Supplement Four
SOC-14 5K
For some time now, I've been toying with methods for introducing experience and character growth rules into Classic Traveller. Some of the "fun" in many RPGs is had by a player in guiding and developing his character. Say what you will about the d20 system and all it's character levels and un-ending stream of DMs on a roll (I'm not a big fan of the d20 system either), but it is kinda neat to grow a character with "special abilities" in feats and skills and such. Players delight when they achieve a new level and can finally do "fill in the blank"....
Traveller, though, isn't made that way. It's not that kind of game--especially Classic Traveller. Sure, CT has an experience system, but it's a long road (4+ game years) before a character can increase a skill level.
I didn't want to upset that balance. Classic Traveller IS few but broad skills. I don't want to "change" that aspect of CT--because it opens a whole new can of worms with repercussions down many hallways.
No, CT needs to remain "Few and Broad Skills".
But...where does that leave us...those that want our players to experience the joy of developing a character?
Whelp, I think I've hit on a compromise.
What if a player couldn't easily increase his character's skill levels...but could, through his role playing and contribution to the night's gaming session, increase his character's skill level for a single task throw?
What we're talking about here is players earning positive DM's (which basically increase skill level for a single throw) as a reward (like experience points) for roleplaying well.
Follow on, my young lads and ladies, as I put this idea up for discussion....
Drawing on Experience
Traveller, though, isn't made that way. It's not that kind of game--especially Classic Traveller. Sure, CT has an experience system, but it's a long road (4+ game years) before a character can increase a skill level.
I didn't want to upset that balance. Classic Traveller IS few but broad skills. I don't want to "change" that aspect of CT--because it opens a whole new can of worms with repercussions down many hallways.
No, CT needs to remain "Few and Broad Skills".
But...where does that leave us...those that want our players to experience the joy of developing a character?
Whelp, I think I've hit on a compromise.
What if a player couldn't easily increase his character's skill levels...but could, through his role playing and contribution to the night's gaming session, increase his character's skill level for a single task throw?
What we're talking about here is players earning positive DM's (which basically increase skill level for a single throw) as a reward (like experience points) for roleplaying well.
Follow on, my young lads and ladies, as I put this idea up for discussion....
Drawing on Experience