First, regardless of any other factor, I freely admit my bias. 1248 my favorite era regardless of all other factors. Others may mock or poo-poo it, but I'm proud of my heart on sleeve. OTOH, I acknowledge the ... difficulties of it which I will get into.
Has anything canonical been written post-wave?
1248 isn't post-wave, is it?
at this time 1248 is canon. :CoW: The Traveller 5 Core Rulebooks clearly marks as one of the Important Eras of History (5.10 Book 1 p.13). That is the basis I go by (like my signature). Like many versions of the game there will be inconsistencies between versions the problem is the major inconsistency is a whopper.
In brief: The books chronicle history from the beginning of the Rebellion in year 1116 to current year 1248. It tied up various loose ends, created the 4th Imperium, broke up the Marches into semi warring factions (Darrians and Swordies are friends!:xh
. Also, Lucan's fate is revealed, the K'kree go jihad'ing, and Vland gets Scoured the Ancient's way. Some hate it, I welcome it.
Not sure when it's scheduled to hit. Zho's, Regency and the Marches are the first to be hit as I understand it.
Do the Zho's understand it? Are they going to try and "get out of the way" ala Puppeteers?
...And this is the reason it may not be canon. All sources acknowledge the Empress Wave hitting Spinward Marches around IY 1203. The disagreements are speed and deadliness which impacts the history before 1203 and after.
A. Originally, in TNE and 1248 books, the Wave moved at lightspeed (1 hex ~ 3.26 years) and wasn't so deadly. It disrupted psionics in Zhodani society so much to its core with billions upon billions fleeing and unable to describe why. Psions go insane, shut down, get a headache, etc. But generally, proles and other non-psions were not impacted unless the were under psion influence. But this would imply that Zhodane Sector is already suffering and has been since the 1080s. And the Vargr States, Julians, etc.
B.Newer sources, Mongoose AM4: Zhodani and the Agent Novel make the Wave MUCH deadlier, as to affect non-psions even grasses and such, at approx speed of 1pc. (hex) per year. This works fine for the coreward Vargr and Zhodani sector unpreparednes, but not history. The Spinward Marches portion of TNE books would be invalidated to some degree, as well as my beloved 1248.