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CT Only: Fuel purification for drop, collapsible, and demountable tanks

Early evening PST everyone,

Thanks Vladika and Hans, aka rancke, for clarifying that Classic Traveller is the rule set and the Classic Era is a setting. Would the Classic Era be something like the T4 setting?

Thanks Mike Wightman for the lead about Tukera and the use of drop tanks is in JTAS 2. I have the three soft cover set of the JTAS Reprints, unfortunately I haven't read them all yet. Looks like I'll have to get started. Hans I now see why Tukera Lines might be considered as having the patent.

Mike per the article on the Gazelle by Marc W. Miller in JTAS 4 pages 14-21 the hull is a combination of Book 2 and as you suggest that the HG design sequence used was from HG1 1979.

Vladika, the date I have in my 2 LBB and FFE book for HG2 is 1980, but I maybe out of date with the books.;)

Back to trying to see what a Zhodani 600-ton Escort would work out to be using Book 2 Drives under HG2 design.
Thanks Mike Wightman for the lead about Tukera and the use of drop tanks is in JTAS 2. I have the three soft cover set of the JTAS Reprints, unfortunately I haven't read them all yet. Looks like I'll have to get started. Hans I now see why Tukera Lines might be considered as having the patent.

JTAS 2 page 5 (looked it up)

Vladika, the date I have in my 2 LBB and FFE book for HG2 is 1980, but I maybe out of date with the books.;)

You are correct. I rattled it off from memory and that's no longer such a good idea.:(
JTAS 2 page 5 (looked it up)

Once again someone had to take up the slack for something I thought I had typed. I really thought I had entered the page along with the JTAS issue.

Thanks for covering for me Vladika.;)

You are correct. I rattled it off from memory and that's no longer such a good idea.:(

I'll blame the keyboard, mine has a tendency to swap keys now and again. :rolleyes:
Hello Vladika,

That's my excuse next time then.;)

BTW Which Zho 600dt ship are you working on?

Shivva-class Patrol Frigate?
Shalis-class Patrol Corvette?


I'm bored and don't mind some digging.

I am always willing to provide an explanation on such matters, since I frequently have the same problem. Of course I also blame web gremlins for a lot of things.;)

The 600-ton Zhodani Escort from Classic Traveller (CT) Alien Module (AM) 4 pages 40-41. I picked the hull based on the jump drive capability as the ship which Gvurrdon encountered per the adventure in CT Alien Module 3 Vargr. I ran the CT AM 4 600-ton Zhodani Escort design through HG2 and was way off, then I went to Book 2 which with the exception of the price matched. Now I've gone back to HG2 and I am substituting Book 2 drives and crew rules, per HG2 rules on page 22 and 32.

I tried inserting them into a HG2 ship design I created a while back and finally gave up when I kept breaking things. I started from scratch.
Hey gang,

A bit off topic, but have you been getting notifications for topics you are tracking?

Over the past couple of days the only way I know about replies is when I check the forums. I've contacted the COTI staff and my little issue is being worked on.

Anymore information of fuel purification, drop, collapsible, and demountable tanks?
. . .Thanks Vladika and Hans, aka rancke, for clarifying that Classic Traveller is the rule set and the Classic Era is a setting. Would the Classic Era be something like the T4 setting?. . .
I believe Classic Era is the stuff generally outlined in the Classic Rules, so Rancke's statements about Apples & Oranges is maybe a little misleading. It isn't completely inaccurate, however, as you can certainly play a game in the 'Classic Era' using the rules for TNE, T4, T5, HERO games, GURPS, FATE, or whatever system you liked.

One issue with 'Classic Era' however is that it wasn't static. As people are pointing out there were various 'news articles' in JTAS that talked about the developing universe. Pretty much everyone agrees that if you are playing Classic Era then you are talking about before the assassination/attempted assassination of Emperor Strephon but there can be some debate as to exactly how far back you are talking.
. . .Thanks Vladika and Hans, aka rancke, for clarifying that Classic Traveller is the rule set and the Classic Era is a setting. Would the Classic Era be something like the T4 setting?. . .
I believe Classic Era is the stuff generally outlined in the Classic Rules, so Rancke's statements about Apples & Oranges is maybe a little misleading. It isn't completely inaccurate, however, as you can certainly play a game in the 'Classic Era' using the rules for TNE, T4, T5, HERO games, GURPS, FATE, or whatever system you liked.

One issue with 'Classic Era' however is that it wasn't static. As people are pointing out there were various 'news articles' in JTAS that talked about the developing universe. Pretty much everyone agrees that if you are playing Classic Era then you are talking about before the assassination/attempted assassination of Emperor Strephon but there can be some debate as to exactly how far back you are talking.
Howdy SpaceBadger,

:oo: Did I misjump from Traveller to 1889? I am really going to have stop using refined fuel.

Sorry, y'all. That was supposed to be a PM to Vladika. I have no idea how it got in this thread. :confused: :o

EDIT: Oh, now I see. I was quoting something from Vladika, to paste into a PM, and I goofed and posted in thread instead. Apologies to all, please continue your discussion. :D

Evening SpaceBadger,

Sorry, y'all. That was supposed to be a PM to Vladika. I have no idea how it got in this thread. :confused: :o

EDIT: Oh, now I see. I was quoting something from Vladika, to paste into a PM, and I goofed and posted in thread instead. Apologies to all, please continue your discussion. :D


No problem you just added a bit more confusion to my normal state of confusion.
Howdy esampson,

I believe Classic Era is the stuff generally outlined in the Classic Rules, so Rancke's statements about Apples & Oranges is maybe a little misleading. It isn't completely inaccurate, however, as you can certainly play a game in the 'Classic Era' using the rules for TNE, T4, T5, HERO games, GURPS, FATE, or whatever system you liked.

