If we step away from CT Book 2 and Book 5 and look at brilliant lances and FF&S many more things become possiable:
Robot brain fighters with the "pilot" having direct control of the maneuvering thrusters and mdrives and a second "gunner" robot simularilly linked to sensors and weapons, no couches, no control panels, no life support, endurance equal to mdrive or power plant endurance, much much higher accelerations. See my thread on missiles. My vision of space combat is that the one that cant be seen by the other guy gets to shoot first, or even better does not shoot, but instead has a master fire director and provides terminal guidance for a flock of missiles launched from 30 LS away by the big guys. I've designed such drones as small as 2.5 cubic meters, (compared to a "standard" missile of 7 cubic meters)
A current day example would be a small drone with a laser designator loitering over a battlefield, transparent and non radar reflective, it's nearly impossiable to spot and completely impossiable to target, and it provides terminal guidance for a missile or lazer guided bomb launched from over the horizon.
So you have a mission for a fighter drone killer to go out and get real close and personal with the enemie's drones and knock them out or just target lock them and hand off the locks to the big boys. A game of cat and mouse if you will, the drones trying to stay un targeted while the fighters, once they get close enough , trying to swat them, Meanwhile the ship killers are on their way with 53 KT worth of KE per missile and there are LOTS of missiles (14 of them per Displacement ton). Each side is trying to do the same to the other.
Given this vision, a fighter is not intended to attack the big boys, and does not need the big computer support, just a top of the line sensor suite and enough delta V to go out play tag for an hour or two and come back. Another fighter mission is to target lock and shoot down incomming missiles.
I think it can logically be argued that the combat tables already do that since all your incoming missiles will have to go through the typical obstacles of laser fire, ECM, agility of the traget ship, sand, and nuke dampers (which turn all your nukes into KK missiles anyway).
I think your ideas have a lot going for them but maybe the idea of drones isn't going to be a successful in the future the same way as today because of the longer lead time for detecting and dealing with them in a space battle where the lines can be 10's of thousands of km apart?
But drones for ECM and anti-missile work are definitely doable and could be used by fighters, while Growler/Prowler type fighters (or ships) could mask incoming fighter/drone/ship groups until they get within firing range of the actual capital ships - not just lots of Battle of Britain type fighter duels which don't do all that much other than possibly reduce a fleet's anti-missile capabilities.
Here is one such example:
AE-85c Slybird TL-15
30 ton lifting body wedge
Maneuver Drive= 5G Acceleration (Agility 5)
Fuel = 2 tons
Cargo = NA
Computer = Model 2 (CPU-3/ Storage-6)
Weapons = 4 “wing” rails & 2 belly rails
4 Crash Couches
Crew: Pilot
Offensive Weapons Operator
Defensive Weapons Operator
The AE-85 Slybird is the current Imperial Navy front line electronic countermeasures and attack fighter. The craft is capable of both atmospheric and space flight with a combat range of 24 hours. The craft is “ruggedized” to increase crew survivability and reduce the immediate impact of damage to the craft’s vital systems. In effect, hits to the bridge (cockpit) or drive systems do not affect the performance of the craft until a second hit is made. Then damage is handled normally and the entire cockpit can be ejected as a single escape pod for the crew if a roll of 8+ on 2D6 is made in case of a catastrophic hit on the craft. The escape pod has a rescue beacon, survival kits for 4, and life support for up to 24 hours. If ejected near orbit or within atmosphere the pod will re-enter and parachute to the surface.
The mission of the Slybird is to screen attacking fighter forces as they approach a target and to perform “Wild Weasel” type missions to use special sensor-homing missiles to destroy enemy warning installations prior to a ground assault by drop or soft-landed troops. The missiles used are standard fire and forget types with target recognition seeker heads that cannot be spoofed by even shutting off the sensor once the missile has locked onto it since the guidance system uses image recognition for guidance in case of signal loss.
The Slybird can carry four standard missiles on its “wing” rails (two to a side), plus carry larger anti-sensor missiles or “Chase Me” drones on the larger rails mounted along its ventral surface. The drones are officially known as the EM-101 Badger but the slang name of “Chase Me” was a more apt description of how the drone works. When the Defensive Weapons Officer identifies and selects incoming missiles to decoy away from the craft (or its flight) he/she activates the drone which fires off at 6G acceleration while transmitting ID signals to lure away the incoming missiles. The operator can select up to 6 incoming missiles in the “kill box” the drone uses, and those missiles will follow the drone until they either catch and destroy it (usually with fratricide among any non-contacting missiles chasing it) or they run out of fuel. The Defensive Weapons Officer also operates the “Sorbitsya” ECM jamming pods which can be carried in lieu of the “Chase Me” drones on the same rails. Two pods are required to achieve the maximum front to rear efficiency and side lobe coverage. If the pods are not carried then the onboard Model 2 computer can be used to run the standard ECM program, but in such a case the protection will not be extended by the program to craft in formation with the Slybird.
When operating the pods function as the ECM computer program does, but they extend coverage beyond the craft carrying them to cover up to 6 other craft that are flying in close formation with the Slybird. “Close” formation is considered to be no farther than 1km radius from the Slybird. Within this radius all incoming missiles are destroyed on a roll of 10+ on 2D6 with the Computer or Electronics skill of the Defensive Weapons Officer acting as a positive DM.
The Offensive Weapons Operator can designate up to 4 separate targets for the offensive missiles carried by the craft. Since the craft is not officially, nor intended to be, a fighter these are usually used to carry the home-on-sensor missiles to destroy sensor arrays on capital ships and ground installations.
The loadout options for a Slybird are either up to 6 standard missiles; 4 missiles and two ECM pods or drones on the belly rails; or the “wing” rails can be replaced with one torpedo for two rails per torpedo.
Torpedoes are the larger missiles typically uses by the heavy bay weapon emplacements on warships. They function the same way as any other standard missile, but carry a significantly larger warhead and have a greater range. Torpedoes cannot be used in turret launchers, but rails (frequently retractable or fixed) are sometimes used by ships by sacrificing a hardpoint for 2 rails.
A torpedo does 1D6 hits plus 1 critical hit when impacting a target. A nuclear armed torpedo does 3D6 hits plus 2 critical hits and a save must be made (10+ on 2D6) to avoid crashing the computer systems on unarmored craft.
The same defenses that can be used against standard missiles can be used against torpedoes, including evasion by the ship’s pilot. Because a torpedo travels at a greater speed than a standard missile it cannot maneuver as quickly as a smaller ship can; their primary targets are, after all, large capital ships. A pilot can, in any craft below 1000 tons and having a maneuver drive of at least 3G make a saving roll of 10+ on 2D6 using his/her pilot skill as a positive DM. Torpedoes that miss after a successful “dodge” will continue on their last course and self-destruct.
(BTW: the "sorbitsya" name I swiped from the pods used by current generation Russian fighters and carried on the wingtips in lieu of the usual missiles (the name translates to “absorption”). Instead the newer Sukhois carry these as a permanent installation and just added another rail under the wing to not lose firepower. Here I make them optional since that way they can be added to other craft if needed, though I also have cutter “Growler" modules that achieve the same thing and also carry 4 "Chase Me" drones. I get bored easily when I can't sleep and am taking my painkillers and valium, so use what you'd like and comments/ideas are welcome.)