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Fixing Planetoid Hulls

Originally posted by Bill Cameron:
</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />I'm not advocating a 10,000 ship asteroid fleet, but I don't see anything that would prevent a limited number of hulls being produced.
That is exactly what I'm proposing too; a very limited number of hulls. It will longer to find suitably sized planetoids of the right composition than just a few days and, as Anthony correctly points out, the chances that those planetoids will have the structural strength a hul requires is next to nil. </font>[/QUOTE]As far as it goes, any tech 8+ civilization, at least one that is space going is going to have spent a few years in investigating their plantoidal (don't know if it is a real word of not) bodies. Even now, we have a asteroid watch that is attempting to identify and list each and every asteroidal body. Given half way decent Travelller sensors, computers and a dozen years or so, any amatuer astonomer could have everything within jupiter's orbit plotted, even with the constant collisions, etc.. The trick in asteroid mining or any sort of explotation is not the finding of the asteroid, that is simple but finding out if it is worth exploiting.

As far as it goes, I have worked out a couple of shipyards which have brought in several dozen potential planetoid hulls. Not only does it give their tugs something to do during slow periods, the bodies can be used as temporary bases, storage yards, etc.. At the least, these can be shunted over to an orbital smelter as needed for raw ores.
Originally posted by TheEngineer:
So far, I found no source about the actual amount of differentiated asteroids or their leftovers in our belt. Most numbers deal with meteorites found on earth, but its pretty unclear how to correlate that to the composition of the belt.
While I agree that meteorite statistics can be misleading, they do make up the majority of physical evidence that we have and cannot be ignored.

The Wabar impactor (links here and here for those that missed them earlier) was estimated at 3500 tons at the time of entry. It apparently began to fragment during it's passage. The largest single piece was 8 or 9 meters in diameter.

Quoted from the above link: "the original asteroid was about 94% iron, about 3.5% nickel, 0.22% cobalt, with up to 3.6 ppm iridium. The rest of the sample was primarily copper. Iridium is sometimes called a "sidereal element", something not commonly found on the Earth but relatively commonplace in asteroids. It was an iridium anomaly found world-wide at the Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary that initially suggested that the death of the Dinosaurs was caused by an asteroid impact event."

This is iron, not rock or ore. Meteoric iron was the first source of the metal available for use. Links here and here.
The number of iron meteorites cannot give us an accurate cencus of the asteroid belt, but the Wabar impactor is not unique. The web site for the American Museum of Natural History has an excellent presentation.

At least one meteorite was composed of steel. ( link).

Originally posted by TheEngineer:
Honestly, even if I like the basic idea to use a rock as starship and given that there are plenty of rocks around to use them the Traveller way, this would not convince me as an engineer

In MT you can use 80 % of a rocks volume for ships interior. Ok, thats just 20% as structure.
Has anybody checked this ?
Taking a spherical 38 kDton rock with a diameter of 100 m the hull strength would just be 3.5 m.
This thing is far from having anything like structural stability, even if it would be naturally melted iron.
Using my humble knowledge in structural mechanics tells me that a minimum 80 % of the asteroids mass should be used as structure.
If the 75 CR per Kl tunneling are also good for giving the missing stability thats really a deal

So IMHO thats a bit problematic regarding the design sequence...
This is basically an iron balloon, yes? The design sequences either ignore bulkheads or subsumes them into other systems. What would the effect be of adding one or two decks, vertical transverse bulkheads across the bridge and engineering compartments, and internal bulkheads across the fuel spaces? Would dividing the internal volume into five or six compartments through hull-strength bulkheads (all held to 1 G through inertial dampers) allow the hull to work?
Originally posted by Piper:
While I agree that meteorite statistics can be misleading, they do make up the majority of physical evidence that we have and cannot be ignored.

There are not being ignored. You however have completely misunderstood the difference between meteorites and planetoids. You're either ignoring or missing a rather profound difference between the two - One has passed at a high speed through Earth's atmosphere with subsequent heating effects and one has not. I'll let you guess which is which.

This is iron, not rock or ore.
What do you think passing through Earth's atmosphere at high velocity does? Pointing to a meteorite as 'proof' that planetoids are composed nearly pure metals is like pointing the bloom being poured from a blast furnace as 'proof' that iron ore is nearly pure.

Meteoric iron...
We're discussing planetoids and not meteorites. Planetoids are one source of meteorites, but the two are not the same.

