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Ideas for 2320

Perhaps a book similar to the Colonial Atlas, but please expanded a little more, to include the enclaves which were left out of the original book.
Originally posted by Murph:
Perhaps a book similar to the Colonial Atlas, but please expanded a little more, to include the enclaves which were left out of the original book.
And a discussion of all the outposts.
That would be a great book, and I would love to wrtie it. Just let me finish 2320 first...
Colin wrote about a proposed 2320 Colonial Atlas:

"That would be a great book, and I would love to write it. Just let me finish 2320 first...


Take great care about how much detailed information you decide to 'add' to both 2320 and any proposed Colonial Atlas. MJD's experience with 'GT:Behind the Claw' would be worth examining.

Mr. Dougherty and hi co-author wrote nifty little blurbs for each and every system in the Spinward Marches. Various worlds had been covered in varying depths before; ranging from single sentences to entire adventures, but no one had written about every world in the Marches before.

As eagerly awaited as BtC was; it had the GURPS-style system information after all, the level of detail in BtC caused quite a stir. In fact so much of a stir that the next GT Sector books; the already published Rim of Fire and the soon to be released Aldeberan, dropped the idea of blurbs for every world altogether.

As one of the more thoughtful critics of BtC put it, the blurbs contained just enough information to immediately invalidated 25 years of work in an untold number of personal TUs while at the same time containing not enough information to spin a decent adventure seed out of. His suggestion was to 'go big or go home', if you're going to mention a world, mention it real big so that the details you publish can at least begin to replace the details your publication will invalidate.

Now, all that being said, no matter what you decide to write or how much you decide to write there will be people bitching about it. It doesn't matter how great the material is, they're going to bitch. MJD gave us a paltry few new and nifty minor races to play with and they bitched about that. LKW added new stuff in GT:Humaniti and they bitched. MWM will add new stuff in T5 and they'll bitch. These folks are the type that if you gave them a million bucks, they'd just bitch about the taxes. You can't please 'em, so screw 'em and keep writing.

Please go ahead and paint in a few more sections of the 2300AD story. Just remember to leave some sections free from your brush so that others can paint too.

I'm already saving my milk money for 2320's release!

Certainly. One of my goals is to create more space to play in, not less. I don't want to invalidate 15 years of personal universe development, but at the same time, I can't (and won't) incorporate everyone's vision of the 2320 (2300) universe. Only a few planets are going to get any sort of in-depth treatment. There just isn't the space, otherwise, at least in 2320. But outposts and enclaves will get a mention, if only to give people an idea of what they look like, and what life is like in them.

LEW mumbled:

"MJD gave us a paltry few new and nifty minor races to play with and they bitched about that."


Phew, was that a stinker of a sentence! Let me elucidate further...

I used 'paltry' because MJD et. al. added just a few minor races in an entire freakin' SECTOR of space and some folks squawked. They were new too; thus enraging the 'If It Ain't In Supplement 1 Thru 13, It's Crap' crowd. I happen to believe they are also nifty.

Colin wrote:

"One of my goals is to create more space to play in, not less. I don't want to invalidate 15 years of personal universe development, but at the same time, I can't (and won't) incorporate everyone's vision of the 2320 (2300) universe."


You can't take into account the hundreds of personal 2300AD universes and you shouldn't either. As for the balance between old and new, that's a decision that is ultimately up to you. I also believe you will make a fine one.

And some people will still bitch! ;)

Larsen, still saving milk money for 2320
I do wonder - Is 2300 actually well enough known to worry to much about it canon?

I mean, I'm a pretty big scifi fan and I've only got three of the books for it.

I understand it didn't sell.

Now, I like it, but it is somewhat dated, what with the non-unified germany, nuclear war and just the sorta, er, British Army in Northern Ireland in the 1970's look to everything.

Is anyone really going to miss those elements if they go, outside of the mailing lists?

(Actually, thats much of its charm, like the europeans, but not EU being big helps with the nineteenth century feel, but, I mean, would anyone give a monkeys if people played around with it a little?)
If it were called something different, like Space: 2320, or something like that, no one would likely care. But it's 2320AD, and it's a licensed property. As such, you have to be respectful of the license, and the wishes of the license holder.