S t a r p o r t C l a s s S h i p T y p e N o t e s
2d6 A B C D E X * = roll 1d6 below
2 - - - - - - DMs = -1 if S Base, +2 if N Base
3 * * - - - - 1 = 20t Launch
4 * * - - - - 2 = 30t Boat
5 * * * * - - 3 = 40t Pinnace
6 S Y * * - - 4 = 95t Shuttle
7 A S (A) (*) - - 5 = 1d3 50t Cutters
8 Y A R A (*) - 6 = 2d3 10t Fighters
9 R M (T) (C) (A) (T) A = 200t Free Trader
A M S S (S) (T) (A) C = 800t Mercenary Cruiser
B T R (C) (T) (S) (C) M = 600t Subsidized Liner
C S C M S (C) (S) R = 400t Subsidized Merchant
D C A (S) (A) - - S = 100t Scout/Courier
E T S - - - - T = 400t Patrol Cruiser
F S T - - - - Y = 200t Yacht
DMs = +1 if S Base, +2 if N Base;(bracketed) indicates may be pirate
You could also try moving the future position of the missile to coincide with the target's future position from the start. No need to wait.Originally posted by Jeffr0:
Also, the "standard missiles." If they always go towards the present position counter, then they are a cinch to evade and the zig zag all around. Maybe they'd never hit. The esteemed Robert Prior suggested having the missile move towards the future position counter once the missile's future position counter reaches the target's present position counter.
Well, lower tech levels and higher law levels sort of require them, but if you mean the Marines/cutlass thing then that would probably be written off as a fumble in the original rules. One of the first issues of JTAS made an attempt to justify it but subsequent editions toned blade combat skill down to a more reasonable level.Finally, some sort of brief explanation of why people use swords in an era of laser beams would be good.
You could also try moving the future position of the missile to coincide with the target's future position from the start. No need to wait.Originally posted by Jeffr0:
Also, the "standard missiles." If they always go towards the present position counter, then they are a cinch to evade and the zig zag all around. Maybe they'd never hit. The esteemed Robert Prior suggested having the missile move towards the future position counter once the missile's future position counter reaches the target's present position counter.
Well, lower tech levels and higher law levels sort of require them, but if you mean the Marines/cutlass thing then that would probably be written off as a fumble in the original rules. One of the first issues of JTAS made an attempt to justify it but subsequent editions toned blade combat skill down to a more reasonable level.Finally, some sort of brief explanation of why people use swords in an era of laser beams would be good.