• Welcome to the new COTI server. We've moved the Citizens to a new server. Please let us know in the COTI Website issue forum if you find any problems.
  • We, the systems administration staff, apologize for this unexpected outage of the boards. We have resolved the root cause of the problem and there should be no further disruptions.

How Old Are We? II

So, How old are us Travellers?

  • 81 & up

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 71-80

    Votes: 2 0.7%
  • 61-70

    Votes: 10 3.4%
  • 51-60

    Votes: 86 29.3%
  • 41-50

    Votes: 153 52.0%
  • 31-40

    Votes: 21 7.1%
  • 21-30

    Votes: 12 4.1%
  • 18-20

    Votes: 4 1.4%
  • 15-17

    Votes: 2 0.7%
  • Under 15

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • "Age Matters Not"

    Votes: 4 1.4%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
"It's not a serious thing, but I know it puts me off, and may put some of the younger crowd off, but that's for you to decide."

some people like being serious. one of the features of traveler is it's not magical, it's supposed to be based at least somewhat in real-world science.

that said, there's no reason to take anything here as being authoritative or definitive. anyone capable of playing these games is capable of playing them their own way, and most do.
Cranky tone in the forums

I'm going to agree with others, that the rules should always be used as a guideline, to be trumped by common sense, role play opportunity, or any number of other reasons. The caveat, however, is that these on-the-fly decisions should avoid making the game universe unreliable--meaning, there are certain things players should be able to rely on, and too much ad lib, by-the-seat-of-your-pants play can undermine that.

But what I really want to point out is that the majority of the cantankerous tone in the forum tends to come from posts concerning canon in the setting rather than rules, in my experience.

And, as this is pretty much off-topic for this thread, I'm gonna leave it at that.

EDIT: replaced "characters" with "players" in the first paragraph.
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It shows that there are to many who have been playing since the late 70's and we need more new blood

I originally posted thinking this might be true, but after reading upstream a bit, it seems to be not as true as it first appeared.

I knew that the results here were less than scientific, as a) not everyone might be taking the poll, and b) bot every Traveller player participates on this forum. But I thought it might be at least a fairly representative of player demographics.

Reading earlier posts seems to dispel this notion,though, as accounts of Traveller being played during lunch breaks in high school and the like are relayed.

So, still not scientific, but maybe not as much cause for alarm. I hope.
You know, I'm going to actually chime in with a REPLY on this forum for once! Probably my first one. For the first point, I'm 21, and where I am, there is supposed to be a lot of interest in roleplaying games, but I can't say as I arrived yesterday. I know I've played several different games for the past few years, and while I like Traveler, and enjoy reading the material here, I think that there are a LOT of conflicting rules systems and a deep money sink to get into traveler in any depth. Personally, I like that (Not the money :( ), but it tends to scare people off, not to mention the fact that the lore is pretty deep too.

Welcome to the forums! Glad to have you and please, PLEASE play Traveller In The Way You Like!
There's a good deal of crankiness that flares up over certain topics...

TANSIS (There ain't no stealth in space)
Viability of Pirates considering TANSIS
Aslan female anatomy - specifically genitalia. I blame Kenji for this one.
Viability of electronic warfare in space.
Believability/Verisimilitude of Virus, and ways it might be made to work.
Edition wars.
Real World Politics (restricted to the pit, surprisingly quiet lately)
Religion. (So often a hot button that, other than its existence as a government type, it's relegated to the pit.)
Why we don't let people register using GMail/Hotmail/CMail/Ymail email addresses. (details below)

The mod staff do a pretty good job of keeping ahead of the heated versions, but it does get tiresome to see new threads with the same invalid arguments that were posted 15 years ago by new posters.

On the other hand, if you use google to seach the board, you can find many of those old debates and read them.

And then there's the variety of 10+ year old "X has a thick skin, so I can be a bit more brusque with him" interactions. Hans & I tend to be of that type. Cryton and I definitely are, and there are other similar pairings. Sometimes it's good natured ribbing, sometimes it's just too many years arguing the same things.

