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Empty Hexes...

That is a very good point. A tanker ship that only has a Jump Drive (much like a X-Boat) would logically have been designed, I would think, in the Imperium. Instead of a cargo hold, it's all fuel tankage - plus a spot to hold a smaller ship. A battle tender, more or less for non-combat ships.


A Dyson Sphere in an "Empty Hex" would be significant mass. And you wouldn't know it was there by looking through a telescope.
Getting caught in that gravity well would be a serious bitch.

Originally posted by TheEngineer:
Hi Hal,

regarding the space debris....

I would not expect a signaficant bunch of large compact masses out there which will throw you out of jump space....there might a probability for that to happen, but thats the referees decision.
Its mass density even is not big enough to distort light passing through in a measureable way.

The objects I would consider to be NASTY in outer space are high velocity particles or even larger chunks (maybe up to a few kg) of material, which might hurt space constructions badly and make movement risky.

So, these surroundings will not interfere with normal jump procedures...
, except if you need a large mass to get out, which might be of course quite difficult in an are far far away from large aggregation centers.

But nevertheless I like the idea of a deep space site or an unbound planetary body out there. A very nice setting for a dark and depressive adventure...


A densitometer would most likely pick up something that has the area of 25,000 earths (or is that just a ringworld), so I'm going to have to use that, most definitely. I don't think it would hide well, either. I would think that it would really block out a lot of stars behind it. Through a telescope, I'll bet it could be mistaken for a black hole. Unless it reflects light, and then it would stand out like a beacon.

Oooh, I just had an evil thought - what if pulsars are really partial spinning (i.e. orbiting) ringworlds. That would get someone's attention in space. But I digress (and seem to be doing a lot of that today).

