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Far Frontiers Gateway sector

231-2507 Gateway News Service- Serenity Belt

As more and more information comes out on the “dark underbelly” of the Galaxy Metals scandal, it appears that the company was far more rapacious than is the norm for corporations operating in the Empire. While Imperial chartered corporations have a well deserved reputation for paternalistic and top down leadership, Galaxy Metals is starting to stand out as the worst of the worst.

The Imperial Viceroy in system has directed that the workers councils which were formed to protest the demands for higher production, the running down of infrastructure, and the use of Corporate security to repress the workers, be allowed to have a voice in the running of the company so that safety and maintenance requirements are met to ensure the safety and health of the workers.

Company executives, or at least those still remaining who are not in custody at this time, are protesting that the Viceroy’s decisions will cause the company to not only lose money, but lose prestige and standing, allowing “Outside firms” to come in and take over costing the Imperial government the revenue of the belt’s production. The Viceroy has found these arguments unpersuasive at best, and disingenuous at worst.

So far the workers councils have uncovered a series of issues which if left unaddressed could result in the catastrophic failure at several of the mining stations and orbital platforms which have suffered from lack of maintenance over the years as Galaxy Metals has cut back on essential repairs in order to boost profits.

Stay tuned to this ongoing story from the Gateway News Service.
232-2507 Gateway News Service- Poictesme (Cabell)

This world orbiting the moon of the Gas Giant Cabell recently became the latest “Gold Rush” as large deposits of vital jump drive metals were found in the underground area of the primary base which was used, before its closure, to investigate the Ancient ruins on this planet. The Base which can hold up to 50,000 persons was originally built under direction of the Science Ministry in hopes that a huge find of Ancient artifacts would be forthcoming, and to use as a base for mineralogical exploration of the planet.

Alas, no such find was made, and so the base was slowly put in caretaker status, with the last 80 staff all that remained of what was once a population of 34,000 scientists, engineers, support staff who were investigating the ruins. Due to budget cuts after the Gonzales-Censisac administration made, the decision was made to put the base into caretaker status.

Hovarth Metals, Chakravarti Mining LLC have been successful in keeping Cheval Enterprises from getting a lease on planet, and both of these corporations have started sending miners to the base as well as support staff. The Gateway Government has not yet decided if they are going to open up the base to non-Gateway corporations as of this time. The Minister for Economics has indicated that at this time, only Gateway registered corporations will be allowed to set up shop to mine the rich finds.

We are being told that the corporations are estimating that they will be able to start extracting ore by the start of the new year. Cheval Enterprises has filed suit in the 1st Orbital District Court to block the government from only allowing Gateway firms access to the mineral wealth on Poictesme. The case is 2507-A4936 Cheval Enterprises vs The Gateway Federation.
233-2507 Gateway News Service- New Canberra


The New Canberra Space Traffic Center has issued the following NTS (Notice to Spacefarers) regarding travel in the New Canberra system in traffic corridor NZ-14. The Alert is as follows:





We at GNS are being told that the Lord Byron, which was under contract with Super Soft Drink bottling company was en-route to deliver both cans and casks of soft drinks to the Wombat Burger chain when the accident occurred. We are being told that it appears that the bay doors blew out and two crew members were in the cargo bay at the time of the accident.

Space Traffic Control has informed us that cans of the soft drinks are floating in the same general trajectory as the Lord Byron, and do pose is significant hazard to navigation. Clean up crews are in the area, but the likelihood that they will be able to capture all the loose cans is infinitely small. We will follow up as more information becomes available.
235-2507 Gateway News Service- Gateway News Service-

