Warning; midless rambleings ahead
Okay, I've given this much thought.
Turret Realities;
A force acts equally on both halves in a system. This being the case a turret needing to traverse on a spacecraft would also rotate the spacecraft in freefall as well as rotating its own mass. As we know this effect is negated in atmosphere where external pressures keep the craft flying straight, but, Traveller adopts this convention for cinematic purposes (perhaps some handwavum; i.e. a motion damper that keeps a ship going straight in freefall while the turret rotates).
"So what?" you say. Why do I bring this up? Because I'm still twitching my nose at turrets being mounted on "fighters", or what we would consider a fighter like hull/fuselage. A turret on a huge 100,000 BB would have little effect as opposed to that same turret being mounted on a 100dt scout, or 30dt fighter. It's one of those thingys the rules don't address.
Why is this imporant? Because to me, anything that holds more than two men (sentients) no longer qualifies as a fighter, but as an attack craft; perhaps a gunship or light corvette; i.e. something like the Gazelle class escort, which is clearly not a fighter. In otherwords, something that can "hack" a turret (for lack of a better phrase).
For me, I always picture fighters as being highly maneuvreable little beasties. Likewise, I pictured scouts as being perhaps a couple cuts (your slice thickness may very) below that in terms of maneuverability, but no less deadly in a "turret for turret" situation. But again, as the simulation bears out, this clearly is not the case because of DMs.
Hence, in my fiction, I've got a "long range" attack craft that, though technically classed as a fighter by the ruleset, is clearly pretty large, pretty deadly, and perhaps nearing the size of a scout.
Ergo, as far as fiction and possible future adventure piblications go, I'm going to "wing it" so to speak.
I'm almost sorry I asked this question, but I'm glad I was able to flesh out this idea by starting this thread. That is I tend to stick to established "canon"; i.e. a Type-S scout for the longest time was the only scout available, and anything else was just not permitted because it wasn't defined by the official GDW publications. So, when and if I ever submit this stuff, or ask to sell it here, it may skirt the official rules, or circumvent them with appropiate TL explantions involved to make the cinematic fighters I envision work in the OTU
Traveller, as intended, is supposed to be able to accomodate all sorts of settings and devices. As such, the things I'm writing now are unimpinged by the hard black and white Bk5 rules.
Thank you for listening to this set of rambleings. I really needed to get this off my chest.
Carry on... carry on