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I have spent several hours now looking over the prototype of the revised CT CD-ROM. Here's the contents:

CT The Traveller Book.pdf
CT The Traveller Adventure.pdf
CT Traveller Starter Edition 1 Book.pdf
CT Traveller Starter Edition 2 Charts.pdf
CT Traveller Starter Edition 3 Adventures.pdf
CT B00 Book 00 An Introduction to Traveller.pdf
CT B01 Book 01 Characters & Combat 1977.pdf
CT B01 Book 01 Characters & Combat 1981.pdf
CT B02 Book 02 Starships 1977.pdf
CT B02 Book 02 Starships 1981.pdf
CT B03 Book 03 Worlds and Adventures 1977.pdf
CT B03 Book 03 Worlds and Adventures 1981.pdf
CT B04 Book 04 Mercenary.pdf
CT B05 Book 05 High Guard 1979.pdf
CT B05 Book 05 High Guard 1980.pdf
CT B05 Book 06 Scouts.pdf
CT B07 Book 07 Merchant Prince.pdf
CT B08 Book 08 Robots.pdf
CT 00 Book 00 Understanding Traveller.pdf
CT A00 Adventure 00 The Imperial Fringe Sector Map.pdf
CT A00 Adventure 00 The Imperial Fringe.pdf
CT A01 Adventure 01 The Kinunir.pdf
CT A02 Adventure 02 Research Station Gamma.pdf
CT A03 Adventure 03 Twilight's Peak.pdf
CT A04 Adventure 04 Leviathan.pdf
CT A05 Adventure 05 Trillion Credit Squadron.pdf
CT A06 Adventure 06 Expedition to Zhodane.pdf
CT A07 Adventure 07 Broadsword.pdf
CT A08 Adventure 08 Prison Planet.pdf
CT A09 Adventure 09 Nomads of the World Ocean.pdf
CT A10 Adventure 10 Safari Ship.pdf
CT A11 Adventure 11 Murder on Arcturus Station.pdf
CT A12 Adventure 12 Secret of the Ancients.pdf
CT A13 Adventure 13 Signal GK.pdf
CT AM1 Alien 01 Aslan.pdf
CT AM2 Alien 02 K'kree.pdf
CT AM3 Alien 03 Vargr.pdf
CT AM4 Alien 04 Zhodani.pdf
CT AM5 Alien 05 Droyne.pdf
CT AM6 Alien 06 Solomani.pdf
CT AM7 Alien 07 Hivers.pdf
CT AM8 Alien 08 Darrians.pdf
CT D01 Double 01a Annic Nova.pdf
CT D01 Double 01b Shadows.pdf
CT D02 Double 02a Across The Bright Face.pdf
CT D02 Double 02b Mission On Mithril.pdf
CT D03 Double 03a The Argon Gambit.pdf
CT D03 Double 03b Death Station.pdf
CT D04 Double 04a Marooned.pdf
CT D04 Double 04b Marooned Alone.pdf
CT D05 Double 05a The Chamax Plague.pdf
CT D05 Double 05b Horde.pdf
CT D06 Double 06a Divine Intervention.pdf
CT D06 Double 06b Night of Conquest.pdf
CT D07 Double 07a Plague of Perruques.pdf
CT D07 Double 07b Stranded on Arden.pdf
CT D07 Double 08 Memory Alpha.pdf
CT G00 Game 00a Imperium Game Complete.pdf
CT G00 Game 00b Imperium Game Map.pdf
CT G00 Game 00c Imperium Map Expanded.pdf
CT G01 Game 01a Mayday Game Complete.pdf
CT G01 Game 01b Mayday Counters and Maps.pdf
CT G02 Game 02a Snapshot Game Complete.pdf
CT G02 Game 02b Snapshot Counters and Maps.pdf
CT G02 Game 02c Snapshot Map.pdf
CT G03 Game 03a Azhanti High Lightning Complete.pdf
CT G03 Game 03b Azhanti High Lightning Deck Plans.pdf
CT G03 Game 03c Azhanti High Lightning Counters and Charts.pdf
CT G04 Game 04a Fifth Frontier War Complete.pdf
CT G04 Game 04b Fifth Frontier War Map.pdf
CT G05 Game 05a Invasion Earth Complete.pdf
CT G05 Game 05b Invasion Earth Charts and Counters.pdf
CT G05 Game 05c Invasion Earth Map.pdf
CT G06 Game 06a Dark Nebula Complete.pdf
CT G06 Game 06b Dark Nebula Maps and Counters.pdf
CT G06 Game 06c Dark Nebula Rules and Charts.pdf
CT G07 Game 07b Striker Book1.pdf
CT G07 Game 07c Striker Book2.pdf
CT G07 Game 07d Striker Book3.pdf
CT G07 Game 07e Striker Book4.pdf
CT M01 Module 01 Tarsus.pdf
CT M02 Module 02 Beltstrike.pdf
CT M03 Module 03 Spinward Marches Campaign.pdf
CT M04 Module 04 Alien Realms.pdf
CT M05 Module 05a Atlas of the Imperium.pdf
CT M05 Module 05b Atlas of the Imperium Appendix.pdf
CT S01 Supplement 01 1001 Characters.pdf
CT S02 Supplement 02 Animal Encounters.pdf
CT S03 Supplement 03 The Spinward Marches.pdf
CT S04 Supplement 04 Citizens of the Imperium.pdf
CT S05 Supplement 05 Azhanti High Lightning.pdf
CT S06 Supplement 06 76 Patrons.pdf
CT S07 Supplement 07 Traders & Gunboats.pdf
CT S08 Supplement 08 Library Data A-M.pdf
CT S09 Supplement 09 Fighting Ships.pdf
CT S10 Supplement 10 The Solomani Rim.pdf
CT S11 Supplement 11 Library Data N-Z.pdf
CT S12 Supplement 12 Forms & Charts.pdf
CT S13 Supplement 13 Veterans.pdf
CT SS1 Special Supplement 1 Merchant Prince.pdf
CT SS2 Special Supplement 2 Exotic Atmospheres.pdf
CT SS3 Special Supplement 3 Missiles Revised.pdf
CT SS3 Special Supplement 3 Missiles.pdf
CT SS4 Special Supplement 4 The Lost Rules.pdf
Guide to Classic Traveller.pdf