Check out The Weird Warmth of Asteroids in the May 2005 issue of Scientific American. This is the article that suggested the collisional heating 'loophole' to me, a 'loophole' that makes Traveller's version of belt mining slightly more plausible.

When examining metoerites, scientists can determine the type of heating and differentiation the materials in the meteorite experienced by examining the grain structure of the materials involved. The grain structure can reveal long term heating, impact shocks, differentiation, multiple heating episodes, and much more. Planetoid chrondites that show even small amounts of differentiation among their grains are extremely rare.

This is basically an iron balloon, yes?
Yes. It's also not what HG2 explicitly describes. That why the discussion here is about 'fixing' the idea of planetoid hulls in Traveller.

Have fun,
Originally posted by Aramis:
[QB] Actually, Bill, Lochaber is reflecting upon one of the biggest criticisms of planetology, one I happen to share
You're over-inflating your cause. This isn't "one of the biggest criticisms of planetology" at all, it's one shared by a small minority of people (yourself included) who insist that their beliefs are more valid than scientific data. Most people are well aware of the limitations of knowledge, but very few would claim that these invalidate the whole field - if that was the case then a lot of science would have to be tossed out of the window.

So far, the number of systems observed similar to our own =1; to wit, our own. The number of systems provably NOT like our own: more than 100, and counting. The number of undocumented systems more than can be represented usefully.
That's an entirely meaningless statement though. How do you mean "similar to our own"? All the systems we've seen have a central star and planets of various size and in various orbits around them, just like our own. There are IIRC a few known systems that have the gas giants further in vaguely circular orbits and more than a few AU from the star too, which are arguably "similar to our own". And while we haven't discovered the earth-size and smaller planets yet, there's no reason to assume that they're not out there, huddled close to their stars just like in our own system. Certainly, some stars will not have rocky planets, others may have a lot more than ours. But our knowledge and models show that rocky planets are certainly likely and possible around many other stars.

Extrapolating from the Sol System is NOT science per se, even though it is based in science and the scientific method; the data set is too small. (Mind you, a 4 point study is interesting, and can be indicative, it's NOT reliable. Something most people publishing in education need to realize to cure their own cranio-rectal insertion.)
Incorrect again. Once more, you're touting flawed assumptions (which you still hold despite all the evidence against them) as fact when they're not.

Your key problem is that you overlook the fact that it's basic physics that we're talking about here, not "extrapolation from a limited, statistically insignificant study". And the physics that applies in our own solar system is exactly the same as elsewhere in the universe - a fact borne out by observations of stars and galaxies far beyond our own. Even early in the universe/far away from us, the general physics remains the same even if the specifics (eg star masses, metallicities etc) are different.

The general processes at work here (planetesimal accumulation forming planets, nuclear fusion inside stars, gravity binding systems together etc) are the same processes that work elsewhere - and those processes are very well understood and modelled. There are obviously gaps in the knowledge (being filled all the time with new data), but most of the time changing the starting conditions and the details of the model can produce results that agree with observed reality. Knowing that, we can say a hell of a lot about other planetary systems and how they form.

Your argument that we only know about our own solar system and therefore can't say anything meaningful about others is therefore flawed and incorrect.

Likewise, to paraphrase some physicist on TV recently: simulations that show unexpected results don't prove the universe has hidden matter; it proves that the formulae match that theory that does suggest that.
That's a great reference, "some physicist on TV". Must be true, I guess. ;)

Besides, simulations aren't what show the universe has hidden matter - observations are what's showing that. Gravitational lensing and orbital analyses show that a lot of galaxies have more mass in them than is visible.

It is a fundamental issue with planetology as extrapolation: None of it is valid YET other than there are a large fraction of main sequence stars with large, hot GG's inside the supposed GG formation limit, and that we have a small set of observed detailed data, which further local observation keeps revising, often with surprises.
That's no reason at all to claim that "none of planetology is valid". Sure, the hot jupiters caught us off guard, but we didn't have to radically change our theories of planetary formation to account for them - we just realised that forces like gas drag and tidal interactions in the protoplanetary nebula are more significant than we initially assumed. Believe it or not, most scientists are acutely aware that there are limitations to their models and theories - most of the time they can't be helped until extra computational power comes along to help account for the extra factors that scientists know must be there but can't actually include in the models because then it'd take forever to run them.

