EDIT II: Apparently I goofed on the type S prices, and it comes out almost the same as the Fighter, so it gets even worse being pretty much a one for one fight based on cost...
So, which is more effective in fleet action; a squadron of fighters, or a squadron of scout ships?
My first suspicion was fighters, all else being equal. So for fun I decided to do it in HG.
First to the "all else being equal" bit...
Start with a base model TL9 100ton type S Scout/Courier with the double turret loaded with a pair of beam lasers for F2. Outfit the model/1bis with the required software (nothing special) and a typical crew (more on that below) of Pilot and Gunner. Engineer and Navigator optional. Cost about MCr31.
Then (I purpose built) a TL9 50ton Heavy Fighter with a triple turret loaded with 3 pulse lasers. The fighter is 6G with 3EP and a model/2 computer with the required software (nothing special) and a typical crew (more on that below) of Pilot and Gunner. The fighter has armor factor 6 (didn't need it as it turned out) and a small stateroom for the crew to stay on patrol. There's even a half ton of cargo space left over. Cost about MCr49.
So, for the same money we can get 3 Scouts to 2 Fighters so that decided my squadron sizes for the engagement. The Scouts would be jumping in from 1 parsec leaving them 25tons of fuel (with a bingo break off by jumping of 15tons for J1 and 1 week). In other words one fuel hit and they should break off, two fuel hits and they can't (mission kill).
EDIT: Ack, now I see the confusion I caused and was operating under. While I did recreate the type S in HG I forgot to follow through with the math on the fuel calcs for bingo jump out. I had the fuel right for the Scout in the workup, but not in the example. A moot point as it turned out, but the source of the confusion perhaps.
Let's get back to that crew thing again. In fairness I decided that gunners are just skill-1 (no software to matter anyway) and the pilots are 6 levels for each side giving each Scout a Pilot-2 (and no tactical agility advantage) and each Fighter a Ship's Boat-3 (for a tactical agility advantage of 1 each).
The Scouts jump in and the Fighters spot them, time to rumble...
Turn 1 - The Fighters got initiative and the game starts at long range. The Scouts shoot first deciding to concentrate on the lead Fighter, they need 12+ to hit total, and miss completely. The Fighters return fire concentrating on the lead Scout, they need 8+ to hit and one does, for a fuel hit. S1 is bingo fuel for break off by jumping. The Scouts assess the situation and consider doing that but hold off (because 1 it would be boring for me so soon, and 2 they won't have had time to do anything yet, not even plot a jump out).
Turn 2 - The Fighters again get the initiative and move to Close range. The Scouts again concentrate fire, need only an 11+, and all miss again. The Fighters return fire, this time on S2, needing only 7+ and score one hit, on the turret, dropping it's usp to 1.
Turn 3 - The Fighters retain initiative and stay Close. The Scouts gamely plug away trying to hit the lead Fighter, needing 11+, 12+ and 11+ and all miss again. The Fighters return fire on S3 still at 7+ and score one hit, also on the turret, dropping it's usp to 1 also.
Turn 4 - The Fighters still have initiative and stick Close. The Scouts flail away again at the lead Fighter, needing 11+, 12+ and 12+, and not surprisingly they miss again. The Fighters zero in on S1 deeming S2 and S3 mostly harmless, needing only the 7+ again they both hit this time, for 3 hits ( a W-2 and a W-1) on the turret, pretty much destroying it. The Scouts wisely decide to break off by jumping out the next turn.
Turn 5 - The Scouts finally get initiative and move to Long range. The Fighters have one last shot at them and decide to each take one Scout, S2 and S3, needing 8+... they both miss. The Scouts can't effectively return fire, needing 13+ for the two functional weapon platforms, but they are happy to just get away with their ship's and lives relatively intact and jump out...
And the winner is...
Fighters. Unless all the Scouts needed was a few turns in system to collect data and jump out to return it to the Navy Fleet waiting a parsec away...