mike wightman
SOC-14 10K
I have to ask - so what is the ultimate form of personal protection IYTU?. Finally, there is battle dress the pentultiumate in personal protection.
I have to ask - so what is the ultimate form of personal protection IYTU?. Finally, there is battle dress the pentultiumate in personal protection.
I have to ask - so what is the ultimate form of personal protection IYTU?
Agree, and BD will be robotic too![]()
Wouldn't shimmersuits be the ultimate form of personal protection?
Wow! Yeah, I forgot all about them! Ancient artifacts right? Sure, I guess that would be the ultimate in personal protection if you could get your hands on one. I wonder how many the Ancients left behind and how many people know about them . . . .
I liked the idea of the personal shields like in the Dune movie with sting (Only slow moving weapons like a spiker or a blade could penetrate one of those shields.), because it gave another realistic reason for the continued mass use of blade weapons . . . aside from close quarters combat on ships during boarding actions of course. *Smirk*
I remember when I was a little kid asking my uncle if he had any martial arts training in Vietnam and whether he had to use it. Kids can be impertinent sometimes, I guess I was no exception. Anyway, his response was, "No, we just carried enough ammunition, so that they never got the chance to get that close."
Based on that, and some unfortunate personal experience I find myself challenged sometimes to present realistic reasons for the space opera look-and-feel that I want to give my game. You know? Boarders coming over with swords and stuff? I like that in my games.
I argued against it somewhere in another thread to find out what reasons if any everyone else used. Man, people get emotional when you threaten to take their blades away!
It just does add so much flavor to the game.
Thanks for reminding me about shimmer suits! = )
I have to ask - so what is the ultimate form of personal protection IYTU?
Shimmersuits are indeed found within Secret of the Ancients.
Don't have Secrets of the Ancients. Brief explanation of shimmersuits, please? I take it it's something like a personal cloaking device?
Anything short of a genuine anti-tank weapon can be shrugged off by Battledress as described in AHL, Striker, and their bastard child, MT.
Trouble with Striker/MT - what does a TL15 RAM 'grenade' do to BD?
What are the stats of a TL15 laser rifle?
But I'm sure you get the point.
Here's a thought.
Perhaps BD isn't about making the soldier more casualty proof but more about being able to carry more powerful battlefield sensors and weapon systems.
Infantry on a future battlefield really do stand a snowball's in hell chance against the direct and indirect weapons that can be brought to bear against them. Intelligence and mobility are the only way to avoid being a statistic.
BD allows greater sensor awareness, communication and mobility. The armour is just an afterthought really since it isn't really proof against equal TL weapons.
Now send in a squad of TL15 marines in BD against TL12- opponents and you have the man shaped tank...
LOL, I envy your collection; I no longer have GEV or Ogre. But still I have the boxed version of Starfire with all the fighter rules, too.
Now that we can leave OTU black globes and personal TU variations aside, I'd like to ask you all about one aspect of battledress - or 57th Century infantry combat in general - I believe has needed to be addressed for decades now: drones.
The picture of that nifty wargame collection triggered my memory of the "redheaded stepchild" of the Ogre/GEV family; Battlesuit. (This is a link to the Boardgame Geek page for the game.) Battlesuit focused on man-to-man combat in the Ogre setting. Each counter was one man, there were no tanks, no artillery, no enormous cybernetic killing machines, nothing other than squad of men in battlesuits going at it. I only played it a few times so my memories of it were vague.
I did remember the game's various non-traditional touches, like using points instead of hexes, non-phasing player interruptions, and strongly emphasizing elevation, but the major thing that I really remembered about the game was it's use of drones. There were three types drones that gave the controlling player various benefits like enhancing sensor rolls or weapon attacks. A player often had to choose whether to target opposing infantry or the drones they were using to pester him.
In the last decade or so, military forces around the world have rushed to deploy a variety of drones. Most are UAVs of some type or another in a wide range of sizes and capabilities. Many have been cobbled together from "off the shelf" components too. Given 57th Century power, contragravity, computing, comms, and sensor systems, combat drones in a huge variety of sizes and capabilities should be available.
(Of course, any system used in combat will spark the creation of counter-systems and a constant ECM/ECCM-like evolutionary spiral will occur.)
Information overload is always a problem, especially in combat. However, battledress, with it's built-in comm and computing capabilities, is ready made to help it's wearer handle the information streaming in from drones and other sensor platforms.
So, what sort of drones would a battledress wearer use? What would be their usual "load out"? How would that "load out" vary by mission? By environment? By tech level?
Hope to read all your ideas soon.