As for the GMail issue - many school districts are now using GMail for high schoolers - and my university does so for all students. So there are a lot of people whose primary is gmail. But GMail is also home to one of the largest collections of spammers around. Blocking new registrations cut registrations at the time by 30% or so ... but cut the spam registrations by 50%. Hotmail was next on the list, and a similar. So, if someone goes to register, can't because they only have GMail, then use the contact us link, as long as they're reasonably polite, I'll manually create the account for them using their GMail. There's no other way to allow individual one-off passes through.

I'll note that Yahoo.com isn't blocked that way. But they filter the spammers at their end, so most spammers don't even bother anymore.

We still get between 5 and 40 new registrations per day. Typically, most of them lurk for a while. I only purge spammer accounts and accounts which failed email verification, tho. I manually create 1-4 accounts per month, and switch 0-2 per month over to "banned" email services. The ban prevents the user from being created with accounts on that domain, and prevents users from changing their own email in their profile to it, but mods and admins can force it through in the administration tools. So, if you need your account switched to your GMail, private message any admin with the current, the requested, and be prepared to wait up to a week. The admin will probably send you an email from their personal account just to verify it's a valid address.
uh ... I haven't seen this one, and I'm glad, and I hope to continue to not see it. ever.

As a personal grooming style, the Brazilian was never popular in the Hierate.

As for the GMail issue

Thanks for that info. I think I am registered using a work email address and that email is finally disappearing (years after the company was on-sold) so I may have to avail myself of your admin services sooner rather than later as I have a gmail account as well.
uh ... I haven't seen this one, and I'm glad, and I hope to continue to not see it. ever.

If you look far enough back, the key phrase to search for is "Comfortable Shoes"...

I Think it was mostly warped senses of humor...
Spoiler contains links to several threads with references

It was something COTI inherited from the TML...
As a personal grooming style, the Brazilian was never popular in the Hierate.

Thanks for that info. I think I am registered using a work email address and that email is finally disappearing (years after the company was on-sold) so I may have to avail myself of your admin services sooner rather than later as I have a gmail account as well.

No problem. PM an admin when you want it changed.
I think, by observation more than personal opinion, that the split amongst the Traveller community comes simply by way of those whom take canon to be accepted and never questioned and those who seek a bit of leeway in regards to such.

No wrong or right there, just everyone has their own playing-GMing styles which best suit their particular tastes.

Traveller is a grand buffet in general, something to be enjoyed by all that sup at such.
That was exactly my thought when I saw the results of this poll :(

Note that COTI isn't representative of other sites with Traveller content. A lot of now-30-somethings stopped participating here during a schism about 10 years ago; they formed their own board.

Likewise, a lot of people new to Traveller hit Mongoose's boards, not here. Some don't know about here, others presume it's just legacy support.

Traveller gets some discussion on RPGGeek, some on EnWorld, some on SJG... and the average age varies widely.

There are also Facebook and Google Plus discussion groups, and the age range varies a lot more than here.

There are a large number of 20-somethings who read but don't post.
And, obviously, haven't voted yet.

It's not as bad as it might seem.
I'm kind of sad to see so many lurkers and so few posting. I'm no expert by a long shot but I feel if I don't participate how will I have any influence on what I would like to see or how I learn from mistakes that others catch. And I'm no extrovert by any means but when it comes to Traveller I want my 2 cents heard at the very least.
No, no, to clarify, I'm not complaining about the realism and SCIENCE!, that's Traveler's main appeal to me. Although a lot of the tech IS fictional... come on... jump grids, M-drives, contragravity, black globes, psionics... , it tends to be TREATED as if it was real science. The thing that gets me is when people (mostly on this forum) get hung up on rules that have NOT been fully tested in every situation not applying properly or providing nonsensical results in one specific situation and getting in a long debate about how the rules must be carefully applied or that the underlying fictional "theory" must be changed rather than just houseruling an appropriate solution. That... actually doesn't sound so bad now that I typed it out in full.
yeah, some people are just like that. they need explicit universal rules and/or they like to argue something to death. it's cool, you can learn a lot from them.
I, for one, am thrilled to find a place where being 32 places me in the first flush of youth.


32 and a Traveller player? That's good to see. How did you get into Traveller -- or role-playing games in general, for that matter?