Another permutation; ground support.
A BB or DN in high orbit probably has better things to do than to train its high powered barbette on that machinegun (VRF?) nest willed with Zhos. A grav tank might do the trick, or, as per my grav tank thread, some form of hybrid tank-cum-gunship high speed platform. But, so far as we know, they aren't high performance craft. Ergo the fighter can come into play.
But not just a fighter, but perhaps something that can be deployed in orbit, go through re-entry and strafe or drop a load of hurt on that said same nest. Said craft would probably be jinking and winding its way through mountains and canyons, or flying at the edge of space before it dove into a high energy track, and executed a strike.
Some brave Zho with a pulse action LASER rifle would probably survive the first attack, stand atop the heap of rubble of his former now dead friends and home, and try to laze that TL14/15 F-X that's barreling away at high-mach. At least that's how it might work in a cinematic gaming session. And how about those Zho fighters hidden underwater that nearby inland sea or lake? Suddenly the opposition rises up and we got ourselves an aerial engagement taking place.
Where are the adventurers? On the ground requesting "Fire for effect!" and calling out grid coordinates? Or are they in one of those death-traps screaming through skies? Maybe they're split, and one or two of the band are piloting the fighters while the rest of the players are slogging it through the terrain?
I guess players can do that with the current rules already. But a high TL adventure could prove challenging in some instances.
Just trying to keep a little interest here
A BB or DN in high orbit probably has better things to do than to train its high powered barbette on that machinegun (VRF?) nest willed with Zhos. A grav tank might do the trick, or, as per my grav tank thread, some form of hybrid tank-cum-gunship high speed platform. But, so far as we know, they aren't high performance craft. Ergo the fighter can come into play.
But not just a fighter, but perhaps something that can be deployed in orbit, go through re-entry and strafe or drop a load of hurt on that said same nest. Said craft would probably be jinking and winding its way through mountains and canyons, or flying at the edge of space before it dove into a high energy track, and executed a strike.
Some brave Zho with a pulse action LASER rifle would probably survive the first attack, stand atop the heap of rubble of his former now dead friends and home, and try to laze that TL14/15 F-X that's barreling away at high-mach. At least that's how it might work in a cinematic gaming session. And how about those Zho fighters hidden underwater that nearby inland sea or lake? Suddenly the opposition rises up and we got ourselves an aerial engagement taking place.
Where are the adventurers? On the ground requesting "Fire for effect!" and calling out grid coordinates? Or are they in one of those death-traps screaming through skies? Maybe they're split, and one or two of the band are piloting the fighters while the rest of the players are slogging it through the terrain?
I guess players can do that with the current rules already. But a high TL adventure could prove challenging in some instances.
Just trying to keep a little interest here