I forgot that I had even posted that stuff here.Originally posted by robject:
Okay, I've worked my way back to Dalton's post from October, and I think he's onto something.
I have run many a battle with the scale/factor mechanics, including the use of armor.
It is a fundemental part of my game mechanics that I use. It works and keeps the 'feel' of the game.
To re-iterate the final progression of the system the ships size represents it's scale, including it's ability to absorb hits, resist damage, etc.
All weapons battery ratings are in relationship to what sort of damage they can do to a ship of X scale.
Damage tables, similar to CT/Snapshot/Highguard are used, but, what column you use is relative to the weapon vs the size. If weapon = size roll on table 7, but if the weapon is one less than size, roll on table 6.
Highguard like armour values add to the die roll.
No need for hit points, or tedius book keeping.
So, the roll to hit, is one procedure, while damage is a second.
Combat turns vary in length depending upon range between sides.
Different weapons are valuable at different ranges. Making plasma barbettes popular with small fast attack craft that close range and use the power of the attack to cause potential damage beyond their size class, while lasers and missiles are popular for long range jousting.
It has been almost a year in playtesting. If I was a good writer I would take out a license from Marc and see if anyone wanted to buy it.
best regards