Yup. If presented with that set-up, my groups would have most likely boarded to survey it's condition, recover any body or bodies aboard, put the 'boat in a safer orbit if possible, and then reported their find to the authorities. My groups were never the murderhobos beloved by many players in RPGs, due in part because I imposed consequences unlike many referees in RPGs and didn't run cinematic games. They weren't above bending or breaking an occasional law, they just weren't going to steal the 'boat, use it to fashion an interstellar WMD device with an FTL 1000 parsec radius of effect, and then extort one trillion credits from all the Major Races.
Well, I mentioned it was before the war, but you bring up an important point.
Shouldn't the Imperium suspend or, more importantly, reroute x-boat links during wartime and when war threatens? If a Zho fleet is trying to take Efate, you're not going to go on pumping a 'boat a day down the Boughene-Efate link. Look at the system I mentioned in that blurb; Biter. Part of the Sword Worlds before the 5th FW
and a link on the (allegedly) only x-boat route between the Imperium and Five Sisters. The Imperium is going to "turn off" that route when the balloon goes up and setup others to replace it. The traffic management aspect is going to be a nightmare with 'boats piling up in some systems, not arriving in others, and purposely jumping to still other systems not yet ready to receive them. Jumping hither and yon to help sort out that mare's nest is perfect adventure fodder.