The bottom line though about the Hot Jupiters is "Get Over It!". We know they're there now, and while we don't have all the answers we've successfully accounted for them in planetary formation theories. So they're not a problem any more. I'm sure that when we find small rocky planets there'll be a surprise there too, but I don't think it'll be as big as the hot jupiters. But I'm also sure that any rocky surprises can be accommodated easily within existing planetary formation theories, just as the hot jupiters were.

We know that, of the known systems, ours is NOT a good model for them.
Incorrect. We know that our system is not a typical one in terms of its layout. All it means in terms of planetary formation models is that the same processes apply in all systems, but that some processes didn't go so far in our own system (for whatever reason - not enough dust/gas to spiral the GGs in by a lot, a ferocious T Tauri stage in our sun, or something else) as they did in others. In fact, after examining the orbits of the Hilda asteroids in the 3:2 resonance with Jupiter it looks like Jupiter moved about 0.5 AU inwards from its original position, so there apparently was some migration in our system.

Of course, we can't yet find the systems that would be like our own.
Did 55 Cancri pass you by?

This is not meant to diminish the efforts to collect the needed data. I applaud the efforts to get the needed data. I suggest, however, that extrapolations are not yet useful nor reliable, because those people are in the early stages of their work.
You can "suggest" all you like, but that doesn't mean your suggestions are correct or valid. If you want to carry on believing that we know less about the universe than we actually do, or if you want to believe that scientists and educators are suffering from 'cranio-rectal insertion' because they don't accept your beliefs then go right ahead... but you're still wrong either way.

If anyone finds that my tone is "abrasive" then sorry, but my sole concern is to correct the misinterpretations and fallacies spread by people about science and astronomy here. And all I know is that time and time again I've had the same arguments with the same people, and thrown the same verifiable facts at them that contradict their claims, and yet still they carry on insisting that their flawed assumptions are correct when they're not.

All I'd really like to see is for people who don't know much (or even anything at all) about a given subject to just not say anything about it when people ask questions about it (or at least, add a caveat that they're just guessing), and for them to defer to those that do know. There's nothing egotistical about that - it just means that the people who know most about a subject can get the correct information to those who ask, and people won't be confused. And that applies for anything, whether it's planetary science, astronomy, materials, economics, OTU history or anything else.
Some of us are drinking entirely too much caffeine in the morning. Try some herbal tea.
Originally posted by Bill Cameron:
What do you think passing through Earth's atmosphere at high velocity does? Pointing to a meteorite as 'proof' that planetoids are composed nearly pure metals is like pointing the bloom being poured from a blast furnace as 'proof' that iron ore is nearly pure.
Come on Bill, give a little credit where credit is due.

The USGS (referenced in the quote you responded to) is not a fly-by-night pseudo-science organization and the USGS estimated that a 3,500 ton object broke up on entry and impacted the Earth. The USGS also estimated that "the original asteroid was about 94% iron". A 3500 ton chunk of 94% pure iron sounds like a Classic Traveller planetoid hull to me. It may be very atypical of "rocks" in our solar system, but there was at least one (and it didn't even need to be transported to Earth). ;)
Originally posted by atpollard:
The USGS (referenced in the quote you responded to) is not a fly-by-night pseudo-science organization and the USGS estimated that a 3,500 ton object broke up on entry and impacted the Earth. The USGS also estimated that "the original asteroid was about 94% iron". A 3500 ton chunk of 94% pure iron sounds like a Classic Traveller planetoid hull to me. It may be very atypical of "rocks" in our solar system, but there was at least one (and it didn't even need to be transported to Earth). ;) [/QB]
And bear in mind that we do know that metallic asteroids exist in space, from photometric, spectrographic, and radar analyses (and sometimes we even know their density too).

If the wiki articles are correct and 8% of known asteroids are metallic, that means there are thousands (if not tens of thousands) of them out there in the main belt alone. And that doesn't count the ones that are too small to see from Earth. Some may well be rubble piles, but spaceships don't have to be THAT big, and I don't think that solid lumps of iron/nickel of an appropriate size would be that uncommon - finding them though would be another matter.

Of course, you then have to wonder why people would turn billions of dollars worth of extractable metal asteroid into a spaceship... ;)
Originally posted by atpollard:
Come on Bill, give a little credit where credit is due.

This is a matter of degree and not kind.

Everyone here, myself included, agrees that planetoids with very high metallic contents exist. The debate is over how many exist in a typical belt and how many of those are then suitable for use as starship hulls.

