Just for grins, I thought I'd check a subsector and see how a ship with a 1G M-Drive would fare with the Escape Velocity rule.
So, I picked one of the most famous subsectors in Traveller. The Aramis subsector of the Spinward Marches.
There are two star clusters in this subsector that one would use a subsidized merchant. One, the Towers Cluster, is completely contained within the Aramis subsector.
The other, the Aramis Trace, has several worlds that stretch rimward down into the Rhylanor subsector, with the tip of the Trace even reaching into the Deneb sector.
Let's take a look...
I figure Class A and B starports have High Ports, so those will be no problem.
Size 7- worlds are small enough not to have a problem.
I figure Class C or D starports might have a High Port or some type of orbital docking facility (as described earlier in the thread with the 50 Starbases info). So, if a planet is Size 8+ with a Class C- starport, I'll note it. This is where the ship might have a problem.
</font><blockquote>code:</font><hr /><pre style="font-size:x-small; font-family: monospace;">Towers Cluster
Jesedipere No prob (Size 7)
Rugbird No prob (Class B) Amber Zone
Junidy No prob (Size 4, Class B)
Yebab Problem? (Size 9, Class C)
Towers No prob (Size 4, Class B)
Nasemin No prob (Class B)
Feneteman No prob (Size 2)
Zykoca Problem? (Size 9, Class X) Red Zone
Pavanne No prob (Size 2)
Aramanx No prob (Size 6, Class B)
Carsten No prob (Size 4)</pre>[/QUOTE]So, if you were handing out subsidies, would you grant one to a captain of a Type R Fat Trader that sports a M-Drive rated at 1G? What if it's 20 ton launch was only rated at 1G too?
It doesn't look like a problem in the Towers Cluster.
There are only two worlds that are in question. First Zykoca is off limits to this subsidized vessel. But, that's OK because Zykoca is a Red Zone anyway!
The only other questionable place is Yebab. Size 9 with a Class C starport. My guess is that there is a high port associated with that starsystem because it's only one parsec from the major trade route running through Nasemin and Towers, and the Yebab system does have a gas giant. But, if this world doesn't have a high port, it's the only market off-limits to the subsidized merchant.
In addition, the subsidized merchant can land on every world in its subsidy except for the affor mentioned Yebab, Rugbird, and Nasemin. Those last two worlds definitely pose no problem, though, because they definitely have high ports associated with their starports.
OK, let's look at the Aramis Trace:
</font><blockquote>code:</font><hr /><pre style="font-size:x-small; font-family: monospace;">Aramis Trace
Natoko No Prob. (Size 5, Class B)
Aramis No Prob. (Size 6, Class A)
L'oeul d'Dieu No Prob. (Class B)
Reacher Problem? (Size 9, Class C) Amber Zone
Vinorian No Prob. (Class B)
Nutema No Prob. (Class B)
Margesi No Prob. (Size 5, Class A)
Saarinen No Prob. (Size 5, Class B)</pre>[/QUOTE]This subsidy route (the one the March Harrier uses), isn't bad either.
The only place where there might be a problem is at Reacher. Again, though, since it's only one parsec from the major trade route running through L'ouel d'Diew, Aramis, and Natoko, you'd think that Class C starport would have a high port.
Besides Reacher, the only other worlds the Harrier can't land on are L'oeul d'Dieu, Vinorian, and Nutema. All three of those have high ports (and L'oeul d'dieu is a water world, anyway).
Again, not a bad cluster of stars to run your vessel with it's 1G M-Drive, or even it's 1G launch!
I don't know how representative this is of the rest of the Imperium, but at least for this subsector, having a 1G drive is not that much of a handicap.
It would be interesting to see how a 1G ship fares up and down the Spinward Main.