1 Replace the dual laser turrets with triple turrets and optimise the layout / number of laser batteries and use the spare turret slots for additional missile racks or sandcasters.
Like most imperial vessels of this size, it's defence is not to get hit (high computer, + agility + small size) and then use active defences (screens, sand, anti-missile lasers) to stop the lucky shot that actual hit. Its the same design premise as the Fer De Lance, and Chry DEs and the valor missile corvette.
2 Swap the 3 air/rafts for another APC or a G carrier and military air/rafts
3) Major improvement - build another booster power plant in the hold to give you a bit more agility.
These are all reasonable comments. The problem has been that the Kinunir arguments have always fallen into 2 answers; 1. Redesign from scratch 2. Modify the existing design and continue building. The reason the argument continues is that its a ref's choice on how he/she manages ship design in the game.
In the real world we look at cost evaluations. As part of the analysis we determine if it's more effective, and less expensive to design from scatch. Start all over again or modify the ship. They did this when they looked at usefulness of 1940s battleships and older boomers.
In the Kinunir adventure, they didn't complain much about the hull, electronics, weapons suites... etc.. Most of the complaints were about the computer going nuts and it's multi-mission capability not being effective. Reasonable improvements in this case are acceptable. Go kill pirates, Zho spies, etc. When the changes are done can it take out a heavy pirate ship like a 1kdt liner or merc cruiser convert? That is when the rubber hits the road.
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