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General Eventide

Inspired by my recent purchase of Cepheus Deluxe (CD) I'm embarking on some universe building in a homebrew setting. I'd like to get a nice map and some setting details together to run CD at conventions and maybe an online campaign on Forge/Foundry VTT.

My journey is underway and some more details are on my Blog: http://farhavens.blogspot.com/2021/09/eventide.html

I'm zooming in from a multi-sector overview sketch, down to a Sector and then inot the detail of one Subsector. I'd forgotten what fun this was! If only my Book 6 wasn't lost in the wilds of my store room! I'll beusing something for Stellar data when the time comes, but don't need it just yet.

I have a pre-edit version of Eventide Subsector, out in the Trailing depths of Hinterspace. The fun starts as I start to look at the UWP detail. I'm using a generator that formats into SEC, with an eye to a Travellermap import down track.

What do people use to generate their stellar data?
Yeah I’ve bounced around from Scouts to First In to various home-brews to my own house rules… but then I found the wiki pages with all the stellar data listed:


You can do a simple 2D table for Type and then Class, something like:

2-3: A // D
4-5: K // VI
6-7: M // V
8-9: G // IV
10-11: F // III
12: 1D: 1 O, 2-6 B // 1 Ia, 2 Ib, 3-6 II

That’s a somewhat “realistic” distribution while staying CE-style simple.

If you need the spectral decimal (M0, M5, G2, etc) you can throw 2D-3, minimum 0. It will make the brighter, hotter stars in a Class more prevalent but that’s probably not a bad thing for campaign building.

Hope that helps, or at least gives you a place to start.
The Traveller wiki pages have lots of stellar data tucked away. I use that.

And Travellermap world listings each have a link to that world's TravellerWorlds procedurally-generated world and star system listing at the bottom of the dropdown box.

(The star system data is in the [view] menu in the top bar of the TravellerWorlds page.)

Its developer posts here as "Ojno The Red" (I may have the exact spelling wrong here).
Yeah I’ve bounced around from Scouts to First In to various home-brews to my own house rules… but then I found the wiki pages with all the stellar data listed:


You can do a simple 2D table for Type and then Class, something like:

2-3: A // D
4-5: K // VI
6-7: M // V
8-9: G // IV
10-11: F // III
12: 1D: 1 O, 2-6 B // 1 Ia, 2 Ib, 3-6 II

That’s a somewhat “realistic” distribution while staying CE-style simple.

If you need the spectral decimal (M0, M5, G2, etc) you can throw 2D-3, minimum 0. It will make the brighter, hotter stars in a Class more prevalent but that’s probably not a bad thing for campaign building.

Hope that helps, or at least gives you a place to start.

A terrific resource, thanks for the pointer!
If you are looking for computer-generated data, Agorski's Sectormaker is very good and what I usd to generate a sector.
Looks good but I don't have iOS.

I'm gradually unravelling how I'm going to generate things, but also want to nail the presentation, so I can sel-publish, even if only to me! ;-)