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HIWG CD Rights Question


SOC-14 1K
Does anyone have any certain knowledge of the copyright status of the material on the History of the Imperium Working Group compilation on CD? If the status is such that it would be reasonably easy to obtain permission to reprint/reuse the material, even if it contradicts canon, I would be interested in pursuing that route for specific items. If the rights are significantly tangled such that I would need permission from someone other than the specific author of the article, I'd want to know who to contact, and how, to determine whether reprint/reuse is a viable idea.

In connection with this, if you are the author of material on that compilation, I would very much appreciate it if you would contact me - just a ping so that I have a contact point for you if reprint/reuse proves a viable idea - off-list at editor@freelancetraveller.com.

I have posted this to the TML and to the Citizens of the Imperium forums. If there are any other places where this would be appropriate to post, please feel free to relay, or to drop me a note off-list indicating where. Please note that I read books, I do not Face them; nor am I on the littlebirdie thing (the board censors tee-doubleyou-eye-tee), so those are places where I would ask people to relay.
Does anyone have any certain knowledge of the copyright status of the material on the History of the Imperium Working Group compilation on CD? If the status is such that it would be reasonably easy to obtain permission to reprint/reuse the material, even if it contradicts canon, I would be interested in pursuing that route for specific items. If the rights are significantly tangled such that I would need permission from someone other than the specific author of the article, I'd want to know who to contact, and how, to determine whether reprint/reuse is a viable idea.

In connection with this, if you are the author of material on that compilation, I would very much appreciate it if you would contact me - just a ping so that I have a contact point for you if reprint/reuse proves a viable idea - off-list at editor@freelancetraveller.com.

I have posted this to the TML and to the Citizens of the Imperium forums. If there are any other places where this would be appropriate to post, please feel free to relay, or to drop me a note off-list indicating where. Please note that I read books, I do not Face them; nor am I on the littlebirdie thing (the board censors tee-doubleyou-eye-tee), so those are places where I would ask people to relay.

The other day I noticed that an old acquaintance, Dillon Burke, has an account on rpg.net (The Big Purple) and still appears to be actively posting there. He was active in the HIWG at one point. If you reach out to him he may know where to point you.
Mike Mikesh was the keeper of the HIWG CD after Clay Bush passed, I think, but I haven't heard from Mike in years.

The only person with a large body of HIWG work who expressly did not want his material shared was Clay, I think, though several others pulled their work or withdrew concept papers that became incompatible with the growing details of the setting. Clay complicated things a bit with his management of the file library when it was still on GEnie, as I know a number of SEC files generated by others were uploaded by him (after he "checked" them) with his standard GEnie file header which claimed he was the author. The file itself sometimes corrected that, but not always, and those files with the GEnie headers often went straight to the CD. A mild annoyance until Clay issued his "my works die with me" statement.