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(hypothetical) What would you ask Dave Nilsen?

Erik, you're making about as much sense as usual, but this time I think I know where you're coming from... and yes, there are prospects for a cold war and other problems.
+++++1) Was the full Lancer/Fusilier design completed? Was it to be based on the shorter Group III (Thunderchild) or "stretch" Group IV (Maggart) Clipper spines? This affects the overall tonnage of the finished design, as well as the effectiveness of the spinal mount (particularly for the Lancer's meson).+++++

Doesn't it say they are based on the long spines evolved via the streamlined late model exploration cruiser version?

Anyway, have you seen






which seem cool.

(And my artists impression of the Fusilier


which I still kinda like.)
Originally posted by MJD:
Erik, you're making about as much sense as usual, but this time I think I know where you're coming from... and yes, there are prospects for a cold war and other problems.

(There was a Days That Shook The World Gary Powers episode on, and I was reminded that I thought that was a great look.)
Originally posted by Larsen E. Whipsnade:
Mr. Dougherty,

However, during our guest's tales, you suddenly felt the need to post 'sneak peeks' of your work and What Will Be, peeks you had strenuously avoided during the past 2 years since M:1248 was first concieved.

Bill, aka Larsen
Mr. Whipsnade;

To be fair, several megabytes of 1248 playtest files have been available for quite a while now. And MJD hasn't "strenuously avoided" giving anyone access to them, by any means.

Mr. Nilsen;

After all these years, it's amazing to hear from you again. Much as I enjoyed TNE, I've got a whole new understanding of it now. And after reading this thread, I think I also understand a few things about 1248 quite a bit better too.

One thing I wondered about; (apologies if someone asked about this already) Did GDW have any plans for the future of the Islands Clusters in Reft Sector?

Many thanks,

It seems likely to me that the region would have received some kind of treatment. We're looking at the region in 1248 as part of the Spinward States book.
Greetings, all.

I have not had the time to do much serious posting the past 4-5 days, but have been peeking in periodically just to see the state of the art. I was surprised to see the big surge in posts overnight last night, and thought I'd just pop up to say a few things real quick-like:

1. I like the campfire metaphor, and find that's kind of the way that it has felt for me, but Bill/Larsen found a good word for it. I have been up to my eyeballs writing proposals and reports and presentations and White Papers the past week, and also putting together my church's Christmas pageant, and trying to catch up on my sleep, so it was particularly cruel when my CPAP mask took it upon itself to break over the weekend. But anyway, I fully intend to return to answer the questions I haven't gotten to yet, and I am also jotting down notes on what I think of as "questions that haven't been asked," things that I think I can add some information to based on questions and discussions I've noticed in other threads on the board. As I've said, I get a lot of really good memories falling back out of my head while I drive to and from work, just mulling over things. These include things like "Genesis of the Star Vikings," "Hiver Manipulation and the RC," "Things I wish we could have done better," adding more detail to my last brain-addled Empress Wave post, miniatures, etc. I expect that I will end up posting these from my Dad's house over my Christmas vacation later this week or over the weekend. And yes, I do consider this to be fun work, so don't feel like you're intruding on my fa-la-las or anything.

2. I look forward to working with Martin on the 1248 material to the extent possible. I have received a ZIP file of material from him, and am awaiting a nuclear (as opposed to electronic--I admit it, I'm firmly addicted to protons and neutrons) shipment from him. I have not cracked the ZIP file open (
please don't hurt me Martin! :eek: ) for the reason that I will find that addictive and it will suck more time out of a pretty tight schedule I'm already running. So that's another thing for my Christmas vacation. Anyway, there is no question that this is Martin's baby, not only because he's been busting his hump for years to make it possible, he's the man with the responsibility, he's been getting stuff approved through our man in Bloomington, etc. A lot of the stuff in 1248 has been decided, but I anticipate that I might be able to help by adding some material here and there in areas that haven't been defined yet, or adding additional nuance and color to areas that are more decided. I won't know for sure until I get a chance to get in deeper, but I am not going to argue with Martin about changing anything that has been decided because it's not my place, and I am also not going to refuse to help out of some pout or snit because 1248 is going someplace I wasn't planning to. Life's too short, and besides, as I said in response to a question about "would you change anything," I guess I just don't see it that way. I look at what is there and say, "where do we take it from here?" I don't have a time machine, so I try not to worry about that stuff.

