SOC-14 1K
(continuing the theme of planetary culture driving imperial ...)
if the zhodani consulate is a happy police state, junidy is a happy concentration camp.
this is not to say that non-conforming judys are punished. they simply are guided. all judys wear monitoring and interaction equipment at all times - test subjects are being installed with the new cybergear - which reports on their location, physical status, mental state, and environmental interactions with other judys and the infrastructure of the planet, and guides them in making proper choices in pursuit of the chief programmer's plans. if a judy is not operating within parameters, other judy's simply will be directed not to interact with the rogue judy. doors will not open for him. the infrastructre of the entire planet will not respond to him. nothing will work for him until he returns to his proper parameters, designed for his benefit and the benefit of all subjects of junidy. conformity with the chief programmer's plan simpy is the right thing to do. it is the only thing to do. there is no other way.
This sounds a lot like the homeworld that my PC came from in the solo game that you ran for me 5 years ago, but I don't think he was from Junidy, was he? Although maybe that was the origin for ideas that you later used for Junidy?
EDIT: Oh, I see that he started out on Louzy. But it seemed more like what you later (in 2015) presented for Junidy.
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