We'll be together for a week with our families ... he and I are both going to run something.
I would love to be able to put a positive spin on T5. Unfortunately, the MgT rules seem to be closer to the d20/Pathfinder rules that most of the people that will be playing are comfortable with.
If you're interested, Greg Lee's Cirque is out there.
Well, I ordered it, but it didn't come in time.

I was going to run a FASA adventure, because my brother hasn't read any of those, but most seem to be site-based with very little travelling. Instead I converted the CT-TTA characters for use with T5 and will run some scenarios from that. My brother has read parts of it, but it won't really matter. We won't have time to run the whole campaign.
I have come up with my own version of personal combat that I am going to try out. I based it on the d20SRD. If it works out, I'll post it.
My brother has an adventure for MgT from GKG (I think he said it was the first Clement Sector one) that he is going to run using the MgT beta rules. Hopefully we'll all have a good time regardless of the rule set.
So back to the purpose of the original post. How do we move things forward for T5? Is MWM looking for someone to take up some of Don's mantle? I don't profess to be as knowledgeable as Don, but I wouldn't mind helping if it means cleaning up T5 and turning it into a marketable game that attracts new players.
Baron Ovka