Imperial Encyclopedia:
We know the ships, boats and vehicles are off. Any interest in re-evaluating them?
I ran up the standard scout:
CraftlD: S; Class: Scout; Type: Scout; TL = F (High Stellar); MCr36.3
Hull: 90/225; Disp = 100dT; Config = 1SL; Armor = 40G: 2.36 cm. Bonded Superdense
Unloaded = 833.3t. Loaded = 869.4t. + cargo
Power: Main: 4/8, Advanced Fusion = 864 Mw, Duration = 30 x24 hr. days / 90 x8 hr. days
Locom: 5/10, Maneuver = 2Gs; 3/6, Jump = 2;
NOE = 180 kph, Cruise = 750 kph, Top = 1000 kph.
Agility = 2 loaded; Agility = 2 without cargo.
Commo: Radio: TL 15 System (1000 AU) x1
ECM: none
Active Obj.: EMS Active Array: TL 14 Far Orbit (500,000 km)
ActObjScan = Active EMS: Routine (7+)
ActObjPin = Active EMS: Routine (7+)
Passive Obj.: Densitometer, Hi-P: penetration = 1 km.
PasObjScan = Densitometer, Hi-P: Routine (7+)
PasObjPin = Densitometer, Hi-P: Routine (7+)
Passive En.: EMS Passive Array: TL 14 Interstellar (2 parsecs)
Neutrino Detector: 10 kw
PasEnScan = Passive EMS: Simple (3+)
PasEnPin = Neutrino Detector: Routine (7+)
Offensive, Space: Hardpoints = 1
Defensive, Space: DefDM=4 loaded
Control: Computer= Model 1/bis x3;
Panels: TL 13 Holographic Linked x181; Special: TL 9 Heads-up Display x1
Enviro: TL 5 Basic Environment, TL 5 Basic Life-support, TL 6 Extended Life Support,
TL 10 Artificial Grav Plates, TL 10 Inertial Compensators
Accom.: Crew=3 (Bridge=2, Engineering=1)
Crew Double-occ. staterooms=4;
SubCraft: 4 dT air/raft x1;
Other: Cargo = 219 Kl available space;
Fuel = 38 dT (515 Kl); Fuel Scoops (20 dT per hour; fills tanks in 1.9 hours),
Fuel Purification Plant=6 hour purification
Significant issues include: it costs quite a lot more than listed, unloaded weight is slightly off, there's a lot more cargo space available than they think, and there's quite a lot more control panel than the thing needs even accounting for the weapons not being mounted. That and it doesn't follow MegaTrav's crew rules, which require two bridge crew and don't actually give us an alternative for these little ships (also where gunners are concerned - a scout could hypothetically need three gunners). Canonwise, there's enough space to spare to increase power levels to serve two lasers, which it can't do in its present configuration.