Kirk? Bah! No Trek in my Traveller, please.
As I see it, the Imperium is no more 'good' than were the historical Persian, Roman, Spanish, British empires. It's big.
It's really big. Sometimes its rulers make pious proclamations; sometimes they truly mean these things. That slavery ban had a lot to do with selling more Zhunastu megacorp robots, and scoring propaganda points.
The Solomani Confederation is really no more 'evil' than the Imperium. It's just different. It's a confederation of worlds, bound together by common heritage and a common belief in the destiny of the Solomani. The Solomani Cause is no more evil than Manifest Destiny. It has a nasty side, true. A small minority of Solomani are genocidal extremists, but most are not. The Movement is a big tent. Don't beleive
all the Imperial propaganda.