This project seems to have binned from the GT schedule altogether. Does someone knows what happened? Is Imperial Navy still likely to be published someday ?
A bit later he said (of GT:IN):Not at this point, although I hope to be able to say something about it (and a lot of other potential GT projects) within the next couple of months.
Not dead by any means. There are some things about it that are still up in the air, though, which is why I can't say much right now.
Unless Chris and I become co-authors or joint editors or some combination of the above on the book, our differences of opinion will not have the slightest relevance (And even then we'd have a line editor to keep us in check ).Originally posted by Hal:
For what it is worth regards to Imperial Navy - I would venture to guess that if the conversations I witnessed on JTAS are anything to go by, it will be a while, if ever, before IN will ever be out. Between Christopher Thrash's opinions/beliefs, Hans Rancke's Opinions/Beliefs, and a few other handfuls of people - there are a few serious issues that likely will be too divisive for such a project to conclude any time soon.
Playtesters generally don't allow their disagreements to affect their personal feelings about each other. There are a few exceptions, but not, AFAIK, many.Add into the fact that any playtest on such a book is almost guaranteed to cause some hard feelings amongst the playtesters - and I can almost prophesize that there will be "verbal blood" splattered.
Rather sad, and (to me) unexpected. I had no idea that you were taking things so seriously. I thought we were getting along splendidly. And I suspect Anthony, Chris, Jim, and Brandon thought the same.I've just resigned my JTAS subscription purely on the basis of disgust and personal animosity towards the likes as Hans Rancke, Anthony Jackson, Christopher Thrash, Jim MacLean, and Brandon Cope.
20$. And the rest of us paid the same for the privelege of arguing with you. (OK, strictly speaking I paid to read the articles and participate in the playtests first and messing about on the boards a distant second).While no one person is the major culprit of my disgust, combined, they all add to it in such a way that I had to ask "I paid how much for this priveledge?"
Fortunately Traveller has never gone beyond being a hobby for me. That is more than 'just a game', to be sure, but much less than a religion. Maybe I shouldn't speak for anyone else, but I've never gotten the impression that it was more than a game or at most a hobby for any of the others you mention.When Traveller reaches the point where it ceases to be a game and more of a religion - it is time for me to sit back and
A) Mock myself out.
B) Mock the high priests of the Religion out.
So it would be, if those were your only choices. Try door 3, 'Agree to disagree and move on'. Or even door 4. 'Stay and enjoy the fight'. If instead you choose the exit, that's entirely your choice.I personally think it is a major shame that I have to do either of A or B.
I don't think you need to worry. GT:IN will happen some day. It almost certainly won't be exactly what I'd like it to be and it almost certainly won't be exactly what Chris would like it to be, but it will be something both Chris and I can chose to live with, and I'm quite sure we will both chose to live with it.More importantly - I see it as a major reason why we may never see IN come out.
Frightening thought, that.</font>[/QUOTE]Isn't it, though?Originally posted by thrash:
</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by rancke:
Unless Chris and I become co-authors or joint editors or some combination of the above on [GT: Imperial Navy],...
Isn't that what we all do?The funny part is that during playtest I will defend (what I see as) canon to the death, but before it's even over I've already started to figure out which parts of the result I'm going to use IMTU, which I'm going to change, and which I'm just going to ignore.