Don't you need a Model/1 to perform jump-1?Heck, Model/0 could be basic processing and console hardware which comes with the price of the hull.
Don't you need a Model/1 to perform jump-1?
I'm sorry, but I don't understand the logic behind NOT requiring a Model/1 for the lowest bound of hull sizes.
[FONT=Courier New]Minimum[/FONT]
[FONT=Courier New]Computer Code[/FONT]
[FONT=Courier New]Required Tonnage Range Range[/FONT]
[FONT=Courier New]None 0 to 99 0[/FONT]
[FONT=Courier New]Model/1 100 to 999 1-9[/FONT]
[FONT=Courier New]Model/2 1000 to 3999 A-C[/FONT]
[FONT=Courier New]Model/3 4000 to 9999 D-J[/FONT]
[FONT=Courier New]Model/4 10,000 to 49,999 K-N[/FONT]
[FONT=Courier New]Model/5 50,000 to 99,999 P-Q[/FONT]
[FONT=Courier New]Model/6 100,000 to 999,999 R-X[/FONT]
[FONT=Courier New]Model/7 1,000,000+ Y[/FONT]
Don't you need a Model/1 to perform jump-1?
I'm sorry, but I don't understand the logic behind NOT requiring a Model/1 for the lowest bound of hull sizes.
At the very least to maintain some compatibility with B2 the B5 required computer should start at model/1 for ships over 5,000tons. But I think the best correction is to ignore and drop the minimum computer model idea entirely. There's too much to fix it.
As an example, a 50,000ton ship with a model/5 (minimum) computer takes a "Computer-1" hit in combat. Is it now unoperational? After all it's now a model/4 (effective) computer which is not enough for a 50,000ton ship, right? Of course in B2 combat that isn't an issue, it's still a model/5 computer, it just might go offline at any time after a hit.
I can't do that... this is a clarification...
I don't think so, since you can repair it.
Heck, Model/0 could be basic processing and console hardware which comes with the price of the hull.
Perhaps let's rephrase this clarification:
"Computer Destroyed: The USP computer factor is reduced to zero; the ship may not jump, although it may continue to fire weapons and maneuver."
Talk about internal inconsistency. I hardly know where to begin? Why do we have minimum hull computer requirements if all you need it for is Jump?
Defensive DM? (Going from memory, HG not to hand...)
Rationally imo any computer DM should be the difference between the minimum required (if it means anything) and what is actually installed. In the example above the 10Kton ship would have a computer DM of 2 while the 100Kton ship would have a computer DM of 0. Advantage to the ship with more "effective" computer power.
Computer "Agility" -- assuming that the difference between a Model/2 and a Model/1 is the same kind and magnitude of difference as that between a Model/7 and a Model/6?
Fair point (I think I understand your meaning). One I'll concede as making a difference, though it does seem to be applied linearly in the rules.
It may be a reason to install more than one computer (forbidden by the rules except for back up).
A computer to run the ship based on hull size and then a dedicated tactical computer for combat DMs.
Fuel-n Damage, p. 49: The percentage of fuel loss is based on the original, undamaged tank size, even if the tanks are only partially full. The actual physical tank is not damaged or reduced – only carried fuel is lost.
Batteries, p. 29: The text is somewhat confusing. In order to use the HG Combat rules, all ships must organize their weapons into batteries. Weapons in a mixed turret must be organized as single weapon batteries; they cannot be organized into batteries with weapons from other turrets (mixed or not).
Possibly outside the scope of your project, but a summary of bk2 crew requirements would aid clarifying ship construction for HG ships under 1000tn.
Launch facilities and carried craft. Is there assumed to be a period before combat is joined, when small/carried craft may be launched? Or are all craft carried and only released in the first battle formation step. Meaning fighters in particular are limited by the launch facilities.
Boarding. The definition of 'disabled' includes, "not capable of maneuver". That means MD-0. What of PP-0?
Breaking off. Can a ship break off by Jumping when the JD, PP or computer are damaged to a point no longer capable of supporting the jump.
Battle Control & Repair. The section relates mostly to damage control during battle. Currently if you have had crew casualties, your ship is un-repairable, even after the battle when time is not so pressing. Can you repair a broken (not destroyed) JD after a battle to facilitate limping to the nearest port.
Hmmm, I should stop picking up the rule book...