Spinward Flow
SOC-14 5K
To be fair, it's hard to build the Enterprise, Battlestar Galactica or Star Destroyers (all of which took on renewed prominence in the late 70s/early 80s for some reason) on a measly 5000 ton budget with nothing more than lasers, missiles and sandcasters in loads of piddly little turrets.In the extreme case, look at what High Guard did to the OTU (Big Ship Universe vs Small Ship Universe).
The Small Ship Universe was the right place to START with Traveller concerning the Player facing aspects of things, but it was a disservice to think that the Small Ship Universe was the "be all/end all/there is no more" ENDING with Traveller. As the saying goes, You Have To Start Somewhere ... and LBB publishing had limited page and word counts to work with (unlike today's online internet and desktop publishing).
I personally still prefer to think of the Kinunir class of ships as "top of the line LBB2.77 starship designs" for a Small Ship Universe which a PC could conceivably command (with a crew, of course) and feel pretty awesome. For an LBB2.77 frontier warship, it's really difficult to do better than the Knunir.A J4=4G 1250Td ship was a first-rate, line-of-battle ship
The Kinunir was an awesome starship when it was designed using LBB2.77.then "suddenly" it was a slow escort to ships twenty times its size* that had somehow simply materialized out of the void of space.
Then the goalposts moved (with LBB5.80) ... and suddenly the Kinunir-class wasn't quite so awesome anymore.
Still, to be fair ... there's a bit of a step change between the Kinunir (LBB2.77 small ship universe) and a Tigress Dreadnought (LBB S9 big ship universe). Having over 400x the tonnage to work with (along with armor, spinal mounts, bay weapons, hangar bays stocked with fighters, etc.) will tend to have that kind of scales tipping effect on things.

New rules mean new opportunities.That didn't happen -- they re-wrote how ships could scale up (and specifically that they could), and those bigger ships had been there all along.
How many people tried to backport/stuff a spinal mount or a bay weapon into a LBB2 starship design?
I'm guessing "not many" since there wasn't much point. For Big Ship Universe stuff, LBB5 was the preferred paradigm of choice (for somewhat obvious reasons).
You're doing a mix & match between LBB2.81 Jump-B standard drive and a LBB5.80 Power Plant-4 custom drive.How about a fourth option: A TL-10 HG XBoat:
Speaking just for myself, I do not approve of this kind of cherry picking and if I was the Referee for a campaign I would not allow it.
Other people no doubt have different opinions on this point, enough so that the standard disclaimer of Your Mileage May Vary definitely applies.