Or more to the point not.
I thought I'd try a few simple ideas for fixing the light cruiser vs dreadnought dilemma in HG.
So starting out by designing J3 battleships and J4 rider/tender for J, N, R and T meson guns with varying levels of armour (one at 11 and one at 15 for most, with an extra one at 13 for the N gun). And plugging them into my hypothetical minor power budget to see how many of each I got and which weapon worked best.
Using unmodified HG, the N gun works out the most cost effective option, with the J gun a close second. But bottom line, the T gun is the least cost effective option and a fleet armed with any of the other weapons will beat it. Not good for established canon.
So first change: Move the dread Fuel Tanks Shattered to the critical table. This greatly reduces the lethality of the smaller guns. Unfortunately not enough. The T gun gets better but is still beaten by every other gun.
Second change: Have the meson screen act as armour reducing the number of hits and automatic criticals. This is better, the T gun is now more cost effective than the J gun, but the N and R still walk all over it.
So tried the same trick but using armour. Now here things got really interesting. Which gun was most effective became highly dependent on armour. When the ships were all armoured to factor 11 the N gun was most effective. Same if uniformly armed to level 15.
However, here was the crux, the armour 15 N gun fleet was extremely vulnerable to an armour 13 N gun fleet (to do with appropriate armour for level of threat faced). And the armour 13 N gun is beaten by the armour 15 T gun (think rock paper scissors).
Assuming ships are armoured to face the threat they pose the R gun worked out most effective on riders and the T gun on ships.
Sooooo... IMTU from here on in, I thrown away the concepts in Fighting Ships and now (IMTU) if it mounts a spinal its a line of battle ship. J guns are 4th rates, N guns are 3rd rates, R guns 2nd rates and the T guns 1st rates. The 3rd rates make up the bulk of the battlefleet, with 1st and 2nd rates being much rarer, reserved for flag duties. (some of this might seem a little familiar
Cruisers are high jump missile armed ships for scouting and patrol work. Some of them work out as big as a LoBship, but they have a very different role.
Well works for me
I thought I'd try a few simple ideas for fixing the light cruiser vs dreadnought dilemma in HG.
So starting out by designing J3 battleships and J4 rider/tender for J, N, R and T meson guns with varying levels of armour (one at 11 and one at 15 for most, with an extra one at 13 for the N gun). And plugging them into my hypothetical minor power budget to see how many of each I got and which weapon worked best.
Using unmodified HG, the N gun works out the most cost effective option, with the J gun a close second. But bottom line, the T gun is the least cost effective option and a fleet armed with any of the other weapons will beat it. Not good for established canon.
So first change: Move the dread Fuel Tanks Shattered to the critical table. This greatly reduces the lethality of the smaller guns. Unfortunately not enough. The T gun gets better but is still beaten by every other gun.
Second change: Have the meson screen act as armour reducing the number of hits and automatic criticals. This is better, the T gun is now more cost effective than the J gun, but the N and R still walk all over it.
So tried the same trick but using armour. Now here things got really interesting. Which gun was most effective became highly dependent on armour. When the ships were all armoured to factor 11 the N gun was most effective. Same if uniformly armed to level 15.
However, here was the crux, the armour 15 N gun fleet was extremely vulnerable to an armour 13 N gun fleet (to do with appropriate armour for level of threat faced). And the armour 13 N gun is beaten by the armour 15 T gun (think rock paper scissors).
Assuming ships are armoured to face the threat they pose the R gun worked out most effective on riders and the T gun on ships.
Sooooo... IMTU from here on in, I thrown away the concepts in Fighting Ships and now (IMTU) if it mounts a spinal its a line of battle ship. J guns are 4th rates, N guns are 3rd rates, R guns 2nd rates and the T guns 1st rates. The 3rd rates make up the bulk of the battlefleet, with 1st and 2nd rates being much rarer, reserved for flag duties. (some of this might seem a little familiar

Cruisers are high jump missile armed ships for scouting and patrol work. Some of them work out as big as a LoBship, but they have a very different role.
Well works for me