Yeah, but weren't we still British then too? That's more of a 'civil' war thing, though I don't think General Brock and Tecumseh have got the respect they deserve yet from historyOriginally posted by LKW:
Invade Canada? Are you nuts! Canada is 3 for 3 against the USA . . . the last three times we invaded, we got our clocks cleaned (granted, the first time was when we were still British, but that still counts).

Besides, some Canucks like to think we burnt the White House. That clearly would not have happened without British Regulars. OTOH, you guys burnt York (now a bit of Toronto). I'm just wondering if we could arrange a repeat? We'll come down and burn DC, you come up and burn Toronto, maybe Ottawa too? We'd probably both be the better off... clear out some deadwood... avoid future fires... etc...

You get our actors, our musicians, our computer programmers and engineers, and our doctors. That's not bad. We get your tourists, your draft-dodgers (or conscientious objectors), anyone of 'alternative' lifestyle who wants to get married, those who like de-criminalized marijuanna, and your (watery) beer. And we've got Survivor-clones, sitcoms, soaps, Cops!, etc. from our brethren to the South.The plan now is to absorb you culturally and economically. And that isn't going too well either!
On the other hand, we have traded more useful things: We've got better butter tarts than your feeble powers can conceive of, we make a mean donut (I still think Tim Horton's donuts kick Krispy Kreme, but that's just me), and there's now a Canadian Single Malt Whiskey (as well as some single grain Ryes). OTOH, you guys have sent us some decent cars that aren't made out of plastic, that can plow through a winter, and you've sent us copies of a very nice constitution document. And probably, in all fairness, you've given a good home to a pile of Snowbirds in Florida.
All in all, I'm pretty happy we're managing an equal give and take. Except for the whole protectionism thing, but hey, who am I?