a monkey. Haven't you always wanted a monkey?

I have, in fact, always wanted a monkey. My wife is horrified by the idea. I once dragged her to an exotic pet store to look at monkeys. The price was prohibitive; this was probably a lucky break in hindsight, as our home has been feces-flinging-free for the entirety of our marriage.

Back on topic: I once played a character that was a human raised by vargr. Although the GM was well aware of it and played through the Charisma stuff well, the other players and their characters were unaware, because I *looked* human. The "crazy" behaviour only made sense after several games wherein we eventually met some old crewmates of mine.