For the kinds of metallic concetrations HG2 implies, a body has had to undergo differentiation. That in turn requires heat and time. Both of those require that the body be large, very large. In order for thermal metamorphism and aqueous alteration to create metallic concetrations, a body must retain heat for a long period. The bigger a body is the longer it can retain that heat and the bigger a body is the less chance you can use it as a hull.

Making matters worse, our picture of the number of differentiated planetoids is skewed by the condition of the meteorites we've sampled. First, meteorites differentiate while passing through our atmosphere. Second, thanks to collisional heating an undifferentiated planetoid can have 'pockets' of differentiated materials within it. (This is the mining 'loophole' I keep talking about.)

We've observed that perhaps 8% of the belt's population can be classified as metallic, although that classification says nothing about the concentration percentages required for that classification. Is it +50%? +25%? +75%?

When we take that 8% number and then apply all the other factors involved with hulls, that number can only drop further. What is the size? What are the materials? What is the 'purity'? How many fissures, fractures, and voids are there? Where's the center of mass? How solid is it? What's the density? As you answer each question the number of potential hulls drops further and further. IMHO and IMTU the available number of 'ready-made' planetoid hulls at 100CrImp per dTon found in an ordinary belt eventually drops well below the level of plausibility.

I'm not suggesting that it is impossible and I've suggested various ways to get around these problems and still have 'planetoid hulls'; the hulls are really carved out of larger, differentiated planetoids. What I am pointing out is that the vast majority planetoids are most certainly not flying chunks of mostly metal and that our ideas regarding planetoid hulls need to change because of that.


Have fun,
Originally posted by Bill Cameron:
For the kinds of metallic concetrations HG2 implies, a body has had to undergo differentiation. That in turn requires heat and time. Both of those require that the body be large, very large. In order for thermal metamorphism and aqueous alteration to create metallic concetrations, a body must retain heat for a long period.
Agreed so far...

Making matters worse, our picture of the number of differentiated planetoids is skewed by the condition of the meteorites we've sampled. First, meteorites differentiate while passing through our atmosphere.
No they don't, at least not in the same sense as occurs in planets and asteroids. The outer surface melts, it can break up too (and if small enough get completely vapourised), but if you drop a 1 metre radius rock into the upper atmosphere and assume it's intact when it hits the ground, you won't get a rock that has an iron core and rocky crust - you'll get a rock that's had its outer layers melted into slag and its interior all but untouched (because rock is a terrible conductor of heat). That's how scientists are able to extract primordial material from meteorites (or ancient atmospheric gases trapped in bubbles in the meteorites that land here from Mars).

I'm not suggesting that it is impossible and I've suggested various ways to get around these problems and still have 'planetoid hulls'; the hulls are really carved out of larger, differentiated planetoids. What I am pointing out is that the vast majority planetoids are most certainly not flying chunks of mostly metal and that our ideas regarding planetoid hulls need to change because of that.
Not true. Well, OK, it's true that most asteroids aren't solid lumps of metal - the untrue part is that they'd have to be carved out of larger differentiated asteroids. You're forgetting that asteroids aren't always intact - they can and often do collide with eachother, which can and often does break them up. That's why we even have metallic asteroids and meteorites in the first place - they're the differentiated cores of bodies that were large enough (or had enough radiogenic or other heating) to differentiate. At some point those objects got broken up by collisions, exposing the cores. That's why there's such a wide range of compositions too - some asteroids are core material, some are mantle material, some may even be crust material, and others were never big enough to differentiate at all so retain the original pre-differentiation mix of minerals.

So I think it's quite possible to find a big, solid lump of nickel-iron, 10-100 metres long, that can form the basis of a spaceship. It probably won't be easy to find it, but given the number of asteroids in a belt, and given that this is the lower end of the size scale, there's bound to be lots of them out there.

And also, what exactly is a planetoid hull anyway? I always imagined someone finding a big rock, sticking some big engines on the back and some habitation/control domes on it, and that was it. You don't have to do any funky smelting and reshaping, just some drilling for the control cables and the habitable structure. "Buffered" hulls would be where the control structures are more deeply buried in the asteroid itself. It doesn't even really need to be made of metal - a 50 metre diameter lump of solid rock would work too. The question is whether it'd actually be worth doing all that when you could just build a spaceship from scratch... but as a fortress they'd be pretty cool.