3. I am very thankful that Martin has had the devotion and determination to make 1248 possible, and I honor and respect him for that, and I owe him my support in making 1248 the best that it can be. I am also thankful for Traveller players like Bill/Larsen who are passionate about the game. I think I understand Bill/Larsen's cognitive dissonance about reading about "what Dave would do," and "what 1248 will do" in the same thread, and I also think that Martin had a reasonable thought to try to help people keep clear the difference between "Dave woulda" and "1248 will" so that readers don't feel like they've been misrepresented to. I think that it should be very possible for readers of the thread to track the difference between my accounts of "here's where we were headed," and Martin's periodic "just to keep things clear, here's how 1248 is going to have to handle that." To the extent possible, I am going to offer Martin whatever assistance I can with what I thought we'd do. Where that can be used, cool. Where that can't be used, maybe some of the ideas can be twisted and used a different way that can enhance the game. I will also offer any new ideas that occur to me that may have nothing to do with what I was thinking 9-12 years ago. But where I can be helpful, I will. Where I can't be helpful, I will not get in the way.

4. Finally, it's been a great deal of fun "coming home" to Traveller after my wilderness experience. I'm very warmed and touched by your welcomes, and more than that, pleased that my recollections appear to have offered you guys whatever pleasure that they have. I intend to be here for a while, and look forward to continuing to participate in something that will be as good as possible for as many of us as possible. P.T. Barnum observed that "you can please some of the people all of the time, or you can please all of the people some of the time," but he hadn't met Traveller players.
I think Traveller players are a little bit of a harder sell than your circus-goer, but even if you can't please all of them some of the time, or even a plurality of them all of the time, you at least have to try. We always tried that at GDW, and I know Martin is trying to do that too.

So I will close for the moment with,

Merry Christmas, Happy Hannukah, Joyful Kwanzaa, Cool Yule, or whatever holy day you may observe, to the entire Traveller Nation, and God bless all of you, all of you on the good Earth.

Keep the flame, just don't burn anything down. ;)


P.S. I don't know what this says about me, but Erik Boielle has always made a lot of sense to me.
Originally posted by David Freakin' Nilsen:
Greetings, all.

I have not had the time to do much serious posting the past 4-5 days...

[etc etc]

Keep the flame, just don't burn anything down. ;)

Wow, that's a heap better "heal the rift" post than my simple "OK, everyone put DOWN the keyboards, and just back away slowly..." post was going to be. Excellent work, Dave - and a great attitude. I'm looking forward to what Martin & Co. come up with, and will be interested to see if I can identify any of the bits that you may contribute.

Everyone re-read Beowulf Down ==> Tavonni Repair Bays ==> Other Assorted Notes ==> Hyphen's Recommended TML Cool-Down Policy, again, OK? :D Laugh, be free.

I admit to finding the interjection MJD made a little odd, but I didn't attribute it to anything more than a gentle reminder as well as an opportunity for him to share a few insights into what is coming down the pipe (generate a bit of buzz and share some of the results of his labours).

I did think Larsen's reply was... a bit sharp. But I know Larsen and MJD have some 'history' between them that probably factors into that.

At any rate, I just want to say I'm interested to hear what Dave has to offer and I very much am also interested to hear what Martin has to offer (and very, very much wish to see what Dave + Martin might have to offer!).

One of the classic damnations of the CT universe was the lack of boundaries to explore (ignoring all the poorly explored and occupied worlds, of course...). The new format, with wilds, small PEs, trade lanes that are somewhat civilized, and further off spots... that offers exploration. Admittedly a lot of it might really be re-exploration as it'll be covering former Imperial areas, but so what? To the characters, it will be frontier. And that makes it interesting... and revised/shrunken polities mean that instead of realizing the Imperial Navy is the ultimate implacable force of the universe and you'll just have to accept that, you now have situations where a single cruiser or destroyer might just *be* a real 'force for change' if deployed to an outlying system. Shrinking the universe a little bit means the characters are (as a result) made a little more important. And that is good for the story. Of course, having enough universe to provide lots of gaming options and choices is also grand!

I might actually even be convinced to try to figure a way to migrate my current 1116 campaign to 1248.... (Hmmm.... jump drive accident? battle damage + cold sleep? who knows... we've got time, 1248 ain't out yet!).

