This thread is an off-shoot of another in LONE STAR that I thought really belonged here more than it belonged anywhere else. The thread's title was "10+ Questions You Would Ask MWM" of which I responded with the question about fleet structures, funding, and command structure.
It is one thing to say
From what I've read over the years about fleets within the Imperium, the Imperial Navy fleets are kept together for defense of th realm against external enemies. They are not broken up such that they pursue anti-piracy missions and so forth - this being the domain of other fleets. It would be one thing to state in no uncertain terms that the navy follows a two tier task assignment system where smaller ships and lesser squadrons handle internal security while larger ships and fleets are kept together to handle any external threats. This would have been logical and it would have been easily implemented. So what exactly is the purpose of the Subsector Navy? You do not need to break up a command structure into two separate commands to handle internal and external defense tasks - that is something that can be done within ONE Navy in a way that does not require reservists nor does it require that large numbers of ships are obsolete (numbers as evidenced in Fifth Frontier War boardgame are such that the "reserve" fleets are almost as numerous as regular fleets!).
Oddly enough, when looking at character generation in HIGH GUARD for the differences between Imperial Navy, subsector Navy, and planetary Navy personnel skills - I find that there is but ONE difference. Technical Services. If you look at the skills provided for in Technical Services, they are:
Electronic, Computer, Gravitics, and Jack of All Trades. I've noted that there isn't any skill in Technical that you can't get anywhere else for "normal" planetary Navy or subsector Navy with perhaps the exception of gravitics and/or Jack of all trades (they are available, but only to higher ranking NCO's or officers or those who get sent to engineering school). In all, there doesn't seem to be any difference between the skill sets for planetary/subsector/Imperial naval personnel. This to me makes High Guard less then helpful when it comes to determining what is so different between subsector fleets and full imperial naval fleets
The introduction to High Guard talks about a specific three tiered naval system to handle the needs of the Imperium. Why THREE ? Why not just say TWO and be done with it? As I see it now - an Imperial Navy along with a "reserve" of the Imperial Navy really implies only a two tier system. The Reserve fleet is at all time - a resource of the Imperial Navy. They are funded by the Imperial Navy's budget and the reserve personnel are called up into the Imperial naval fleet command structure. But even this is not entirely true, as these "colonial" fleets are maintained as "separate but equal" fleets. Instead of having a 214th reserve fleet that get integrated and dispersed amongst the 214th Main fleet, they are kept as a fleet in and of themselves... MESSY!
Thoughts, comments, etc?
For now, IMTU, I've resorted to using three government levels:
Imperial Government: this is the Emperor and his loyal minions along with the Major nobles of the Imperium.
Medieval Analogy: King of England.
Modern Analogy: Federal Government
Subsector Government: This is the Sector Duke and his subsector Dukes who carry out the Emperor's wishes. Being a "localized" Imperial Government section, they carry out the day to day affairs affecting the sector itself. Medieval Analogy: Dukedom or County of England
Modern Analogy: State Government
Planetary Government: Each world contains a sovereign government that has priveledges and responsibilities spelled out in that world's treaty with the Iridium throne. They provide the bulk of the governmental services and likewise take the bulk of the taxes levied upon the planet's citizens. They are responsible for the collection of the Imperial Taxes owed to the Iridium throne, but they give it to the agents of the Iridium throne rather than the throne itself.
Medieval Analogy: Barony or personal fiefs of medieval knights.
Modern Analogy: Local Government
IMTU: The Imperial Navy is fully distinct from the Subsector Navy which is fully distinct from planetary Navies. The Imperium recognizes the rights of Planetary Governments to field navies (and/or militaries) capable of traversing interstellar space (or else you'd have colonial navies sitting at their system of origin never allowed to jump out of their star system!). The Imperial Navy does not have the right to task subsector naval units to do things it wants done, for they are outside its chain of command and area of operations. Imperial units may not be commanded or tasked by subsector admirals because the subsector admirals fall outside the chain of command of the Imperial navy - except under one important proviso. I treat this as a treaty obligation in the case of planetary systems who have raised "colonial forces" for prestige purposes along with a built in governmental restriction of "in time of war, render any assistance required and upon activation into the Imperial Navy, integrate one's navy into the current Imperial Naval command structure".
This way, entire fleets may not be commandeered by the Imperial Navy in times of peace. This way, when a fleet is activated and drawn into the Imperial naval command structure - it is drawn in as a full unit rather than absorbed piecemeal into the actual active Imperial Navy squadron structures. Last but not least - it offers a political balance to the Imperial navy should it be required. Remember, not one, but TWO naval admirals have taken a fleet from the spinward marches and "marched" on the capital with the objective of seizing the Iridium thrown (or at least ultimately sitting on it in the case of the second admiral). Wouldn't YOU want to insure that no single admiral can do the same again without a counterbalance and/or it being highly difficult to assay without full popular support of the local subsector Dukes/Admirals?
All in all, instinctively, I see it as highly unlikely we will see TL 10 Warships serving side by side in the same space as TL 15 warships if both the Imperial navy and subsector Navy are funded by the same funding sorce and have the same command structure. On the other hand, if we have the Imperial Navy with one funding system, the subsector with another funding system, and planetary navies with yet another - then I can see a polyglot of various tech level warships serving near each other in space.
