Because there are some ships which are specifically designed to require refined fuel precisely in order to make them less attractive to hijackers.Originally posted by Supplement Four:
Otherwise, if Book 2 did it your way...if all a PC had to do in designing his ship was say, "I want my ship to be built to use unrefined fuel," then why would there be a unrefined jump penalty DM listed in Book 2 at all?
Um, so, according to B2, how much do they displace and how much do they cost?The fuel purifiers in the military (and quasi-military) vessels make more sense than what you're proposing.
B2 is written B5-agnostic; nowhere in any version of B2 is there any evidence of the existence of shipboard fuel purifiers. They are a strictly post-HG artifact, but even later versions of B2 are BT-complete and do not require anything from later Books.
Sorry, but that's how it's written. Shipboard fuel purifiers just aren't there in B2, no matter how hard you care to look for them...