How's this for some quick-and-dirty squadron-level combat rules?
Squadron ratings for TRAVELLER
Squadrons are rated for their Jump ability, Attack, and Defense.
Basing squadrons on HG ships.
The squadron Jump rating is equal to the Jump drive rating.
If the ships have meson guns, the Attack rating is based on the number and size of meson guns in the squadron.
- Meson spinals of A-J are 0.5 Attack points each.</font>
- Meson spinals of K+ are 1.0 Attack points each.</font>
If the ships do not have meson guns, the Attack rating is based on the percentage of missile bays or missile turrets. If less than 33% of the possible hardpoints are taken up by missile weapons the Attack rating is zero, if 33% or more of the hardpoints are used for missiles the Attack rating is 1, and if 67% or more of the possible hardpoints are taken up with missile weapons, the Attack rating is 2.
The defense rating is based on the size of the ships: every 200,000 tons of capital ship displacement in the squadron gets one Defense point. There is a minimum of 0.5 Defense point for every capital ship hull, regardless of the total tonnage. To keep squadrons to a reasonable size, the maximum number of capital ships in one squadron is 8, and the maximum possible Defense rating is 10. Round all ratings down.
Ships that lack defenses will have modifiers that affect their performance in combat. These modifiers affect the combat die roll and are cumulative. This modifier is shown in parentheses next to the Defense rating, like this 8(-2)
</font><blockquote>code:</font><hr /><pre style="font-size:x-small; font-family: monospace;">Condition Modifier
Agility 2- -2
Agility 4- -1
Armor 3- -3
Armor 10- -2
Armor 13- -1
Nuke damper 3- -2
Nuke damper 6- -1
Meson screen 3- -2
Meson screen 6- -1
Computer 3- -2
Computer 6- -1</pre>[/QUOTE]So, a squadron of 4 Tigress-class SDs would have ratings of:
Jump 4
Attack 4
Defense 10(0)
A squadron of eight Atlantic CRs would have:
Jump 4
Attack 8
Defense 4(-3)
Carried craft (battle riders) are rated separately from their tenders.
Combat resolution
Squadrons fire on opposing squadrons. Each player will take turns being attacked. The player under attack lines up his squadrons into a "line of battle" and a "reserve. "Every enemy squadron in the line of battle must be engaged by one friendly squadron before multiple squadrons may engage a single enemy squadron in the line of battle or engage an enemy squadron in reserve. All fire is simultaneous and all shots are resolved before any damage takes effect.
Squadrons roll a number of d6 equal to their Attack rating. If multiple squadrons are firing their Attack dice are added together. All of the Attack dice being fired at a single target squadron are rolled at once. The defending squadron then rolls a number of d6 equal to its Defense rating. Subtract any defense modifiers from every Defense die rolled. Each modified Defense die that is greater than or equal to an Attack die stops that Attack die from doing damage. Every Attack die that is not stopped does one point of damage to the defending squadron. Any Attack die that is a "6" and is not stopped does two points of damage to the defending squadron.
Squadrons may take damage equal to their Defense rating. When they take one more damage point than their Defense rating the squadron is destroyed. Each point of damage taken reduces the squadron's Jump, Attack and Defense ratings by one point.
Squadrons in reserve may launch and recover carried craft, perform damage control and may Jump out of combat.
Carried craft may only be launched by squadrons in the reserve. All carried craft may be launched at once, and may immediately enter the line of battle. Carried craft that wish to be recovered must spend one turn in the reserve before being recovered. If they wish to be recovered tat turn they may not fire (if they do fire, they cannot be recovered that turn) and if they are fired upon and do not return fire (in their attempt to be recovered) they receive a -2 combat modifier to their Defense rolls in addition to any pre-existing combat modifiers.
Damage control is performed by rolling a number of d6 equal to the squadron's current Defense rating. Every roll of 5+ repairs one damage point.
Squadrons may jump out of combat from the reserve if they are not under attack by an enemy squadron that has penetrated the line, and if they have a current Jump rating of 1 or more. The squadron's current Jump rating determines how many parsecs the squadron may jump.