Sorry if I'm coming in on this late...
One of the points overlooked with "defense in depth" is the problem the Roman Empire faced. Before the crisis of the third century the Romans had a "crust defense" strategy with the bulk of its forces spread out along the frontier. This worked well for quite some time, but eventually the strain of maintaining overwhelming force along the entire border became too great and the Empire went over to a defense in depth strategy. This worked well, at least for some time, but had one problem. Due to delays in communications, it would take some time for the mobile field armies to deploy to face an attack. This allowed the invader to penetrate the Empire and meant that the fighting took place on Imperial territory.
This exposed the frontier provinces to repeated warfare and even if the attack was thrown back, those provinces still suffered from being fought over. The Limitanei could deal with small scale raids, but faced with a major attack they fell back to fortified strong points, sent for the Comitatenses and waited. The result of this was that over time, the frontier provinces got devastated by having repeated wars fount over them.
I know this is a huge over simplification but it does illustrate the most significant problem with defense in depth. Namely that the fighting takes place relatively deep in your own territory.
And it was because of that that they created the Limitaneii, crust forces used to delay the enemy while forces were mustered for a counterattack.
You also point another thing to be discussed: Frontier wars are always fought in Imperial space. Imeprium never takes the offensive, not even for a preemptive strike, while it's a known fact that is always better to fight in enemy territory, so civilian and infrastructure losses that always come with military operations are for the enemy to endure, not to you.
This, (IMO) points either to a political inability for the Imperium to begin a war with the Zhodani, or to a clear inelligence superiority for the Zhodani, wich is easy to understand for their psionic mastery (a good weapon in intelligence operations). What few psionic resources Imperium may have (IRIS if you play with it or some secret naval projects, AFAIK) are no match for the Zhodani.