The first group of the new Jump 3 Mail courier carriers have entered service and are stationed at the major jump three areas in the sector. The ships, built on the proven 1,999 ton Tradewind class hulls by Chandra Yards can carry on external mount points four Type S Couriers and are being used to move ships back and forth across the jump 3 gaps until such time as more Type S jump 3 ships are available to carry the mail. There are six carriers based at the Mail station on New Atlantis and six at Miskatonic Station. The Sector Mail Service anticipates a total of 10 ships at each location in order to facilitate mail traffic across the sector. And additional 12 ships are based at Xu Su in order to provide mail service across the Jump 3 void to the new Chinese Empire colonies in the Xin Zhongguo subsector. Three are based at Serenity Belt for traffic to Huang Di. These ships are ensuring that mail and parcel service between worlds in the sector moves at the fastest pace possible.
One of the biggest changes I have made in both style and substance between my younger days and now is the realization that there has to be both bureaucracy and organizations to keep the universe running. Some of which are or can be annoying to the players, but at the same time provide help and assistance for Travellers everywhere. Since this sector is comprised of independent planets, there is no universal government, each does his/her own thing. But there are a series of treaties to allow for things to operation like the Sector Postal Union, and each Space Safety and Traffic organization coordinates with others to keep things running. A universe is a very complex mechanism that requires lots of little parts to keep running smoothly. I guess it is old age creeping up upon me far to fast for my liking.
One of the biggest changes I have made in both style and substance between my younger days and now is the realization that there has to be both bureaucracy and organizations to keep the universe running. Some of which are or can be annoying to the players, but at the same time provide help and assistance for Travellers everywhere. Since this sector is comprised of independent planets, there is no universal government, each does his/her own thing. But there are a series of treaties to allow for things to operation like the Sector Postal Union, and each Space Safety and Traffic organization coordinates with others to keep things running. A universe is a very complex mechanism that requires lots of little parts to keep running smoothly. I guess it is old age creeping up upon me far to fast for my liking.
I much prefer a similar setting - rather than some seamless interstellar polity, those mixed systems somehow all trying to balance standards and expectations. You're doing a great job of portraying it while also making the Universe come alive with character.
Thank you, I was worried I was boring you all. Some of the references are to player characters and their tribulations, etc, so they might be a little obscure.
234-2507 Gateway News Service- New Texas

The government of New Texas has held a press conference where they have stated that they are increasing the number of patrol ships in the Wayfarer Belt since the local commander, and Chief of System Police have requested additional assistance in keeping control of the belt, since there are suspicions that criminals are using the lack of patrol vessels, and gaps in the space traffic control system to move illicit cargoes into and out of the system.

Fleet Admiral Theodore Haskins has said that as a temporary measure, it will move two squadrons of escort vessels into the Belt as a stop gap measure, and plans on moving four complete additional squadrons of system defense boats just as soon as they can free up the forces. The Navy has said that they will form joint Navy/Customs Service patrols where the Navy will crew the vessels, and the customs service will provide the boarding and inspection parties.

The gaps in the traffic control system are more of an issue, and due to budgetary issues, the Secretary of Commerce estimates that it might take as much as a decade to fully set up complete coverage for the entire belt. Right now it is estimated that only 19% of the belt is fully inside of the Traffic Control service with those being around the main orbital platforms.

The recent near miss near Mining Station D21 by the mining boats has given an additional impetus to the placement and expansion of the traffic control system in the belt. As previously disclosed the aging infrastructure has started showing its age and is becoming overwhelmed due to traffic far in excess than was originally planned to using the belt.

While fees are lower than other belts, the unrest that has developed over the proposed increase in fees to offset some of the costs of running the space safety system have proven to be very unpopular with some groups threatening to take their operations to other more profitable belts in the sector.

The proposed fines are being reviewed in light of the protests from both independent miners, and corporate operations. The proposed 3x damages have proven very controversial, and the President of New Texas has formed a commission to study the problem and issue a proposal within 90 days. The commission will travel to Main Belt Station and meet with all interested parties.
Thank you, I was worried I was boring you all. Some of the references are to player characters and their tribulations, etc, so they might be a little obscure.
I am for sure not bored. I love the hints and various issues brought up. fashion Shows, Civil Wars, Traffic Control, etcetera. Lots of fun insights and ideas. I vote to keep it flowing. 😁
235-2507 Gateway News Service- New Texas

Hello Dear Readers, Natasha Alvarez here. Well Richard and I made it back safely to New Texas, just in time for the Hallsville County Fair, and then a trip to Nieman Marcus for a special fashion event, as a "preferred shopper".

