• Welcome to the new COTI server. We've moved the Citizens to a new server. Please let us know in the COTI Website issue forum if you find any problems.

HGS version 1.30 build 1


I really wasn't going to do this, but in the process of coding v2 I found a memory leak. This is now fixed and thus v1.30 comes into existence.

The changes are as follows
1) Memory leak fixed (with extreme prejudice)
2) Full support for T20
3) Adds an option to fit as flagship. This firstly will add a requirement to carry the admiral and ten staff. It also allows the addition of a flag bridge (treat as a normal bridge but with a maximum size of 200 Tons) and a flag computer (a normal backup computer, only it also consumes power).

As per normal the release can be found here, on CT-Starships and at my site at Downport.

ETA: IMPORTANT: This version uses the updated v2 file format. Existing files will not open in this format. I will come up with a file converter shortly.
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