I'm reviewing it for Marc over the weekend while he's out of town, but I thought folks would be interested in the update!
On the whole I'm pretty happy with my original, so I don't know if the revision would be worth buying for me. Will there be any kind of offer for purchasers of the original CT CD-ROM? Or maybe a freebie PDF of the corrected bits? Or maybe even a PDF of the corrected bits that you have to pay for?
Marc says:

"When the revised CT CD-ROM is released, if you have a current CT CD-ROM, he will replace it with the updated version for $5 to cover the disk and shipping. Simply paypal to farfuture@gmail.com and mention the 'Revised CT CD-ROM'."

NOTE: the Revised CD is NOT yet available.
"When the revised CT CD-ROM is released, if you have a current CT CD-ROM, he will replace it with the updated version for $5 to cover the disk and shipping."

Better than I dared hope for.
Sounds good. I hope the sub-standard scans will be replaced with legible ones (e.g. Scouts was pretty horrid on my disk--almost illegible). Just let us know when the update is available. ;)
Yes, and I'll announce the release here. But with all the questions lately, I figured folks would want to know what is up.
Don and Marc:


Thanks, this is just the sort of thing that's wanted, from my angle.
"When the revised CT CD-ROM is released, if you have a current CT CD-ROM, he will replace it with the updated version for $5 to cover the disk and shipping.

I personally don't know how exactly to work it, (for example, proving you already have the CD), but might there be some way to get the updated version electronically via Dropbox or something similar?
I personally don't know how exactly to work it, (for example, proving you already have the CD), but might there be some way to get the updated version electronically via Dropbox or something similar?

If you bought the CD thru Paypal there would be a listing in your account. That's the way mine is.
Over the years, several people have offered to assist Marc with getting the OCR right on the various CT files.

Marc is very aware of the problems with the OCR of the original CD, and of course, the new files on the upcoming revised CD.

So, if you have offered in the past, or are willing to assist Marc with OCR issues, please e-mail me directly at don.mckinney@gmail.com.
Great, I just got mine in yesterday....:mad:

EDIT: When did they start shipping them? I just noticed this is an older post.
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