First, a praise: I actually liked the Muodray plot. Very creative, and a good change for the Droyne, which all too often are used as "the boring leftovers of the Ancients".
Second, as far as criticism of the book, it's a public forum, and books are critiqued by many, far and wide. I used the example of my having a playtest credit for Rof to show that I don't "hate all GT represents". Rather, I do like GT. In fact, I do like most of BTC. The world paragraph thing was annoying, but items like the point-to-point, and the subplots based on certain historical events was good.
However, some things lead me to believe that neither author had access to SMC, the post-FFW book on the Spinward Marches. For example, you've added a minor race at Retinae, and intimated that contact with this race is RECENT. However, SMC indicates that an imperial base has been at Retinae since the 550s, and at one point that region was part of the Imperium.
And, the addition of minor races where there were none previously in the Spinward Marches I do find annoying. It's the most detailed piece of the Traveller Universe, and you're adding stuff that isn't based on the existing canon, and then getting upset when someone isn't wowed by it?
Look: I understand you worked long and hard on the book. But not everyone's going to love all of it, and I'm one of them. BTC needed a longer playtest period, and it didn't get it. That's NOT your fault. But adding odd aliens where they weren't previously is. Sorry if I find that a major canon violation, but it is.
Traveller isn't Star Wars, the TAS is NOT a Cantina, and let's keep it that way, ok?