SOC-14 1K
While I understand and applaud your desire to create and play in a Small Ship setting, I also am sure that you, as a both wargamer and successful wargame designer, are enough of an autodidact historian to realize that the idea of Tonnage Equates Class is little more than a conceit. Even when limited to a historical era or technological period, there are so many exceptions to this Tonnage Equates Class "rule" that it really becomes no rule at all.(1)
I don't know that I agree. At the end of the day, terms like "fighter" have a rough meaning that my players typically understand. I can, I suppose, override that common knowledge. But I really don't see any reason to do so.
And I did not intend to insinuate that "tonnage equals class". My suggestion is that once broad operational parameters are agreed on -- a small craft, no cargo carrying capacity, armed for combat and patrol missions, etc., -- then tonnage can broadly define the descriptor used. For the simple reason that greater size implies greater capability within a particular type of ship. (And in my own campaign, the link is more explicit -- the 30 ton Vindicator gunship has far greater endurance than the 10 ton Starfire fighter). But I would not, for instance, call an unarmed slow boat a "gunship" merely because it is within the tonnage range of gunships.
Of course, if you don't like my system, change it or don't use it. Okay with me

Having labels suggest or provide an evocation of size for your players is one thing. Having a label actually predict a size is something else entirely. In a nod to reality, there should be enough exceptions to your labels as to make the "prior service" knowledge of former servicemen and the "military trivia" knowledge of ship "cranks" useful to the adventuring party; i.e. Yeah, it's called a gunboat but don't let that fool you. They fiddled with the appropriations bill and used the gunboat money to build something more like a corvette. Believe you me, we should get the hell out of here before it arrives.
Well, I think that if you look over my Commonwealth Starships thread, you'll agree that there's plenty of texture. And that thread only contains about 25% of the ships I've detailed over the years.