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Etiquette and Protocal program

In the description of this program, it states that "the CPU requirements list the base CPU requirements for a SOC score of 10 along with the CPU requirements for each point of SOC over 10." Unfortunately, the data block at the top of the program description lists cost and PP capacity, but no CPU requirements. Is the CPU requirement referring to PP capacity, or is it referring to the computer's type and model number?
Howdy AaronKohura and the rest of the board members,

Thanks AaronKohura for posting this topic. Next will be my Cr0.02 worth of comments on this topic, and finally a small confession, okay a large confession.

My interpretation for the phrase "CPU requirements list" is the third column labeled "CPU Req." of the Computer Type and Model Table on p. 224. AaronKohura's interpretation of the phrase refers to Total PP on the table.

Finally, I feel the need to let everyone know that AaronKohura and I have been discussing this topic and various other aspects of the Computer Design Sequence off the boards. Both of us have spreadsheets developed for use as an aid to the computer design sequence in T20. AaronKohura CDS spreadsheet is available for use by linking to Falkayn.com's T20 Downloads page. Unfortuately, mine is still in development with a limited distribution to AaronKohura, Falkayn, Sandman, Kenneth Witt, and Hunter Gordon. All of the victims, er I mean, testers have provided valuable feedback which I am trying to incorporate into my spreadsheet. Maybe someday I will judge my spreadsheet worthy for public use, until then I'll try supporting others efforts and add my Cr0.02 in helping improve the various design systems.

Again, I wish to thank AaronKohura and the other individuals I mentioned for their assistance.

Originally posted by AaronKohura:
In the description of this program, it states that "the CPU requirements list the base CPU requirements for a SOC score of 10 along with the CPU requirements for each point of SOC over 10." Unfortunately, the data block at the top of the program description lists cost and PP capacity, but no CPU requirements. Is the CPU requirement referring to PP capacity, or is it referring to the computer's type and model number?
Good morning AaronKohura, sophonts, and not so phonts ;) (I think this is a double CJ morning to get the brain kickstarted

Glad you bumped this, I've been distracted and keep meaning to get back to several posts to throw my own slant out there, this being one.

It looks to me like the text got muddled and/or missed the conversion to the PP format of the rest, like the Personality Interface right above it. I expect it should read something like:

"Cost and PP requirements are per the initial SOC score of 10 and per point of added SOC."

...but that's just a guess.

My good sir Thomas Rux, if you require more lab rats, er, assistants in your program development my services are available, drop me a note at far_trader_mail AT yahoo DOT ca if you like.
Afternoon far-trader,

Thanks for the reply and volunteering as a test vic...er, subject. A question:

Do you have either a spreadsheet application or office product compatible with MS Office 97 Excel?

If the answer is yes, then you will probably receive a copy from tmr0195 (0 = zero), to test to your hearts content.

Until I can avoid having to spend cash on my car, dental, or other similar items I cannot upgrade my current computer to run the newer office applications. I updated just Access from 97 to 2000 and sometimes I have a hard time running Access.

Again thanks for the reply and volunteering your services.

Originally posted by far-trader:
Good morning AaronKohura, sophonts, and not so phonts ;) (I think this is a double CJ morning to get the brain kickstarted

Glad you bumped this, I've been distracted and keep meaning to get back to several posts to throw my own slant out there, this being one.

It looks to me like the text got muddled and/or missed the conversion to the PP format of the rest, like the Personality Interface right above it. I expect it should read something like:

"Cost and PP requirements are per the initial SOC score of 10 and per point of added SOC."

...but that's just a guess.

My good sir Thomas Rux, if you require more lab rats, er, assistants in your program development my services are available, drop me a note at far_trader_mail AT yahoo DOT ca if you like.