Wow am I ever late to this party! Belated thanks to Dave Nilsen for stepping forward and sharing all that you have in this thread. Like Aramis I'm one of those who railed against you in the past for your "obstinate silence" and refusal to "come clean," not realizing that you weren't doing so on purpose. If you were ever hurt by reading anything I wrote I apologize. Thanks again for all the work you did for Traveller when you were with GDW (even though I didn't agree with most of it then, and still don't agree with a lot of it even now, even after having read your clarifications and explanations -- I'm at least convinced that your heart was indeed in the right place, and that's what matters) and thanks even more for taking the time to share all of this with us now, so much after the fact, and in spite of so much scorn being thrown in your direction for the past dozen years.