The Hallsville Fair is quite the event, the chili cook off, the rodeo, the CORN DOGS!, the Nachos, and of course lots of that wonderful New Texas beer! Richard and I got there mid after noon and it was pretty warm, so of course I was there in my prettiest New Texan Fair outfit with custom made boots from Arnulfo's (of course where else would I get my boots? I am NOT a barbarian!), a handmade belt which had the cutest silver conchos on them. Yes, dear readers, I also had on a hat, a well made Stetson, of course.

Well when we got there, I was JUST FAMISHED, and so I made a bee line to the famous State Fair Corn Dog booth, and got two, one for each of us, and as Richard puts it so well, that "yaller mustard". Being the influential media personality I am, I was invited to be a judge at the Miss Rodeo event. It was just so nice to be back on New Texas, and I never thought I would say that.

Well Miss Beatrice Garcia just took the trophy, and now she will advance to the State Fair for a chance to be crowned "Miss Rodeo" for the planet. Richard was snarfing down some Nachos, and I had to warn him that the beans make him "windy" so go easy. He ignored me as he usually does, he is such a fan of Nachos.

Well the barrel racing on REAL TERRAN HORSES! was just amazing, as was the calf roping, we had a great time there, and it was just so warm that we must have had four or five cold ones, from the Shiner Brewery on New Texas. Their bock just goes so well with a big bowl of chili.

Well, then the very next day, I had gotten ready to head into town, and visit that mecca of shopping; Nieman Marcus! I was not disappointed. The manager himself came and met me, and my posse and I were whisked off to the show. While some complain that New Texas is not New Paris, you have to understand, it is a completely different idiom here.

I was wearing a deep maroon mid day outfit from Gloria de Pinar, which of course I paired with the cutest boots in a similar maroon from Arnulfo's. My "bolsa" as they call a purse here on New Texas, of course matched the outfit and boots, as is expected. We were served St. Ekaterina champaign and caviar while we waited for the show.

While perhaps not having the sheer wattage of the catwalk at Atelier Lau, or El-Hassan, I was not disappointed. This show was for the well turned out New Texas woman who just needed to make a power statement! From office casual, to kick up your heels at the dance hall, we got to see a little of everything. Naturally, I had to show that I had earned that preferred shopper status, by picking up a few things.

My good friend Diana Zipp-Thevins was there, and we made it to the Zodiac Room for their famous late lunch. Over their famous soup and sandwiches, paired with a delightful Chardonnay from Esperanza we had a nice time catching up. She told me that she has been approached by several directors who wanted her to check out their treatment of several scripts by popular script writers. She was being very choosy about the project she takes on.

Well, at the end of the day, we bid each other adieu, and I headed back out to the ranch, Richard on the other hand was off doing his Army thing, and will be gone for a couple of weeks on Dustball or someplace like that. I think that my brother and I will work on cleaning up the mess that our parents left us, so I might be headed back to Gateway, not by choice, but by necessity.

I will most certainly not be visiting them at the prison station, after what they did, they are as the dead to Peter and I. But we have gotten their powers of attorney, and it certainly appears they left a mess. We will be taking a King Richard class liner to Gateway. I have been told it is the Jewel of the Romanovs, which is decorated like the Winter Palace on old Terra, I can hardly wait!

Well dear readers, this is Natasha Alvarez signing off.
236-2507 Gateway News Service- Gateway

The Gateway Navy is having the largest military exercise in the history of the Federation with the majority of the fleet and a full Marine division performing a mass drop on Rama to demonstrate its battledress troops ability to land on a contested planet. Every ship that is not in dock for repairs is taking part in Exercise New Look to work on new tactics, and doctrine for the fleet. The maneuvers will last the best part of three months. The Army has moved three divisions to Rama, where they will be the opposing force for the Marines. Also the Army is showcasing its 1st Jump Brigade which will deploy with the Marines.