Oh, and thanks Ravs (and Piper)!
I don't think of planetoid hulls as being mostly metallic at all. Just a big lump of rock which has had corridors and rooms drilled into it and somehow sealed against vacuum.

But here's a question for you Mal - if you used a dispersed structure, say two spheres joined by a thin tube, does it mean that the structure would not break because there's no air resistance in space (assuming also the structure is kept sufficiently far away from strong gravity fields as well), or would the structure be liable to breaking if it was accelerating by engine thrust? My very dated 'A' level mechanics tells me that forces would be acting on the structure which means that it could break if part of the structure was very weak - but I'm not sure. Inertia comes into it somewhere too I suppose.

Originally posted by atpollard:
The USGS (referenced in the quote you responded to) is not a fly-by-night pseudo-science organization and the USGS estimated that a 3,500 ton object broke up on entry and impacted the Earth. The USGS also estimated that "the original asteroid was about 94% iron". A 3500 ton chunk of 94% pure iron sounds like a Classic Traveller planetoid hull to me. It may be very atypical of "rocks" in our solar system, but there was at least one (and it didn't even need to be transported to Earth). ;)
I just want to be sure you're not missing an obvious point here. I keep seeing that 3500ton figure. That's long tons right, as in mass. Being largely iron (and probably far from pure in the real sense but that's a side point) that's only some 500m3, or about 35dtons in Traveller.
I had realized that the 3500 ton mass would not be the same as the dTons in Traveller. I had not realized that it was THAT small (35 dTons). Are you sure about that density (100 long tons = 1 dTon)? [text edited to correct decimal error]

[EDIT: My bad. 3500 tons of iron is about 35 dTons. I guess we will not be seeing very many Striker vehicles with planetoid hulls. ;) ]
Originally posted by ravs:
But here's a question for you Mal - if you used a dispersed structure, say two spheres joined by a thin tube, does it mean that the structure would not break because there's no air resistance in space (assuming also the structure is kept sufficiently far away from strong gravity fields as well), or would the structure be liable to breaking if it was accelerating by engine thrust? My very dated 'A' level mechanics tells me that forces would be acting on the structure which means that it could break if part of the structure was very weak - but I'm not sure. Inertia comes into it somewhere too I suppose.[/QB]
I'm certainly no engineer, but I'm pretty sure that acceleration alone would stress any structure - you don't need air resistance to do that. A 1g acceleration would act like a 1g field (with down being toward the engine) so the structure would need to be able to withstand that - and if it turns then it'd have to withstand the rotational stresses too.

But you're better off talking to someone who knows more about how all that works ;) .
Originally posted by Malenfant:
Well, OK, it's true that most asteroids aren't solid lumps of metal - the untrue part is that they'd have to be carved out of larger differentiated asteroids. You're forgetting that asteroids aren't always intact - they can and often do collide with eachother, which can and often does break them up.
Dr. Thomas,

My suggestion about 'carving' out hulls out existing planeoids was just one of many and I am aware of planetoids routinely collide with and fracture one another. That's not what this thread is about, although it seems to have to drifted onto that topic.

Planetoid hulls in Traveller are cheap and strong. I'm suggesting that they should be neither.

Currently you can build a ship using a planetoid for it's hull and pay two small fees:

- A 100 credit per dTon of planetoid 'towing fee'.
- A 1000 credit per useable dTon 'tunneling' fee.

Using a planetoid also provides you with 'free' armor levels, armor levels that take up substantial volume in norml designs.

The first fee would seemingly cover not only towing the planetoid to the shipyard but also searching the belt for planetoids of a suitable size and then surveying them with an eye for internal composition and structure. Towing is the least of our worries.

Searching may not be that hard, but every correct sized planetoid is not a potential hull. Most - not all but most - planetoids of the correct size will be undifferentiated rubble piles. There will be planetoids of the composition we require, whether created by collsions or other methods. However, those planetoids that are of the correct composition are not automatically good hulls.

A planetoid must also pass the internal survey that use as a ship's hull would require. Again, just because it's the right size and right composition doesn't mean a planetoid will also have to be tough enough to use as a hull.

The planetoid would have to have a reasonably homogenous composition; no metals here and pocket of silicas there. It will also have to have an interior relatively free of fissures, faults, pockets, and voids. Faults and fissure are something a planetoid released from the interior of a larger body by collision(s) should be more likely to have. The collision that shattered the parent body will have also left it's marks on the 'child'.

