Greetings, all.
I have not had the time to do much serious posting the past 4-5 days, but have been peeking in periodically just to see the state of the art. I was surprised to see the big surge in posts overnight last night, and thought I'd just pop up to say a few things real quick-like:
1. I like the campfire metaphor, and find that's kind of the way that it has felt for me, but Bill/Larsen found a good word for it. I have been up to my eyeballs writing proposals and reports and presentations and White Papers the past week, and also putting together my church's Christmas pageant, and trying to catch up on my sleep, so it was particularly cruel when my CPAP mask took it upon itself to break over the weekend. But anyway, I fully intend to return to answer the questions I haven't gotten to yet, and I am also jotting down notes on what I think of as "questions that haven't been asked," things that I think I can add some information to based on questions and discussions I've noticed in other threads on the board. As I've said, I get a lot of really good memories falling back out of my head while I drive to and from work, just mulling over things. These include things like "Genesis of the Star Vikings," "Hiver Manipulation and the RC," "Things I wish we could have done better," adding more detail to my last brain-addled Empress Wave post, miniatures, etc. I expect that I will end up posting these from my Dad's house over my Christmas vacation later this week or over the weekend. And yes, I do consider this to be fun work, so don't feel like you're intruding on my fa-la-las or anything.
2. I look forward to working with Martin on the 1248 material to the extent possible. I have received a ZIP file of material from him, and am awaiting a nuclear (as opposed to electronic--I admit it, I'm firmly addicted to protons and neutrons) shipment from him. I have not cracked the ZIP file open (
please don't hurt me Martin!

) for the reason that I will find that addictive and it will suck more time out of a pretty tight schedule I'm already running. So that's another thing for my Christmas vacation. Anyway, there is no question that this is Martin's baby, not only because he's been busting his hump for years to make it possible, he's the man with the responsibility, he's been getting stuff approved through our man in Bloomington, etc. A lot of the stuff in 1248 has been decided, but I anticipate that I might be able to help by adding some material here and there in areas that haven't been defined yet, or adding additional nuance and color to areas that are more decided. I won't know for sure until I get a chance to get in deeper, but I am not going to argue with Martin about changing anything that has been decided because it's not my place, and I am also not going to refuse to help out of some pout or snit because 1248 is going someplace I wasn't planning to. Life's too short, and besides, as I said in response to a question about "would you change anything," I guess I just don't see it that way. I look at what is there and say, "where do we take it from here?" I don't have a time machine, so I try not to worry about that stuff.
3. I am very thankful that Martin has had the devotion and determination to make 1248 possible, and I honor and respect him for that, and I owe him my support in making 1248 the best that it can be. I am also thankful for Traveller players like Bill/Larsen who are passionate about the game. I think I understand Bill/Larsen's cognitive dissonance about reading about "what Dave would do," and "what 1248 will do" in the same thread, and I also think that Martin had a reasonable thought to try to help people keep clear the difference between "Dave woulda" and "1248 will" so that readers don't feel like they've been misrepresented to. I think that it should be very possible for readers of the thread to track the difference between my accounts of "here's where we were headed," and Martin's periodic "just to keep things clear, here's how 1248 is going to have to handle that." To the extent possible, I am going to offer Martin whatever assistance I can with what I thought we'd do. Where that can be used, cool. Where that can't be used, maybe some of the ideas can be twisted and used a different way that can enhance the game. I will also offer any new ideas that occur to me that may have nothing to do with what I was thinking 9-12 years ago. But where I can be helpful, I will. Where I can't be helpful, I will not get in the way.
4. Finally, it's been a great deal of fun "coming home" to Traveller after my wilderness experience. I'm very warmed and touched by your welcomes, and more than that, pleased that my recollections appear to have offered you guys whatever pleasure that they have. I intend to be here for a while, and look forward to continuing to participate in something that will be as good as possible for as many of us as possible. P.T. Barnum observed that "you can please some of the people all of the time, or you can please all of the people some of the time," but he hadn't met Traveller players.
I think Traveller players are a little bit of a harder sell than your circus-goer, but even if you can't please all of them some of the time, or even a plurality of them all of the time, you at least have to try. We always tried that at GDW, and I know Martin is trying to do that too.
So I will close for the moment with,
Merry Christmas, Happy Hannukah, Joyful Kwanzaa, Cool Yule, or whatever holy day you may observe, to the entire Traveller Nation, and God bless all of you, all of you on the good Earth.
Keep the flame, just don't burn anything down.
P.S. I don't know what this says about me, but Erik Boielle has always made a lot of sense to me.