I don't think the variant explanation is going to work this time and it will take me a bit to explain why, so grab something to drink and settle in.
Dang nabbit, I already owe you one beer. This one's on you this time. That's two beer.
Mongoose has allowed sub-1000 dTonners to carry bays [...] changing one part has all sorts of follow on effects to the others. And when you change multiple parts, the synergy produces even greater effects. [...]
Let's drop the Broadsword example and use the humble 400 dTon patrol cruiser instead. It's an actual warship with a well defined role, so we can examine whether role variants can plausibly explain the results of the new design system(1).
Semantics. It's a poor excuse for a warship, along the lines of a hobbled Gazelle. But let's proceed. As for role, I suppose its role is "patrol". I.E. it's not a combatant. But of course its real role we both know: civilian patrol and anti-piracy.
Our Mongoose patroller can now mount a bay weapon. As you correctly point out, that will require a certain volume, a volume that needs to be made up elsewhere. What you're assuming is that there aren't other volume savings in the Mongoose design process when compared to the HG2 process.
Ah, well of course you're quite right, but I'd say that the fundamental incompatability is the treatment of energy, like Aramis has been saying. Also note that the power plants and jump drives are larger than in High Guard, which shifts us back towards parity.
Now I already knew that Agility is gone. I note that the power plant may therefore be small. However as I never wargamed with HG, much less MGT, I leave that concern to you and others. And thus I am blissfully stuck in a roleplaying environment.
I agree that power is an unhandled issue, and we don't need EPs to deal with it (though agility probably is needed). But I still think that bay weapons is a red herring.
So, without energy points power plants - and the fuel they require - suddenly got much smaller for any given design. Build the classic 4gee/jump4/agility 4 patrol cruiser and build the Mongoose version and you'll have very different power plant and power plant fuel tonnages.
Frankly, all of this concerns the Patrol Cruiser not a bit, so I remain steadfast in stating, poo. But, I also understand that my head is firmly buried in the sand of Book 2, rather than High Guard, and I understand the problems that MGT is now causing for HG.
We're looking at a change as great as that between LBB:2 and HG2.
Well, there's your problem: you think the Patrol Cruiser is better off as a HG design.
It may be very worth our while to redesign all those pre-MgT vessels. However, that means the work will have to be done and, when the work is over, the pre-MgT will be essentially worthless. They'll be undergunned and will be carrying larger power plants to produce an ability which is no longer used.
I suppose in that case we'd no longer have a need for them, either, much like High Guard players have no need for Book 2 designs. So High Guard has been superseded, much like Book 2 was betrayed by High Guard.

And so the wheel turns.
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