This internal structure or 'strength' is where the 'free' armor part of HG2's description enters the equation. The planetoid is going to be under acceleration after all, having it come apart under thrust or after a weapons strike negates the idea of a using it as a hull in the first place. The planetoid must be tough enough to hold together.

As Anthony as pointed out, it is very unlikely that an unmodified slab of iron will have the internal structural strength that HG2 presumes it should have.

So we have a small percentage of metallic planetoids; estimated ~8 percent of the total in our belt. That number is further winnowed by size concerns; is a planetoid to big/small for our purposes? And that numbered is winnowed again by our internal structural concerns; is it homogenous enough or is it tough enough or is it lacking enough faults/fractures or can we somehow 'fix' the problems it does have?

You can see that our big number grows smaller with each step.

Let me snip a piece of the post that began this topic. In it I 'cost' out the same sized hull by 'constructed' by planetoid or normal manufacturing:

Planetoid Hull of 10K dTons (8K dtons useful)
- Transport fee: 100Cr per dTon for 1MCr
- Tunneling fee: 1000Cr per useful dTon for 8MCr
- Armor fee: Factor 3 armor for 0MCr
- Total: 9MCr

Manufactured Hull of 8K dTons
- Construction fee: 100KCr per dTon for 800MCr
- Armor: 10% of hull is the average for Factor 3
- Armor fee: 0.6MCr per dTon for 480MCr
- Total: 1280MCr

You can see that a planetoid hull with the same characteristics as a manufactured hull is over two orders of magnitude cheaper. That is my contention here. Not that planetid hulls are impossible but, given what we know of planetoid composition, they are far too cheap in Traveller ship construction rules.

Have fun,
Hi !

Piper, I really like Your link embedding !
And "Iron balloon" would a pretty good description...
My personal view of a asteroid ship always was merely something like a huge rock, just partially hollowed out for the drives and the dangerous dungeon but essentially keeping its natural character

Obviously its maybe a bit difficult with just 20% rock left to keep this character. Its perhaps less bad with buffered asteroids.
Guess Your're just right in assuming that additional methods to give stability to the construction are somehow included but not explicitly noted in the design sequence.
But isn't it anyway really a bit stupid to build a box by taking a massive cube of iron (or other material) and remove 80 % of the interior to get it ?
Now, thats really dugout technology

For my own taste that not very convincing.

Additionally I guess Bill hit the point, that asteroid hulls (other problem ignored) are just too cheap and the design restrictions not so significant (besides those 20% of lost hull volume space).
If so, there should be many many asteriod ships around in the TU....
It would be somehow more balanced, if the usable hull volume percentage would be considerable lower (which would be much more "realistic", too).

That totally depend on the actual construction. Assuming near future tech materials and supporting technologies like internal compensators many things are possible.
Strangly most people have an internal stability testing program inside their brain. Simple experience often provides the feeling if an observed construction could work or not

If You could provide some very rough stats (sphere diameter, weight, tube length/diameter) ) could give a fast check


Originally posted by TheEngineer:
My personal view of a asteroid ship always was merely something like a huge rock, just partially hollowed out for the drives and the dangerous dungeon but essentially keeping its natural character
Other posters mentioned this as well. This makes perfect sense.

But isn't it anyway really a bit stupid to build a box by taking a massive cube of iron (or other material) and remove 80 % of the interior to get it ?
Actually, yes. Unless you're an iron-eating space termite, this does seem an inefficient use of resources. ;)

It would be somehow more balanced, if the usable hull volume percentage would be considerable lower (which would be much more "realistic", too).
What if we considered an asteroid hull to be a "raft" instead of a ship? You create a centerline bore for spinal weaponry and communications/services tunnels and the remaining systems are placed on, or dug into the surface. The end result is something similar to a dispersed structure using the asteroid in place of the trusswork (or whatever).

In game terms, this would be a dispersed structure hull that could be armored but would retain the configuration characteristics of an asteroid.
Well, guess a "practical" example would be useful.
Could somebody provide a asteroid ship design (perhaps 400 Dton range) with the volumes of the main components ?

(Maybe an entry for ravs contest, too ?)


Thanks TE,

I was thinking more about the principles inolved rather than anything specific (I just made up the structure on the spur of the moment). I was really wondering what criteria one would have to take into account to ascertain what the limits of a moving dispersed structure would be.