Imperial ships: built at TL 15 Depot systems
Subsector Ships: built at the highest TL sub-sector shipyards they have
Planetary ships: built at the planet's tech level or purchased outside of it
It is one thing to say
Yet another thing to detail how it is done. How are reservist personnel different than full time naval personnel?This reserve fleet is typically made up of older ships that are not modern enough for front line service, but are still fully functional. Naval reservists crew and man these ships, often taking part in exercises organized by the main fleets.
From what I've read over the years about fleets within the Imperium, the Imperial Navy fleets are kept together for defense of th realm against external enemies. They are not broken up such that they pursue anti-piracy missions and so forth - this being the domain of other fleets. It would be one thing to state in no uncertain terms that the navy follows a two tier task assignment system where smaller ships and lesser squadrons handle internal security while larger ships and fleets are kept together to handle any external threats. This would have been logical and it would have been easily implemented. So what exactly is the purpose of the Subsector Navy? You do not need to break up a command structure into two separate commands to handle internal and external defense tasks - that is something that can be done within ONE Navy in a way that does not require reservists nor does it require that large numbers of ships are obsolete (numbers as evidenced in Fifth Frontier War boardgame are such that the "reserve" fleets are almost as numerous as regular fleets!).
Oddly enough, when looking at character generation in HIGH GUARD for the differences between Imperial Navy, subsector Navy, and planetary Navy personnel skills - I find that there is but ONE difference. Technical Services. If you look at the skills provided for in Technical Services, they are:
Electronic, Computer, Gravitics, and Jack of All Trades. I've noted that there isn't any skill in Technical that you can't get anywhere else for "normal" planetary Navy or subsector Navy with perhaps the exception of gravitics and/or Jack of all trades (they are available, but only to higher ranking NCO's or officers or those who get sent to engineering school). In all, there doesn't seem to be any difference between the skill sets for planetary/subsector/Imperial naval personnel. This to me makes High Guard less then helpful when it comes to determining what is so different between subsector fleets and full imperial naval fleets

The introduction to High Guard talks about a specific three tiered naval system to handle the needs of the Imperium. Why THREE ? Why not just say TWO and be done with it? As I see it now - an Imperial Navy along with a "reserve" of the Imperial Navy really implies only a two tier system. The Reserve fleet is at all time - a resource of the Imperial Navy. They are funded by the Imperial Navy's budget and the reserve personnel are called up into the Imperial naval fleet command structure. But even this is not entirely true, as these "colonial" fleets are maintained as "separate but equal" fleets. Instead of having a 214th reserve fleet that get integrated and dispersed amongst the 214th Main fleet, they are kept as a fleet in and of themselves... MESSY!
Thoughts, comments, etc?
For now, IMTU, I've resorted to using three government levels:
Imperial Government: this is the Emperor and his loyal minions along with the Major nobles of the Imperium.
Medieval Analogy: King of England.
Modern Analogy: Federal Government
Subsector Government: This is the Sector Duke and his subsector Dukes who carry out the Emperor's wishes. Being a "localized" Imperial Government section, they carry out the day to day affairs affecting the sector itself. Medieval Analogy: Dukedom or County of England
Modern Analogy: State Government
Planetary Government: Each world contains a sovereign government that has priveledges and responsibilities spelled out in that world's treaty with the Iridium throne. They provide the bulk of the governmental services and likewise take the bulk of the taxes levied upon the planet's citizens. They are responsible for the collection of the Imperial Taxes owed to the Iridium throne, but they give it to the agents of the Iridium throne rather than the throne itself.
Medieval Analogy: Barony or personal fiefs of medieval knights.
Modern Analogy: Local Government
IMTU: The Imperial Navy is fully distinct from the Subsector Navy which is fully distinct from planetary Navies. The Imperium recognizes the rights of Planetary Governments to field navies (and/or militaries) capable of traversing interstellar space (or else you'd have colonial navies sitting at their system of origin never allowed to jump out of their star system!). The Imperial Navy does not have the right to task subsector naval units to do things it wants done, for they are outside its chain of command and area of operations. Imperial units may not be commanded or tasked by subsector admirals because the subsector admirals fall outside the chain of command of the Imperial navy - except under one important proviso. I treat this as a treaty obligation in the case of planetary systems who have raised "colonial forces" for prestige purposes along with a built in governmental restriction of "in time of war, render any assistance required and upon activation into the Imperial Navy, integrate one's navy into the current Imperial Naval command structure".
This way, entire fleets may not be commandeered by the Imperial Navy in times of peace. This way, when a fleet is activated and drawn into the Imperial naval command structure - it is drawn in as a full unit rather than absorbed piecemeal into the actual active Imperial Navy squadron structures. Last but not least - it offers a political balance to the Imperial navy should it be required. Remember, not one, but TWO naval admirals have taken a fleet from the spinward marches and "marched" on the capital with the objective of seizing the Iridium thrown (or at least ultimately sitting on it in the case of the second admiral). Wouldn't YOU want to insure that no single admiral can do the same again without a counterbalance and/or it being highly difficult to assay without full popular support of the local subsector Dukes/Admirals?
All in all, instinctively, I see it as highly unlikely we will see TL 10 Warships serving side by side in the same space as TL 15 warships if both the Imperial navy and subsector Navy are funded by the same funding sorce and have the same command structure. On the other hand, if we have the Imperial Navy with one funding system, the subsector with another funding system, and planetary navies with yet another - then I can see a polyglot of various tech level warships serving near each other in space.
Imperial ships: built at TL 15 Depot systems
Subsector Ships: built at the highest TL sub-sector shipyards they have
Planetary ships: built at the planet's tech level or purchased outside of it