Barren World (Ba): Goods from Barren Worlds are raw materials mined or gathered by the world population. They are good sources for natural resources. They are fair sources of processed resources and manufactured goods. They are poor sources of manufactured goods and novelties.
Makes more sense to me. What does everyone else think?
I find it difficult to believe that no one in the 1st, 2nd or 3rd Imperium has ever heard of Just-In-Time (JIT) delivery.
Just noticed something missing from pg 37 (Army Units Of the Imperium) from the Rebellion Sourcebook. The Table labeled EXPECTED TROOP STRENGTHS ON A SPECIFIC WORLD only goes up to TL 16.
The chart was taken from an article in JTAS #10 called Troops in the Fifth Frontier War BY MWM.
That chart goes to TL 21.
In addition, there is a 2nd chart labeled MOBILE BATTALIONS AVAILABLE FOR OPERATIONS OFF-WORLD. Very useful if you need to know how many battalions a world can provide to the Imperial Army.
I'll package this up & send it to Don today.
Just some thoughts on world generation:
Proposal #1: For Atmosphere, current rule is:
Throw 2D-7+World Size for Atmosphere. If World Size is 0, then Atmosphere is 0.
Change to: Throw 2D-7+World Size for Atmosphere. If World Size is 2-, then Atmosphere is 0. If World Size is 3-4, then Max Atmosphere is 1.
Proposal #2: Add an explicit note that if Population = 0, Government, Law Level and Tech Level are all = 0.
Proposal #3: Also for consideration, from the CT Alien Modules:
Atmosphere Effects: Certain atmospheres on worlds dictate the minimum tech level, as shown below.Atm A-B, minimum TL 8
Atm C+, minimum TL 9
Atm 2-, minimum TL 7
Atm 3, minimum TL 6
Atm 4, 7, or 9, minimum TL 5
TL 20, actually. At TL 21 you'll probably find that individual units are sent in to wipe out entire battalions in the blink of an eye.
(All chanting "Ulah!" as they do so.)
It's also available on my website. Go to
==> Tavonni Repair Bays
==> Other Assorted Notes
==> Determining Planetary Forces in the Fifth Frontier War
Proposal 2 - Don't know about this one, pop 0 doesn't mean there is 0 population, it mean there is 9 or less permanent population.
(See Gvurrdon 0439 - A0000002-G(!) Low nIn As; 2331 A000000-C Lo Ba nIn As) The 2331 world is what was driving my trade question from 16 Feb. Which trade code takes priority Lo or Ba?
Proposal 3 - I had always assumed that if there was a pop code with a hostile atmosphere for humans that the pop code was for a native race.
We do know that for Spinward Marches Campaign, the addition of population multiples to population 0 worlds was a goof. So, I'd argue strongly that Pop=0 means 0 population.
Some notes: nIn is now Ni, and errata says Ni is Pop 1-6, not Pop 0. Isn't this supposed to be:
Aek Elakfough (0439): A000000-0 Ba As 220Na K8V M7D
I'd really like to know who built that class A starport there...
Remember that in the OTU, the number of minor races is limited, so that's probably not a valid assumption for OTU. For your own universe, you can probably assume that just fine...
What I find most interesting about the tech level minimums is that they come from several Traveller products, but the ones you would NEVER look at if you were doing a revision, because those were for Alien Races.
So, someone actually figured out those minimums, and I'm simply suggesting that we add as addenda that the minimum TL for a world with those conditions (based on the OTU) should be such.
Of the three above, it's the one actually based on Traveller.
Proposal #1 is based in "reality", and Proposal #2 is based on my learning about the SMC data (which is where IE gets its SM data) from the sources.
What's interesting is that all three proposals are reflected in the worldgen debates for Mongoose's revision, but our MT addenda would actually implement them more cleanly...