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E-Tools for T20

Has anyone made a T20 plugin for E-tools, or can any of you tell me which file to edit to add the classes, extra abilities, races, et cetera myself?
Well, first, it's *not* illegal so I don't know where you got that from.

If the original poster means *the* E-Tools produced by WoTC for D&D3E, in order for them to include a T20 module they'd have to work with the folks @ QLI.

If they're talking about modifing that e-tools talbes themselves; they can do that to their heart's content. Not only is it not illegal as long as they don't try to sell the T20 e-tools they're not in violation of the law in any-way. You can modify your own property in way you see fit as long as you don't interefere with the creator of the product's profit-making capabilities.

If they're talking about home-written stuff that one can get for gree off the 'net; that too is legal and in no way intereferes or breaks the copyright of T20.

So, I'm not sure why you *think* it's illegal......

So I say, modify away and have fun.
I just said it 'seems' illegal. Altering software without permission just seems wrong.

As an ex-programmer, it's all a bit close to home, y'know?
Actually, I believe that Fluid Entertainment released eTools with the intentions that people could and would modify their database to include homegrown stuff. The code was supposed to be included with the patch that was released, but I think WOTC stepped in on that one, so modifying the code base and selling the results would not be a good idea. Way too much of the BAB and Saving throw progressions are hardcoded in eTools, which is going to require access to the code to make proper changes.

Honestly, I think it'd be a heck of a lot easier and more likely to be successful to work with PCGen to accomplish what you are looking for.

Best of luck, though,
Originally posted by Kestry:
I just said it 'seems' illegal. Altering software without permission just seems wrong.

As an ex-programmer, it's all a bit close to home, y'know?
Yup, that makes total sense; no flame intended and hope I didn't offend ya. Guess you're not on the Open source side that figures programmers shouldn't get paid for their work then ;)
Nope, not offended, and a big believer in open source, if it's always intended to be such.

I think the guys doing PCGEN are geniuses, and probably have the skills to do it. E-Tools, IMHO, isn't that great, mostly because of the problems noted above.
Originally posted by Kestry:

I just said it 'seems' illegal. Altering software without permission just seems wrong.

As an ex-programmer, it's all a bit close to home, y'know?
Well, I don't know about you but I think he was referring to the data file and not the software engine itself.

Anyhoo, to be an effective electronic aid for RPG, particularly for D&D, d20, or any OGL based games, the application should be able to store information (like class, feats, skills) like a database. e-Tools comes close but no cigar. PCGen is pretty damn close, the the folks who develop the software (recently formed a company, CodeMonkey) is in negotiation to acquire electronic rights of Wizards' material (those not featured in the System Reference Document).

I'm sure they're hammering out the details of the agreement, so let's hope that something good comes out of it.

On to T20, I recalled Hunter mentioning QuikLink Interactive (maker of GRiP) will develop a T20 electronic tool.
Boy did I open up a can of worms or what? :eek: All I was really interested in was adding the two stats of EDU and SOC and I wasn't sure how to do that not being much of a programmer, myself. PCgen huh? Who makes that and how much is it?
By the way I wasn't looking to "sell" anything. You see I am using T20 rules for a fantasy campaign our group is working on and it would be easier to generate characters using e-tools or something like it.
Originally posted by Kevin Livingston:
Boy did I open up a can of worms or what? :eek: All I was really interested in was adding the two stats of EDU and SOC and I wasn't sure how to do that not being much of a programmer, myself. PCgen huh? Who makes that and how much is it?
Try here. It's free at present.

Of course, PCGen is not the only generator software. Role Playing Master, Faster Tools, etc. But PCGen is coming out on top because they already have third-party support from third-party publishers.
Originally posted by Ellros:
</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Kevin Livingston:
PCgen huh? Who makes that and how much is it?
Try here. It's free at present.
</font>[/QUOTE]And it will remain free forever... (It's certainly possible that some data files may cost money at some time in the future, or that they may only be available as a download from a book publisher, or something like that. But the program will always remain free.) As it uses the LGPL license it will be kind of hard to make it commercial as long as *anyone* feels that it should be freely available. :)

/Jonas, who is one of the PCGen developers. And likes T20.
Well I now have both programs and I still don't know how to add Education, Social Status, and Life Blood. Anyone know how to do this for either program (E-Tools or PCGen)?
Originally posted by Kevin Livingston:
I guess no one does huh?
Hi Kevin,

I would recommend popping into http://groups.yahoo.com/group/pcgen about PCGen questions, however I'm not sure how "open source" they are and therefore don't know if you would be able to modify what you need without a "campaign" module enhancement. The problem is that due to D20/OGL/OGC compliance we might not see a T20 useable version for some time. I know the folks at AEG are working on getting Spycraft back into PcGen but it would likely require QuickLink to take the initiative to contact them about it.

Originally posted by LcKedovan:
The problem is that due to D20/OGL/OGC compliance we might not see a T20 useable version for some time. I know the folks at AEG are working on getting Spycraft back into PcGen but it would likely require QuickLink to take the initiative to contact them about it.

-W. [/QB]
According to this

and the website

So what does this mean for the Wizards data files? Well here's the deal as we worked out with Wizards, and this is to the benefit of e-Tools users as well;
1) The data sets will be made available on CMP's website for a small fee. And by small, we're talking between $1-5.
2) Within a set amount of time after any books released of Wizards products into PCGen format; you will see a data set for e-Tools.
some of the wizards IP stuff will be coming out for PCGen (and first) for a small fee. I personally would gladly shell out $5-$10 for a similar data set for PCGen. And if they get e-tools working I would consider buying it.