Anyway, I agree with Dave. Everyone chill out, have a good Xmas, and a Happy New Year
Originally posted by David Freakin' Nilsen:
Keep the flame, just don't burn anything down. ;)

Crap! Well, I guess it's just as well, since I can't seem to find the bleeping IRS building.
I too have enjoyed reading what Dave has written about what might have been, and I'm certainly looking forward to 1248.

Thanks to all, and to all a Merry Christmas.
Whoa!! Sorry for a yet another "me too" post (I'm very late, I know). First Joe surfaces here and now Dave! Welcome Dave! It's been great reading your posts (and boy was there a lot to read). Me happy.

I must admit, my original feelings toward TNE (back in the early 90's) were much like others here have already described - not very good. It's hard to exactly pinpoint why, it was more of a gut feeling. I guess one reason was the Virus which I just didn't like and the great big "reset effect" it caused. Also, at the time I perceived TNE to be like Twilight: 2000 in space; I felt TNE moved Traveller from Hard Space Opera to Survival Sci-Fi, which bugged me back then. To add insult to injury, the MT task system (which I liked very much) was replaced by the GDW house system (which I didn't like). But enough of this griping.

Years later (and not that many years ago from now) I picked up TNE again and was quite pleasantly surprised. In fact I had a minor revelation. My opinion of TNE had been colored by my perception of what it was. Now, as I gave it some serious attention, I began to see why it was made like it was (and this has been confirmed by your posts) and how it offered many, many possibilities for all kinds of adventures/campaigns -- it was more of a prologue to a saga than an epilogue of one. TNE opened up possibilities, not crushed them (as I originally thought). Sure there were things I still didn't like, but so what, so did MT, but I never made such a fuss out of them, just changed them (that's what "IMTU" is for, eh?).

OK, enough of my rambling. In short, thank you Dave for coming back to the Traveller community and welcome!


I just have to join in again Dave. Your posts has been most amusing to read. Even though I am not heavy into the TNE universe I use the rules all the way (with a few modifications).

By the time TNE hit the shelves I was gaming far less than I used to. So I just read the books briefly. Just little over 18 months ago I started GM'ing Traveller again. Most of the discussion about Empress Wave, The Guild and other facets of the TNE universe has more or less passed over my head.

But when you appeared back into the Traveller scene, things changed. Now I am eager to bring my campaign into the TNE era. Allthough my players got a long way to go before they move into that story arch.

I think most of the initial resentment was the sudden change of campaign setting of Traveller, even though we had Rebellion to wear the Imperium down, there was no story arc to support it. Imperium was more or less "static" during the Rebellion.

Many other games did have some sort of "upheaval" but not to the extent that Traveller had. Major changes in Battletech for instancde introduced the Clans, changed the major alliances between the houses, but the game was more or less the same.

However as one mature, we players have had the help of time to get s used to the change, but also to understand it. IMO you did a great job Dave, and it was just too bad it all had to end before the loose threads could be tied up.

And welcome bacck =0)
Originally posted by Malenfant:
I got the errata for page 75 with my copy of FF&S (I bought it not long after it came out, IIRC). I also got a little errata booklet for the TNE corebook with it too, I think.
That was what I got, too.
Ah! I just thought of another question!

In an article on collapsing worlds in Challenge, some guidelines were given for generating worlds in the Hiver client states. I later used these guidelines to create my version of one of these states - the one in the Hinterworlds - and used it as a basis for a few games. The Hinterworlds, of course, had been published in an earlier issue of Challenge, so I had official pre-collapse data to work from.

My questions:
1. Would it have been likely for further details on the Hiver client states to have provided, say in the adventures that would have taken the PCs into Hiver space?

2. What did you see the Hiver client states as actually being? Were they engaging in significant expansion of their own, besides helping clear the trade routes to the RC? Were they totally dependent on the Hivers?

Personally, I found them a useful excuse for an RC Lite, allowing me to lift a lot of material, without having to buy into all of the RC's doctrines, policies and so on...
Just peeking in for some snapshots.

Somewhere someone posted questions about Lancer and Fusilier, and this was reinforced by the new thread about Belladonna. Honestly, I would be cautious with the armor numbers for Lancer and Fusilier in BR. Those were designed using a rough approximate system Frank designed, and I suspect they may have allowed him to pile on too much armor by not requiring him to focus on other elements. It was an article of faith with Frank that all starships would be able to float in water. He never really believed that you could heap up the bonded superdense so thick that they would not; I suspect that on occasion he did. I showed him a couple of times that we were getting ships that massed more than 1g per ml, but I think he thought I was a bomb-hurling anarchist.