The Fleet forces will be divided into defenders and aggressors, with multiple scenarios to include full on fleet defense against an attack on the system, commerce raiding, commerce destruction, and several live fire exercises. This will be the biggest, most expensive, and most extensive military exercises in the history of the Gateway Federation. Several Star Merc units have been hired to act as opposing forces for the operation so they can assist the Fleet in this matter.

We are being told that reporters from the various news services are being embedded with units as they deploy for their mission. To make it even more realistic, all reserve and militia units are being called up for operations. The spokesman for the Ministry of War has told us that all the major worlds of the Federation will be the site of exercises and maneuvers during this three month long test of the Gateway Federation's military. The plan is for units to practice both planetary defense and offense during their period of activation.

The system defense command is also participating in New Look, with an eye towards developing new doctrines to assist in the defense of the system. All merchant traffic, and commercial spacecraft are being alerted to remain away from live fire areas which will be designated by Space Traffic Control at least 24 hours ahead of actual weapons use.

Other worlds have been invited to send observers to the New Look Exercise, and it is expected that the various military attaches from the embassies will of course be well represented. The cost of the entire New Look operation will take 50% of this years budget if not a bit more.
235-2507 Gateway News Service- New Texas

Hello Dear Readers, Natasha Alvarez here. Well Richard and I made it back safely to New Texas, just in time for the Hallsville County Fair, and then a trip to Nieman Marcus for a special fashion event, as a "preferred shopper".

The Hallsville Fair is quite the event, the chili cook off, the rodeo, the CORN DOGS!, the Nachos, and of course lots of that wonderful New Texas beer! Richard and I got there mid after noon and it was pretty warm, so of course I was there in my prettiest New Texan Fair outfit with custom made boots from Arnulfo's (of course where else would I get my boots? I am NOT a barbarian!), a handmade belt which had the cutest silver conchos on them. Yes, dear readers, I also had on a hat, a well made Stetson, of course.

Well when we got there, I was JUST FAMISHED, and so I made a bee line to the famous State Fair Corn Dog booth, and got two, one for each of us, and as Richard puts it so well, that "yaller mustard". Being the influential media personality I am, I was invited to be a judge at the Miss Rodeo event. It was just so nice to be back on New Texas, and I never thought I would say that.

Well Miss Beatrice Garcia just took the trophy, and now she will advance to the State Fair for a chance to be crowned "Miss Rodeo" for the planet. Richard was snarfing down some Nachos, and I had to warn him that the beans make him "windy" so go easy. He ignored me as he usually does, he is such a fan of Nachos.

Well the barrel racing on REAL TERRAN HORSES! was just amazing, as was the calf roping, we had a great time there, and it was just so warm that we must have had four or five cold ones, from the Shiner Brewery on New Texas. Their bock just goes so well with a big bowl of chili.

Well, then the very next day, I had gotten ready to head into town, and visit that mecca of shopping; Nieman Marcus! I was not disappointed. The manager himself came and met me, and my posse and I were whisked off to the show. While some complain that New Texas is not New Paris, you have to understand, it is a completely different idiom here.

I was wearing a deep maroon mid day outfit from Gloria de Pinar, which of course I paired with the cutest boots in a similar maroon from Arnulfo's. My "bolsa" as they call a purse here on New Texas, of course matched the outfit and boots, as is expected. We were served St. Ekaterina champaign and caviar while we waited for the show.

While perhaps not having the sheer wattage of the catwalk at Atelier Lau, or El-Hassan, I was not disappointed. This show was for the well turned out New Texas woman who just needed to make a power statement! From office casual, to kick up your heels at the dance hall, we got to see a little of everything. Naturally, I had to show that I had earned that preferred shopper status, by picking up a few things.

My good friend Diana Zipp-Thevins was there, and we made it to the Zodiac Room for their famous late lunch. Over their famous soup and sandwiches, paired with a delightful Chardonnay from Esperanza we had a nice time catching up. She told me that she has been approached by several directors who wanted her to check out their treatment of several scripts by popular script writers. She was being very choosy about the project she takes on.

