Or that Kinorb held out against the Vargr for quite a while. ...
...with word of the struggle not being released to the press even after the start of the war, up until its fall.
...Heya hasd a WTN of 4. That givers it a BTN with Efate of 8 (5.5+4 -1.5 for distance), which give it 500-1000 dT of freight and 10-50 passengers every week. ...
Whup, you're right. Efate has a high BTN with a lot of worlds in that area, basically the hub of a whole lotta spokes. Of course, that's 7 parsecs off, so Heya still has to go through some intermediary, which means a jump-2 to Kinorb and a jump-5 to Efate or a jump 5 to Boughene and a jump-2 to Efate - more likely Kinorb since it's both higher pop and closer than Boughene, so Heya already has more business heading that way. Which leaves us debating whether Kinorb connects straight to Efate or goes indirect via Boughene.
That would certainly be an interesting discussion but still leaves us discussing the
GURPS universe, and we've noted that shipping in the GURPS universe only costs a fraction of what it costs in the CT universe. Aramis' numbers show an 86 credit cost per ton for 1 parsec in GURPS and almost 600 credits cost per ton for 1 parsec in CT,
and he thinks the CT cargo averages a lower value, perhaps half the value of the typical GURPS cargo of the same size. For the customer paying cargo fees, GURPS charges from 450 to 700 credits for a 1 parsec jump (with the lower figure going to those who can schedule ahead) with cargo having an average value of Cr10,000, while CT charges Cr1000 on cargo with an average value of Cr5000.
That means the GURPS business is paying about 5% of the value of its products in a 1 parsec shipping charge, while the CT business is paying 20%. The point at which the GURPS business and the CT business are paying the same percentage of value of cargo is when the GURPS business is shipping 4-5 parsecs. In other words, the point at which the CT and GURPS business are incurring the same percentage of overhead is when the CT is shipping 1 parsec and the GURPS is shipping 5 parsecs.
So let's look at Heya in the CT setting with respect to that great trade magnet, Efate. 7 parsecs off, no way to do it in one jump. The options are a 2/5 or 5/2 and a 2/3/2. From Aramis' Book 2 cost tables, best cost for a J2 is Cr794, for a J3 is Cr1142.4, for a J5 is Cr3351.9. Cheaper to do a J3 and a J2 than a J5, so we'll go 2/3/2: Cr2730.4. That's the
cost, about 4.6 times the cost of a jump-1 trip. If we allow the fees to float (without which cargo doesn't go past 2 parsecs) and assume the captain is seeking the same profit margin, then the business is paying Cr4600 for the privilege of shipping to Efate. That's 92% of the value of an average Cr5000/dTon cargo - which is another way of saying only higher value cargoes are likely to be making the trip.
Question: at what range is a GURPS shipper paying a similar 92% charge? Answer: at about 23 parsecs range. In other words, a GURPS company is paying as much,
as a percentage of the item's value, to ship 23 parsecs as it costs to get something from Heya to Efate in the CT setting. The equivalent BTN for Efate and Heya in the CT setting is therefore 7: 50-100 dT of freight and 1-5 passengers weekly, and that's assuming the best rates in the largest (and therefore most cost-effective) ships.
Kinorb has a WTN of 4 and is 2 parsecs off, so GURPS BTN of 7.5 with Heya. CT expense percentage are equivalent to what a GURPS shipper would incur for a 6+ parsec run, so the equivalent in the CT setting would be about a 6.5. Boughene likewise has a WTN of 4 and is 5 parsecs off: GURPS BTN of 7 boosted to 7.5 because Boughene is extreme and Heya's an agriworld. Equivalent costs in CT would be what a GURPS shipper would pay for 16 parsecs, so again down 1 to 6.5.
So, Heya ships out about 10-50 dTons weekly each to Kinorb and to Boughene by way of Kinorb, and 50-100 to Efate by way of Kinorb-Boughene.
Kinorb, a bit closer to Efate and with an Non-Industrial hook, likely does a bit more trade with Efate than Heya. I get a 9 there, drops to 8 in the CT setting, which is still considerable: 500 to 1000 dTons weekly. That's enough to make a profitable monthly circuit between Kinorb and Boughene for a J3 4000 dT freighter (again assuming we float the charges rather than stick to the Cr1000/dTon bit). Kinorb is a smaller world than Heya but has the higher tech level to boost WTN a bit, is closer, and is a non-industrial world to Efate's Industrial, all of which makes it the bigger target for Efati goods.
...Assuming 400 and 600T freighters and liners, ...
Aramis shows that the cost for a 400-600 dTonner for a J2/J3 trip can be 50% to 100% higher than the cost of a 4000 dTon Book-2 freighter. However, we'll assume for a moment the little boys are struggling to compete by matching fares with their bigger brothers, just eking by and taking a little speculative trade on the side. That still only puts about 10 little ships a month on the Boughene-Kinorb run, and most of that cargo is trade headed from Efate to Kinorb via Boughene, or vice versa. More likely is one big boy grabbing the lion's share and a couple or three little boys sneaking in between his rounds to fill their holds with the "absolutely has to be there next week" trade.