If their short legs are a result of busting the thrust/displacement ton limit and going into the thrust/mass figures, that's why, and a full-up FF&S design would probably have caught that and held the armor down.

Don't have time to check, but that's my first thought.

"One of the classic damnations of the CT universe was the lack of boundaries to explore (ignoring all the poorly explored and occupied worlds, of course...). The new format, with wilds, small PEs, trade lanes that are somewhat civilized, and further off spots... that offers exploration. Admittedly a lot of it might really be re-exploration as it'll be covering former Imperial areas, but so what? To the characters, it will be frontier. And that makes it interesting... and revised/shrunken polities mean that instead of realizing the Imperial Navy is the ultimate implacable force of the universe and you'll just have to accept that, you now have situations where a single cruiser or destroyer might just *be* a real 'force for change' if deployed to an outlying system. Shrinking the universe a little bit means the characters are (as a result) made a little more important."

Yes! Yes!! YES!

THAT is what 1248 is about. Characters can captain their own fate, they can make a difference.
Yes! Yes!! YES!

THAT is what 1248 is about. Characters can captain their own fate, they can make a difference.
Hmmm. I could have sworn we had something like that in TNE... Too bad it drove GDW out of business... ;)

Hee-hee. Just playing.

Okay, here's a quiz:

The next term in this series:

"Yes! Yes!! YES!" is:

A. No?
B. YES!!
C. Yessss!!!
D. Yup
E. None of the above; "YES!" should have been "YES!!!"


P.S. I think it's B. That's my analysis, anyway.
Originally posted by David Freakin' Nilsen:
Hmmm. I could have sworn we had something like that in TNE... Too bad it drove GDW out of business... ;)
Well, yeah, ish. Somehow I think the TNE was necessary to make 1248. Here's why: 3I was a 'high point'. Rebellion was the start of the fall. TNE was the lower cusp of the parabola (well, maybe the Black Curtain and the breakup of the empire, but that never had its own game exactly... it was post MT, pre TNE). TNE for me represents the 'low point' that makes 1248 sort of possible - it represents a few steps forward from the TNE into the new rebuilding. Without TNE, it would seem like the low point. Without the TNE, it wouldn't seem like moving forward. TNE to me *makes* 1248 seem like seeing an upward trend. For me, TNE was the darkest dark, perhaps before the dawn, but still dark.

TNE is the thing we need to lend 1248 a certain importance as forward momentum in the human condition. (Sophont condition...)

The next term in this series:
I always hated series. I can't tell if that one is infinite, convergent, divergent, Fibonnaci's evil spawn, or something else. ;)

But I agree with the sentiment. 1248 is a chance for players to see the wider world that TNE (partly I think because of the game-time it was set in, partly due to the demise of GDW) didn't quite communicate. 1248 is a chance to offer the players the beginnings of a big universe, but enough unknown to address the stale, static nature of the 3I, where exploration was problematic due to everything already being mapped, etc. 1248 will probably have its own hiccups and never please everyone 100% (quelle surprise!) but it still seems to offer a potentially exciting blend of the new, the old, the large, the small, and the kind of place where a PC can be part of something larger than himself while still being a big enough cog to have an impact that really does matter.

Now if MJD would just stop exchanging sniper fire with Larsen and get back to the keyboard and get it out the door.... <*no, don't hit me... no ortillery please... I'm just kidding... really... don't send the Imperial Marines... pretty please?...>

Well, yeah, ish. Somehow I think the TNE was necessary to make 1248.
Actually I agree completely. It was just more amusing to me to play the role of the aggrieved "what am I, chopped liver?" guy.

TNE didn't have the somewhat civilized trade lanes and PEs that you could get to without taking your life into your hands. That portrait of 1248 is an excellent extrapolation of TNE. Although we were going to have the Regency and RC meet in 1206 or something, that did not mean that the areas behind those leading edges were even remotely explored, let alone incorporated. Like the US West. Sure, we had expanded from Maryland to Californiay, but all that stuff in between was pretty wild, and for a long time the quickest way to get there was still clipper around the Horn.
