Star Cruiser is up on the 2300AD page at DTRPG.

Haven't bought it yet though.
Free book of the week is
BESM 2nd Edition Revised! ^_^

A very good generic point-based system that IMHO is like a streamlined GURPS* without the baggage and is very tweakable. Well worth the free download looksee. Don't be put off by the name or what it was designed for. Anime includes a wide range of genres. BESM 2nd Edition Revised is a better and cleaner presentation of the tri-stat system than the also free
Tri-Stat dX. The printed book is manga book sized, i.e. a large thin paperback so some of the pages may seem low on word count when printed out on regular sized paper. My only dislike about the Revised version is to save printing costs the originally color interior graphics were changed to greyscale but that works out ok on pdf.
JTAS has a well done adapation of CT to BESM,
Vast Imperium, Bold Travellers.
Personally I recomend also picking up the way cool Centauri Knights book for a Transhuman Space-like setting done by the same author. Big Robots, Cool Starships is for 1st Edition BESM and I think any rules in that book are in 2nd Edition Revised. I don't have BESM Space Fantasy (original Space Opera but there is this other RPG called Space Opera...) but it seems more of an overview and exploration of the space genre than crunchy bits. BESM Fantasy Bestiary is chockfull of racial and monster templates that could be very helpful for creating alien races.
[EDIT]DTRPG has also added a privacy policy statement and a response to common misconceptions on forums.[/EDIT]
As always, YMMV.
Casey (must finish BESM version of
Asu now)
* this is just personal preference and from someone who has a good number of GURPS books