Well, I like a. Lot of crunch, as long as it is logical and the gm can handle it. I started out as a wargaamer after all. And I gm HackMaster...
This post got me thinking of a poll. For me, I started out as a wargamer as well, but nowdays, doing things online, the more streamlined the better, because it takes way more work for the GM to explain the crunch. I know that when I was younger, I liked more crunch as well, until about the middle of getting my degree in mechanical engineering; there I must have reached an apex, as I have been slowly move towards: "Whatever, I just shoot it" playing style. Too much making spreadsheets and doing calcs in real life; a lot of the crunch I also see as not making a huge amount of sense, and then I really don't care much for filler.