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Good alternate systems for traveller

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The Thing

Traveller is a setting, not a ruleset, so people should be able to run it under any rules if they don't like the current systems.

I've always found the older editions of traveller to have too basic rulesets, so I never liked CT or the LBB era.

Gurps is OK with me as a system, but it is a little complex for some people.

I can't stand d20.(I don't like class/level systems, and the armor rules in d20 are so bad every time someone uses them an angel dies...)

But I think there's a "just right" system for people who want something more detailed than the original rules or later GDW systems but doesn't want to go as far as gurps or d20.

It's the EABA system by Gregg Porter, you find it as www.btrc.net and if you get it and the add-on for it called "Stuff!" you can do a lot with it, and create most of the things you'd need for a traveller campaign.

It doesn't seem to have a space combat system, but the same company makes a space combat system called "Slag!" that might do for a traveller space combat system.

Other than that EABA looks like it's a great balance between the excessively low res systems in early editions of traveller and the high end systems like gurps.

Plus it's armor rules are far better than d20's and it does not use class/level concepts.

You can get free samples of EABA and Stuff! at www.btrc.com, the sample of Stuff! comes with a spreadsheet that makes creating basic weapons easy and neat.

Also, Gregg Porter wrote a lot of things for T4. Now while T4 left a bad taste in a lot of people's mouths, GP wrote the books "emperor's arsenal" and "Central supply", the two best items written for T4.

It's a pity that Gregg can't get a license to do a EABA version of traveller complete with a ship construction and combat system, but most dedicated players should be able to improvise the needed parts and create their own EABA traveller system.

So, if older GDW editions of traveller are too simplistic for you and other editions are too complex or otherwise unsatisfactory, try EABA. There's a good chance you'll be happily surprised.
But I think there's a "just right" system for people who want something more detailed than the original rules or later GDW systems but doesn't want to go as far as gurps or d20.
That's right, there is, and it's called RuneQuest III! :D

By the way, you might want to fix your second link. You'd be surprised what you can get with a com instead of a net ... ;)
Don't know much about EABA. Always liked CT.

Systems I'm certain would work and that someday I'd like to try for Traveller:

Over the Edge RPG
RISUS (a conversion already exists)
My Life with Master

Sorry, Thing, but Traveller is NOT "Just a setting."

I'm strongly convinced that those playing non-OTU settings with Traveller rules are more playing traveller than those using the OTU with GURPS, Hero, or Storyteller.

And then there are people like Malenfant, for whom they seem to consider themselves to be playing Traveller when they use GURPS rules, with GT stats for systems, in non-OTU/non-GTU settings.
Please keep your posts about other systems and companies a bit less of a full blown advertisement please. This is a warning only, this time.

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