During the War of 1812, the US government, faced with fighting the biggest navy in the world, put a lot of money into building "frigates" - what Travellers would call 'cruisers'...
Of course, once the war in Europe began winding down, the RN was able to transfer enough of their own "over-sized" and "mislabeled" frigates to the North American theater and quickly put a stop to the "mislabeled" USN frigates' success
IMTU, the labels can give a general sense of a ship's size, but the labels refer more to armament: (snip)
IMTU, classification (or labels) refer to a vessel's mission(s), just as in the real world. Of course the mission(s) associated with a given classification can change over time, again just like the real world.
Because certain classifications equate certain missions, and certain missions require certain capabilities, and certain capabilities will require certain systems which require certain volumes, certain classifications are
loosely coupled to certain sizes. At a certain tech level a capital ship will need a spinal mount, so a capital ship will have to be big enough to mount that spinal, power it, move it, and protect it.
However, this "loose coupling" is nothing like the myriad of
Size Equals Classification lists you'll see across the 'net with their repetitive
Friagates 3K dTon to 5K dTon, Light Cruisers 5k dTon to 7K dTon, etc. entries.
By the way, I appreciate your consise explanation of how/why 'things get bigger' - I have long been in favor of the 200-tn 'gunboat' as a superior alternative to the 50-tn 'fighter'.
It continues to puzzle me why people gripe about the supposed uselessness of fighters in
HG2. Fighters are deadly up to, roughly, TL13, so the complaints are only about two tech levels out of nine. Also, folks are just fine with
HG2's technological progress providing them with PAWs and meson guns and changing battlewagons from missile platforms to spinal platforms, but when the same progress eventually removes fighters from the line of battle they squeal.
I just can't quite understand it. They want to cram all sorts of untested rules and other handwaves into
HG2 to make fighters "useful" when all they need to do is turn the tech level dial down and leave the rules alone.
When it comes to "explaining"
Traveller's various canonical oddities or making descriptions "work", I'd much rather tweak preconceptions and labels than cram in handwaves. Tweaking labels doe much less violence and handwaves never work as they all contain the seeds of their own destruction. Besides, playing on preconceptions is an old
Traveller trick.
GDW did it all the time. First the Aslan were a Major Race, then they weren't, and
nothing really changed except our preconceptions. First the Zhodani were mind rapers, then they weren't, and again
nothing really changed except our preconceptions. If you take care and don't get hemmed in by the preconceptions labels create, you can "explain" many of canon's oddities with a slight change in perspective instead of the damaging blows from handwaves(1).
One of the things I really enjoy about this board is the well-reasoned essays and the scarcity of mindless flaming - since I have no gaming group at present, it's good to have a community to discuss our beloved old game.
I love the depth and breadth of the topics here too. It's always fascinating to see people deeply interested in aspects of the game I'd usually ignored. The different perspectives that provides always makes for good reading.
While there isn't mindless flaming, things can get testy - deliberately or not. Sadly and despite my intentions, I'm one of the Usual Suspects in the testy department.
Thanks for your post.
1 - If you think people squeal about fighters, you should have seen the squealing on the JTAS boards when I suggested that the many oddities concerning the Interstellar Wars could be easily explained if, rather than "conquering" the First Imperium, the Terran Confederation instead provided the Ziru Sirka with it's last
ruling dynasty.