Well, at the end of the day, we bid each other adieu, and I headed back out to the ranch, Richard on the other hand was off doing his Army thing, and will be gone for a couple of weeks on Dustball or someplace like that. I think that my brother and I will work on cleaning up the mess that our parents left us, so I might be headed back to Gateway, not by choice, but by necessity.

I will most certainly not be visiting them at the prison station, after what they did, they are as the dead to Peter and I. But we have gotten their powers of attorney, and it certainly appears they left a mess. We will be taking a King Richard class liner to Gateway. I have been told it is the Jewel of the Romanovs, which is decorated like the Winter Palace on old Terra, I can hardly wait!

Well dear readers, this is Natasha Alvarez signing off.
A proper Nieman Marcus outing, well done.
235-2507 Gateway News Service- New Texas

Hello Dear Readers, Natasha Alvarez here. Well Richard and I made it back safely to New Texas, just in time for the Hallsville County Fair, and then a trip to Nieman Marcus for a special fashion event, as a "preferred shopper".

The Hallsville Fair is quite the event, the chili cook off, the rodeo, the CORN DOGS!, the Nachos, and of course lots of that wonderful New Texas beer! Richard and I got there mid after noon and it was pretty warm, so of course I was there in my prettiest New Texan Fair outfit with custom made boots from Arnulfo's (of course where else would I get my boots? I am NOT a barbarian!), a handmade belt which had the cutest silver conchos on them. Yes, dear readers, I also had on a hat, a well made Stetson, of course.

Well when we got there, I was JUST FAMISHED, and so I made a bee line to the famous State Fair Corn Dog booth, and got two, one for each of us, and as Richard puts it so well, that "yaller mustard". Being the influential media personality I am, I was invited to be a judge at the Miss Rodeo event. It was just so nice to be back on New Texas, and I never thought I would say that.

Well Miss Beatrice Garcia just took the trophy, and now she will advance to the State Fair for a chance to be crowned "Miss Rodeo" for the planet. Richard was snarfing down some Nachos, and I had to warn him that the beans make him "windy" so go easy. He ignored me as he usually does, he is such a fan of Nachos.

Well the barrel racing on REAL TERRAN HORSES! was just amazing, as was the calf roping, we had a great time there, and it was just so warm that we must have had four or five cold ones, from the Shiner Brewery on New Texas. Their bock just goes so well with a big bowl of chili.

Well, then the very next day, I had gotten ready to head into town, and visit that mecca of shopping; Nieman Marcus! I was not disappointed. The manager himself came and met me, and my posse and I were whisked off to the show. While some complain that New Texas is not New Paris, you have to understand, it is a completely different idiom here.

I was wearing a deep maroon mid day outfit from Gloria de Pinar, which of course I paired with the cutest boots in a similar maroon from Arnulfo's. My "bolsa" as they call a purse here on New Texas, of course matched the outfit and boots, as is expected. We were served St. Ekaterina champaign and caviar while we waited for the show.

While perhaps not having the sheer wattage of the catwalk at Atelier Lau, or El-Hassan, I was not disappointed. This show was for the well turned out New Texas woman who just needed to make a power statement! From office casual, to kick up your heels at the dance hall, we got to see a little of everything. Naturally, I had to show that I had earned that preferred shopper status, by picking up a few things.

My good friend Diana Zipp-Thevins was there, and we made it to the Zodiac Room for their famous late lunch. Over their famous soup and sandwiches, paired with a delightful Chardonnay from Esperanza we had a nice time catching up. She told me that she has been approached by several directors who wanted her to check out their treatment of several scripts by popular script writers. She was being very choosy about the project she takes on.

Well, at the end of the day, we bid each other adieu, and I headed back out to the ranch, Richard on the other hand was off doing his Army thing, and will be gone for a couple of weeks on Dustball or someplace like that. I think that my brother and I will work on cleaning up the mess that our parents left us, so I might be headed back to Gateway, not by choice, but by necessity.