One issue with 'Classic Era' however is that it wasn't static. As people are pointing out there were various 'news articles' in JTAS that talked about the developing universe. Pretty much everyone agrees that if you are playing Classic Era then you are talking about before the assassination/attempted assassination of Emperor Strephon but there can be some debate as to exactly how far back you are talking.

My best guess is that the "Classic Era", now that I know the difference, is sometime at the end of the T4 timeline which, if I'm reading the Integrated Timeline correctly would be somewhere near the middle of Imperial calendar between the year 0 (zero) and the alleged assassination or attempted assassination of Emperor Strephon. My reason for this is that would be, in my opinion, when the Third Imperium was the most stable. Of course I could be wrong.
Eras of the 3rd Imperium onward

Howdy esampson,

My best guess is that the "Classic Era", now that I know the difference, is sometime at the end of the T4 timeline which, if I'm reading the Integrated Timeline correctly would be somewhere near the middle of Imperial calendar between the year 0 (zero) and the alleged assassination or attempted assassination of Emperor Strephon. My reason for this is that would be, in my opinion, when the Third Imperium was the most stable. Of course I could be wrong.

In the broadest possible sense, I would say that the Classic Era is from 1002 (end of the Solomani Rim War, when the Imperium was beginning to achieve TL15) to the beginning of the Rebellion (1115/1116).

In the restricted sense it is the Milieu 1100-1115 Campaign.

Eras of the 3rd Imperium onward:

Milieu 0 ==> Year 000-200
(Pacification Campaigns ==> 076-120)
1st Frontier War ==> 589-604
2nd Frontier War / Civil War ==> 604-620
Psionics Suppressions ==> 800-826
3rd Frontier War & Solomani Rim War ==> 979-986 & 990-1002
Classic Era (4th & 5th Frontier Wars) ==> 1002-1115 *
Rebellion & Collapse ==> 1116-1130
"Virus" Era ==> 1130-1200
The New Era ==> 1200-1250 +
The Galaxiad ==> 1900 +
* - Note that during this era, the only "major conflicts" fought were the 4th Frontier War (or "False War") which was only 2 years and did not amount to much, and the 5th Frontier War toward the end of the period.

The Third Imperium was more or less reaching the "height" of its glory by the middle 800's thru early 1100's.
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Howdy whulorigan,

In the broadest possible sense, I would say that the Classic Era is from 1002 (end of the Solomani Rim War, when the Imperium was beginning to achieve TL15) to the beginning of the Rebellion (1115/1116).

In the restricted sense it is the Milieu 1100-1115 Campaign.

Eras of the 3rd Imperium onward:

Milieu 0 ==> Year 000-200
(Pacification Campaigns ==> 076-120)
1st Frontier War ==> 589-604
2nd Frontier War / Civil War ==> 604-620
Psionics Suppressions ==> 800-826
3rd Frontier War & Solomani Rim War ==> 979-986 & 990-1002
Classic Era (4th & 5th Frontier Wars) ==> 1002-1115 *
Rebellion & Collapse ==> 1116-1130
"Virus" Era ==> 1130-1200
The New Era ==> 1200-1250 +
The Galaxiad ==> 1900 +
* - Note that during this era, the only "major conflicts" fought were the 4th Frontier War (or "False War") which was only 2 years and did not amount to much, and the 5th Frontier War toward the end of the period.

The Third Imperium was more or less reaching the "height" of its glory by the middle 800's thru early 1100's.

Okay, my somewhere around the middle between 0 and 1115 is way out in left field but close enough for government work right. :rolleyes:
Hello all,

Thanks to all who have provided feedback on using fuel purification plants for drop, collapsible, and demountable tanks. Also for getting me up to speed on the Classic Era in the Traveller Timeline.

I have been pondering how to calculate the time a TL 13 purification plant needs to process 230 tons of fuels.

HG1 page 32 indicates that 1 ton of gas is processed in 1 minute and 1 ton of water is processed in 10 minutes. In 1 hour 60 tons of gas can be processed, while 6 tons of water can be processed.

230 tons of in gas skimmed from a gas giant takes approximately 3.83 hours and the same amount of water takes 38.33 hours

In HG2 the Fuel Purification Plant text p. 27 appears to indicate that the listed plant tonnage per the table on p. 36 is capable of processing 1,000 tons of fuel. Additionally the text states that the smallest size plant that can process 1,000 tons of fuel is one-fifth the size and cost of the listed plant in the table.

I am guessing that the 1,000 tons is the gas gotten from skimming the atmosphere of a gas giant and that the processing from unrefined to refined fuel is 6 hours. This equals approximately 167 tons of unrefined gaseous fuel per hour. In this case 230 tons of unrefined fuel would take approximately 1.38 hours. Using the information from HG1 processing 230 tons of water takes about 13.8 hours.

Am I on the right track for calculating the time needed to process unrefined fuel?