I will most certainly not be visiting them at the prison station, after what they did, they are as the dead to Peter and I. But we have gotten their powers of attorney, and it certainly appears they left a mess. We will be taking a King Richard class liner to Gateway. I have been told it is the Jewel of the Romanovs, which is decorated like the Winter Palace on old Terra, I can hardly wait!

Well dear readers, this is Natasha Alvarez signing off.
Tsk tsk, though. Not ONE mention of BBQ brisket?
238-2507 Gateway News Service- New Paris

Le Monde is back in the news with a hard hitting expose of governmental corruption. The headline says it all: Le Ministre qui s'est pris la main sur la bagette et a perdu ses doigts. (The Minister who got caught with his hand on the bagette and lost his fingers.) The Minister of the Interior got caught at the fashionable resort of Nouveau Capri with four girls of questionable virtue.

Le Monde got the receipts where the minister had been raking off funds allocated for infrastructure repairs and upgrades both on planet and in the system. The Minister Michel Le Petomaine was photographed by a Le Monde undercover reporter at the resort, and he was also seen meeting with several persons linked to the New Paris underworld. The Minister is in charge of the New Parisian Gendarmarie and as such is now found to have put his finger on the scales where investigations of organized crime have occurred.

Reports have arrived that organized crime figures were tipped off prior to raids, which yielded no evidence for prosecution. Le Petomaine is one of President Vert D'Argent's strongest allies in his New Paris Liberation Party, and has been a powerful figure in New Parisian political life for decades.

It also appears that several of his "maids" which he employs at his 100 room chateau in the New Loire region have been found to have been purchased from GeneCo and as they get too old, they are sold off to brothels on Sulawesi and other planets. Messr. Le Petomaine has claimed complete innocence and has hired the Dewey, Cheatham and Howe, New Paris branch as his attorneys. He has refused to step down as Interior Minister, and the President has not called for his resignation.

Le Monde asked the President point blank what he was going to do about this and the president replied: "Je suis choqué ! Choqué ! Je vous le dis, cela ne tiendra jamais ! Nous irons au fond des choses, puis rentrerons à la maison et boirons du vin ! ("I am shocked! Shocked! I tell you, this will never stand! We will get to the bottom of this, and then go home and drink some wine!) He then stated that due to the overwhelming press of his official duties, and the need to ensure the proper running of the government, he was going to have to limit his exposure to the press because they just took up too much of his very valuable time.

This is an evolving story, which we will be following up with Le Monde as news breaks.
Also from New Paris, a source close to the investigation of Ms. Cheri van Bluefenschmidt tells us that she has been formally charged with the murders of her several husbands who died under questionable circumstances. Once again Le Monde was the first to break the news, with their headline: L'histoire sordide continue du tueur de la haute société qui s'est débarrassé de ses maris pour leur argent. (The continuing sordid tale of the high society killer who disposed of her husbands for their cash.)

As readers well know Madam van Bluefenschmidt was the arbiter of taste and fashion on New Paris for 60+ years, famed for her soirees, her art collection, and her tempestuous marriages, which always seemed to end in the death of the husband. Police have determined that husbands 2,3,4 and 5 all were murdered. Husband #1 who left her his vast fortune died of Activités sportives (sporting activities) while on their honeymoon.

Suspicion has fallen on how he suddenly dispossessed his other heirs and left the entire amount to her immediately before his death. Husband #6 managed to escape certain death and went to the police with evidence of the other husbands demise. He is in protective custody.

As readers of Le Monde know, she fled to New Drakkensburg with a known 50 million stellars, but a deeper dive, shows that the true amount could be in excess of 500 million stellars. Her Art collection, and four homes have all been auctioned off. There is a suspicion that she was somehow involved in the death of Harold Wang-Thevins since she and Diana Thevins have hated one another for decades.

New Drakkensburg has made her a diplomat, and has given her sanctuary on their planet. She has scoffed at these charges, and claims that: Seuls les hommes qui ont été lésés par nature pourraient penser que ces accusations sont légitimes. (Only those men who were shortchanged by nature would even think these charges are legitimate.) She declares that she is completely innocent of all charges. However she will not be returning to New Paris any time soon, and all attempts to extradite her have failed.